Copy code The code is as follows:
/* Conversion between data types
* One is forced conversion
* setType(variable, type); //int, integer, float, double, etc.
* This function changes the type of the original variable. Use var_dump(); you can view the variable
* Using the (type) form before assignment will not change the type of the original variable
* $a=(int)"123abc ";
* $variable=intval(variable or value);
* $variable=floatval(variable or value);
* $variable=stringval(variable or value);
* Note: integers are in memory Occupies 4 bytes in memory 2.147e9
* Floating point occupies 8 bytes in memory
* One is automatic conversion (the most common way), variables will be automatically converted according to the running environment
* and variables Some commonly used functions related to types
* isset();//Determine whether a variable exists. If the value is null, it also means empty.
* empty();//Determine whether a variable is empty "",null
* unset();//Delete a variable
* setType();//Set a variable type
* getType();//Get A variable type var_dump(); Get the type and value
* Variable type test function
* is_bool(); // Determine whether it is a Boolean type
* is_int() is_integer() is_long() // Determine whether it is an integer type
* is_float(), is_double() is_real()//...
* is_array()
* is_object()
* is_resource()
* is_null()
* is_scalar()//Determine whether it is a scalar
* is_numberic()//Determine whether it is any kind of number, or a string of numbers
* is_callable()//Determine whether it is a valid function name
* Declaration and use of constants
* 1. A constant is an identifier of a simple value
* 2. The value of a constant cannot be changed after it is defined, nor can it be canceled using unset() or other functions
* 3. Constants can be defined and accessed anywhere regardless of the rules of variable scope
* 4. Constants use define("constant name", value);
* 5. Do not use "$" when declaring or using constant names
* 6. It is customary to use capital letters for constant names
* 7. The value of a constant can only be a scalar Type (int, float, bool, string)
* 8. Constants must be given a value when declared
* 9. defined ("constant"); // Determine whether the constant exists
* Predefined constants and magic constants
* echo __FILE__;//Output the current file name directory_magic constant
* echo CASE_LOWER;//Output fixed value_predefined constant
//This function changes the type of the original variable, use var_dump( ); You can view the variable
//Use the (type) form before assignment
$str="100.12345abc" ;
var_dump($a);//Output int(100)
var_dump($str);//The output value remains unchanged, "100.12345abc"
//If the string is not If it starts with a number, it is converted to 0
//Different types of operations
$sum=$a+$c;/ /The Boolean type is automatically converted to 1, and the result is 11
$sum=$a+$b;//The result is 110
$sum=$a+$b+$c;//The result is 111
$sum=$a+$b+$ c+$d;//The result is 123.34, because the floating-point memory space is large, and small memory is converted to large memory.
//Determine whether it is an array
print_r($a);//Print Array
echo $a;
//Define constants, use constants
define("home","this is a home");
function demo()
global $a;//Because $a is a global variable, it needs to be called with a global tag
echo $a;
echo home;//Constants can be directly accessed or defined regardless of the scope
//Judge constants Does it exist
echo home;
define("home","this is a home");
The above introduces the conversion code between data types in photoshop learning tutorial PHP learning, including the content of photoshop learning tutorial. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorial.