If you want to use PHP's drawing function, you must first enable the function of this module. Just remove the comment in front of php_gd2.dll in php.ini.
Start drawing below:
Copy the code The code is as follows:
//Generate verification code image
Header("Content-type: image/PNG");
$im = imagecreate(44,18); // Draw an image with specified width and height
$back = ImageColorAllocate($im, 245,245,245); // Define the background color
imagefill($im,0,0,$back) ; //Fill the background color into the picture just drawn
$vcodes = "";
//Generate 4-digit number
for($i=0;$ i<4;$i++){
$font = ImageColorAllocate($im, rand(100,255),rand(0,100),rand(100,255)); // Generate random color
imagestring($im, 5, 2+$i*10, 1, $authnum, $font);
$_SESSION['VCODE'] = $vcodes;
for($i =0;$i<100;$i++) //Add interference pixels
$randcolor = ImageColorallocate($im,rand(0,255),rand(0,255),rand(0,255));
imagesetpixel($im, rand()%70 , rand()%30 , $randcolor); // Pixel drawing function
The above introduces the verification code is always wrong PHP verification code example code, including the content of the verification code is always wrong, I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.