Traverse a two-dimensional array
<code><span><span><span><?php</span><span>$arr</span>=<span>array</span>( <span>array</span>(<span>"Volvo"</span>,<span>22</span>,<span>18</span>), <span>array</span>(<span>"BMW"</span>,<span>15</span>,<span>13</span>), <span>array</span>(<span>"Saab"</span>,<span>5</span>,<span>2</span>), <span>array</span>(<span>"Land Rover"</span>,<span>17</span>,<span>15</span>) ); <span>echo</span><span>"<table><tr><td>汽车品牌</td><td>库存</td><td>销量</td></tr>"</span>; <span>for</span> (<span>$i</span>=<span>0</span>;<span>$i</span><count(<span>$arr</span>);<span>$i</span>++){ <span>echo</span><span>"<tr>"</span>; <span>for</span>(<span>$j</span>=<span>0</span>;<span>$j</span><count(<span>$arr</span>[<span>$i</span>]);<span>$j</span>++){ <span>echo</span><span>"<td>"</span>.<span>$arr</span>[<span>$i</span>][<span>$j</span>].<span>"</td>"</span>; } <span>echo</span><span>"</tr>"</span>; } <span>echo</span><span>"</table>"</span>; <span>?></span></span></span></code>
Date and time function date()
Date and time are stored in the form of timestamps in PHP and can be converted into an easy-to-read format through the date() function
Syntax: date (format, timestamp); omitting the second parameter defaults to the current time
Format classification:
Other characters Such as -,.,/, etc. can increase the readability of the date
Output current date:
<code><span><span><span><?php</span><span>echo</span> date(<span>'Y-d-m h:i:s'</span>).<span>"<br/>"</span>; ehco date(<span>'Y.d.m h:i:s'</span>).<span>"<br/>"</span>; <span>echo</span> date(<span>'Y/d/m h:i:s'</span>).<span>"<br/>"</span>; <span>?></span></span></span></code>
Format of time:
<code><span><span><?php</span> ehco <span>'现在的时间是:'</span>.date(<span>'h:i:sa'</span>); <span>?></span></span></code>
Note: PHP's date() returns the current date and time of the server when the second parameter is defaulted, which may If the time of the client browser is different, it may be that the time zones of the server and the client are different
date_defaut_timezone_set() can set the time zone
In PHP, you can use the time() function to obtain the timestamp of the current time, or you can use the mktime() function to convert a certain date and time into a timestamp. This function returns the Unix timestamp of the date. A Unix timestamp contains the number of seconds between the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT) and the specified time.
Syntax: mktime(hour, minute, second, month, day, year);
PHP's strtotime() function can convert our readable string into a timestamp
The above has introduced PHP multi-dimensional arrays and date and time functions, including PHP multi-dimensional arrays, date and time. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.