PHP is a loosely typed language
The connector "." is a dot; other languages are "+";
<code>注释 PHP // HTML <span><!-- --></span>CSS /* */</code>
memory_get_usage gets the memory currently consumed by PHP
echo When outputting boolean, true outputs 1, false outputs nothing
Octal is preceded by the number 0; hexadecimal is preceded by 0x;
When the string contains quotes
1. Double quotes inside single quotes
2. Single quotes inside double quotes
3. Use escape characters
What to do when the $ character is encountered in quotation marks
1. Within double quotes, the meaning of special characters works normally (a bit like the definition in shell)
2. Within single quotes, special symbols lose their meaning
When the string is too long
Heredoc structure form
<code><<<标识符 <span>...</span><span>...</span> 标识符;</code>
Special type—resource
Open the server file and view the content. fopen() function
unset(); copy variable and clear
define() function
<code><span>$p</span><span>=</span><span>"myvalue"</span>; <span><span>define</span></span>(<span>$p</span>,<span>1</span>); <span><span>define</span></span>(<span>"myvalue"</span>,<span>1</span>);</code>
<code>//常量如何取值 <span>$result</span>=myvalue<span>*3</span><span>*5</span>; <span>$result</span>=constant(<span>"myvalue"</span>)<span>*3</span><span>*5</span>;</code>
<code><span>//判定常量是否被定义,返回boolean</span><span>defined($p)</span>; <span>defiend(<span>"myvalue"</span>)</span>;</code>
System constants
<code><span>__FILE__</span>: 获取文件的物理位置 <span>__LINE__</span>: 当前代码在第几行 PHP_VERSION 解析器的版本号 PHP_OS 当前PHP版本的操作系统名称</code>
The above introduces PHP---Understanding Grammar Notes, including relevant content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.