The imagick part of the image library developed for Bone System supports gif and perfectly supports cropping, generating thumbnails, and adding watermarks.
Supports generating thumbnail images by orientation, such as:
// 把左上角优先 $image->resize_to(100, 100, 'north_west'); // 右边优先 $image->resize_to(100, 100, 'east'); ...
For more parameters, see the source code
Original image
Calling method :
include 'imagick.class.php'; $image = new lib_image_imagick(); $image->open('a.gif'); $image->resize_to(100, 100, 'scale_fill'); $image->add_text('', 10, 20); $image->add_watermark('1024i.gif', 10, 50); $image->save_to('x.gif');
<?php /* @版本日期: 版本日期: 2012年1月18日 @著作权所有: 1024 intelligence ( ) 获得使用本类库的许可, 您必须保留著作权声明信息. 报告漏洞,意见或建议, 请联系 Lou Barnes( */ class lib_image_imagick { private $image = null; private $type = null; // 构造函数 public function __construct(){} // 析构函数 public function __destruct() { if($this->image!==null) $this->image->destroy(); } // 载入图像 public function open($path) { $this->image = new Imagick( $path ); if($this->image) { $this->type = strtolower($this->image->getImageFormat()); } return $this->image; } public function crop($x=0, $y=0, $width=null, $height=null) { if($width==null) $width = $this->image->getImageWidth()-$x; if($height==null) $height = $this->image->getImageHeight()-$y; if($width<=0 || $height<=0) return; if($this->type=='gif') { $image = $this->image; $canvas = new Imagick(); $images = $image->coalesceImages(); foreach($images as $frame){ $img = new Imagick(); $img->readImageBlob($frame); $img->cropImage($width, $height, $x, $y); $canvas->addImage( $img ); $canvas->setImageDelay( $img->getImageDelay() ); $canvas->setImagePage($width, $height, 0, 0); } $image->destroy(); $this->image = $canvas; } else { $this->image->cropImage($width, $height, $x, $y); } } /* * 更改图像大小 $fit: 适应大小方式 'force': 把图片强制变形成 $width X $height 大小 'scale': 按比例在安全框 $width X $height 内缩放图片, 输出缩放后图像大小 不完全等于 $width X $height 'scale_fill': 按比例在安全框 $width X $height 内缩放图片,安全框内没有像素的地方填充色, 使用此参数时可设置背景填充色 $bg_color = array(255,255,255)(红,绿,蓝, 透明度) 透明度(0不透明-127完全透明)) 其它: 智能模能 缩放图像并载取图像的中间部分 $width X $height 像素大小 $fit = 'force','scale','scale_fill' 时: 输出完整图像 $fit = 图像方位值 时, 输出指定位置部分图像 字母与图像的对应关系如下: north_west north north_east west center east south_west south south_east */ public function resize_to($width = 100, $height = 100, $fit = 'center', $fill_color = array(255,255,255,0) ) { switch($fit) { case 'force': if($this->type=='gif') { $image = $this->image; $canvas = new Imagick(); $images = $image->coalesceImages(); foreach($images as $frame){ $img = new Imagick(); $img->readImageBlob($frame); $img->thumbnailImage( $width, $height, false ); $canvas->addImage( $img ); $canvas->setImageDelay( $img->getImageDelay() ); } $image->destroy(); $this->image = $canvas; } else { $this->image->thumbnailImage( $width, $height, false ); } break; case 'scale': if($this->type=='gif') { $image = $this->image; $images = $image->coalesceImages(); $canvas = new Imagick(); foreach($images as $frame){ $img = new Imagick(); $img->readImageBlob($frame); $img->thumbnailImage( $width, $height, true ); $canvas->addImage( $img ); $canvas->setImageDelay( $img->getImageDelay() ); } $image->destroy(); $this->image = $canvas; } else { $this->image->thumbnailImage( $width, $height, true ); } break; case 'scale_fill': $size = $this->image->getImagePage(); $src_width = $size['width']; $src_height = $size['height']; $x = 0; $y = 0; $dst_width = $width; $dst_height = $height; if($src_width*$height > $src_height*$width) { $dst_height = intval($width*$src_height/$src_width); $y = intval( ($height-$dst_height)/2 ); } else { $dst_width = intval($height*$src_width/$src_height); $x = intval( ($width-$dst_width)/2 ); } $image = $this->image; $canvas = new Imagick(); $color = 'rgba('.$fill_color[0].','.$fill_color[1].','.$fill_color[2].','.$fill_color[3].')'; if($this->type=='gif') { $images = $image->coalesceImages(); foreach($images as $frame) { $frame->thumbnailImage( $width, $height, true ); $draw = new ImagickDraw(); $draw->composite($frame->getImageCompose(), $x, $y, $dst_width, $dst_height, $frame); $img = new Imagick(); $img->newImage($width, $height, $color, 'gif'); $img->drawImage($draw); $canvas->addImage( $img ); $canvas->setImageDelay( $img->getImageDelay() ); $canvas->setImagePage($width, $height, 0, 0); } } else { $image->thumbnailImage( $width, $height, true ); $draw = new ImagickDraw(); $draw->composite($image->getImageCompose(), $x, $y, $dst_width, $dst_height, $image); $canvas->newImage($width, $height, $color, $this->get_type() ); $canvas->drawImage($draw); $canvas->setImagePage($width, $height, 0, 0); } $image->destroy(); $this->image = $canvas; break; default: $size = $this->image->getImagePage(); $src_width = $size['width']; $src_height = $size['height']; $crop_x = 0; $crop_y = 0; $crop_w = $src_width; $crop_h = $src_height; if($src_width*$height > $src_height*$width) { $crop_w = intval($src_height*$width/$height); } else { $crop_h = intval($src_width*$height/$width); } switch($fit) { case 'north_west': $crop_x = 0; $crop_y = 0; break; case 'north': $crop_x = intval( ($src_width-$crop_w)/2 ); $crop_y = 0; break; case 'north_east': $crop_x = $src_width-$crop_w; $crop_y = 0; break; case 'west': $crop_x = 0; $crop_y = intval( ($src_height-$crop_h)/2 ); break; case 'center': $crop_x = intval( ($src_width-$crop_w)/2 ); $crop_y = intval( ($src_height-$crop_h)/2 ); break; case 'east': $crop_x = $src_width-$crop_w; $crop_y = intval( ($src_height-$crop_h)/2 ); break; case 'south_west': $crop_x = 0; $crop_y = $src_height-$crop_h; break; case 'south': $crop_x = intval( ($src_width-$crop_w)/2 ); $crop_y = $src_height-$crop_h; break; case 'south_east': $crop_x = $src_width-$crop_w; $crop_y = $src_height-$crop_h; break; default: $crop_x = intval( ($src_width-$crop_w)/2 ); $crop_y = intval( ($src_height-$crop_h)/2 ); } $image = $this->image; $canvas = new Imagick(); if($this->type=='gif') { $images = $image->coalesceImages(); foreach($images as $frame){ $img = new Imagick(); $img->readImageBlob($frame); $img->cropImage($crop_w, $crop_h, $crop_x, $crop_y); $img->thumbnailImage( $width, $height, true ); $canvas->addImage( $img ); $canvas->setImageDelay( $img->getImageDelay() ); $canvas->setImagePage($width, $height, 0, 0); } } else { $image->cropImage($crop_w, $crop_h, $crop_x, $crop_y); $image->thumbnailImage( $width, $height, true ); $canvas->addImage( $image ); $canvas->setImagePage($width, $height, 0, 0); } $image->destroy(); $this->image = $canvas; } } // 添加水印图片 public function add_watermark($path, $x = 0, $y = 0) { $watermark = new Imagick($path); $draw = new ImagickDraw(); $draw->composite($watermark->getImageCompose(), $x, $y, $watermark->getImageWidth(), $watermark->getimageheight(), $watermark); if($this->type=='gif') { $image = $this->image; $canvas = new Imagick(); $images = $image->coalesceImages(); foreach($image as $frame) { $img = new Imagick(); $img->readImageBlob($frame); $img->drawImage($draw); $canvas->addImage( $img ); $canvas->setImageDelay( $img->getImageDelay() ); } $image->destroy(); $this->image = $canvas; } else { $this->image->drawImage($draw); } } // 添加水印文字 public function add_text($text, $x = 0 , $y = 0, $angle=0, $style=array()) { $draw = new ImagickDraw(); if(isset($style['font'])) $draw->setFont($style['font']); if(isset($style['font_size'])) $draw->setFontSize($style['font_size']); if(isset($style['fill_color'])) $draw->setFillColor($style['fill_color']); if(isset($style['under_color'])) $draw->setTextUnderColor($style['under_color']); if($this->type=='gif') { foreach($this->image as $frame) { $frame->annotateImage($draw, $x, $y, $angle, $text); } } else { $this->image->annotateImage($draw, $x, $y, $angle, $text); } } // 保存到指定路径 public function save_to( $path ) { if($this->type=='gif') { $this->image->writeImages($path, true); } else { $this->image->writeImage($path); } } // 输出图像 public function output($header = true) { if($header) header('Content-type: '.$this->type); echo $this->image->getImagesBlob(); } public function get_width() { $size = $this->image->getImagePage(); return $size['width']; } public function get_height() { $size = $this->image->getImagePage(); return $size['height']; } // 设置图像类型, 默认与源类型一致 public function set_type( $type='png' ) { $this->type = $type; $this->image->setImageFormat( $type ); } // 获取源图像类型 public function get_type() { return $this->type; } // 当前对象是否为图片 public function is_image() { if( $this->image ) return true; else return false; } public function thumbnail($width = 100, $height = 100, $fit = true){ $this->image->thumbnailImage( $width, $height, $fit );} // 生成缩略图 $fit为真时将保持比例并在安全框 $width X $height 内生成缩略图片 /* 添加一个边框 $width: 左右边框宽度 $height: 上下边框宽度 $color: 颜色: RGB 颜色 'rgb(255,0,0)' 或 16进制颜色 '#FF0000' 或颜色单词 'white'/'red'... */ public function border($width, $height, $color='rgb(220, 220, 220)') { $color=new ImagickPixel(); $color->setColor($color); $this->image->borderImage($color, $width, $height); } public function blur($radius, $sigma){$this->image->blurImage($radius, $sigma);} // 模糊 public function gaussian_blur($radius, $sigma){$this->image->gaussianBlurImage($radius, $sigma);} // 高斯模糊 public function motion_blur($radius, $sigma, $angle){$this->image->motionBlurImage($radius, $sigma, $angle);} // 运动模糊 public function radial_blur($radius){$this->image->radialBlurImage($radius);} // 径向模糊 public function add_noise($type=null){$this->image->addNoiseImage($type==null?imagick::NOISE_IMPULSE:$type);} // 添加噪点 public function level($black_point, $gamma, $white_point){$this->image->levelImage($black_point, $gamma, $white_point);} // 调整色阶 public function modulate($brightness, $saturation, $hue){$this->image->modulateImage($brightness, $saturation, $hue);} // 调整亮度、饱和度、色调 public function charcoal($radius, $sigma){$this->image->charcoalImage($radius, $sigma);} // 素描 public function oil_paint($radius){$this->image->oilPaintImage($radius);} // 油画效果 public function flop(){$this->image->flopImage();} // 水平翻转 public function flip(){$this->image->flipImage();} // 垂直翻转 }
The above introduces PHP's use of Imagick to crop/generate thumbnails/add watermarks to automatically detect and process GIFs, including aspects of the content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.