Recently, 502,504 errors often occur in the self-study IT forum (
Host: Alibaba Cloud dual-core CPU 2G memory
OS: centos 6.4 64-bit
Increase the size and number of cache files when nginx communicates with php-fpm
Static binding of 5 php-fpm processes reduces the cost of starting processes frequently
Use sock files instead of tcp port communication (local machine performance can be improved by about 10%)
Adjust the parameters of Nginx and php-fpm as follows
nginx.conf location section
fastcgi.conf Modify the content
<code>fastcgi_buffers 32 128k; fastcgi_buffer_size 128k; fastcgi_busy_buffers_size 256k; fastcgi_temp_file_write_size 256k;</code>
listen = /usr/local/php/var/ run/php-fpm.sock
<code>pm = <span>static</span><span># 静态绑定5个进程</span> pm.max_children = <span>5</span></code>
The forum homepage is about 30 milliseconds faster, and after 2 weeks of clinical observation, it has not happened again. 502,504 error
').addClass('pre-numbering').hide(); $(this).addClass('has-numbering').parent().append($numbering); for (i = 1; i ').text(i)); }; $numbering.fadeIn(1700); }); });The above has introduced the Nginx+php-fpm 502 504 problem, including nginx and 504 content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.