In the example of this article, we need to do an ajax multi-image upload in the wap station project. I made one with the js plug-in for your reference. The specific content is as follows
/* ajax 上传图片 */ var num = 0; // 点击删除图片 function onDelete(num){ if($("#"+num).attr('src')!="__PUBLIC__/Home/images/jiazai.gif" && $("#"+num).attr('src')!=""){ if(confirm("确认删除吗")){ $("#a"+num).remove(); }else{ // } } } $(function(){ $("#file0").bind("change",function(){ clickUpload(num); }); function clickUpload(num){ var imgObject = document.getElementById('file0'); // 文件对象 $("#yulan").append("<a+num+"' > <img+num+"' width='75' height='75' src='__PUBLIC__/Home/images/jiazai.gif'/></a>"); // $("#yulan").append("<li+num+"' ><img+num+"' src='__PUBLIC__/Home/images/jiazai.gif' /><a >删除</a></li>"); var getImageSrc = getFullPath(imgObject); // 本地路径 // 实例化image对象 var pos = getImageSrc.lastIndexOf("."); var lastname = getImageSrc.substring(pos, getImageSrc.length) // 图片后缀 if(lastname!=".jpg" && lastname!=".png" && lastname!=".jpeg" && lastname!='.gif'){ $("#a"+num).remove(); alert("请选择一张图片"); }else{ ajaxFileUpload(num); $("#file0").unbind("change").bind("change",function(){ clickUpload(num); }); } num++; } function getFullPath(obj) { //得到图片的完整路径 if (obj) { if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") >= 1) {; return document.selection.createRange().text; }else if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") >= 1) { if (obj.files) { return obj.files.item(0).getAsDataURL(); } return obj.value; } return obj.value; } } function ajaxFileUpload(num) { $.ajaxFileUpload ( { url: 'http://xxxx/updateImg', //用于文件上传的服务器端请求地址 secureuri: false, //是否需要安全协议,一般设置为false fileElementId: 'file0', //文件上传域的ID dataType: 'json', //返回值类型 一般设置为json success: function (data) //服务器成功响应处理函数 { var jsonText = data; console.log(jsonText); if(jsonText['status']==1){ if(jsonText['info']!=""){ console.log(jsonText['info']); $("#"+num).attr("src","__PUBLIC__//Admin/Upload/"+jsonText['info']); var images = $("#img").val(); if(images!=""){ $("#img").val(images+","+jsonText['info']); }else{ $("#img").val(images+""+jsonText['info']); } } }else{ $("#a"+num).remove(); // alert("图片上传失败"); } }, error: function (data,e)//服务器响应失败处理函数 { alert(e); } } ) } });
The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be useful for everyone to learn PHP programming. helped.
The above introduces PHP+Ajax+JS to implement multi-image upload, including ajax and php content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.