The function of uploading pictures must not be a troublesome thing, but most children's shoes are uploaded on the local machine (also a tomcat/jboss server), and the problem of image renaming (Chinese garbled characters) is not considered.
The pictures uploaded in this blog are based on real projects and use the nginx picture server, which can be used on both Windows and Linux servers.
Jsp page: requires a file control, a hidden control (used to create a custom category folder) and a button (upload button).
<div> <p class="ui-tips">上传头像会自动生成头像缩略图片,您也可以拖动大图的裁剪区域,调整缩图内容。</p> <p class="ui-tips">支持JPG、GIF、PNG等图片格式 推荐尺寸:180*180像素</p> <input type="file" id="fileCoursePoster" style="display: none;" name="fileCoursePoster" /> <span id="errorCoursePoster" style="color: red; display: none;">请上传图片!</span> <input type="button" value="上传头像" class="btn btn-sm btn-normal"> <input type="hidden" id="imageType" name="imageType"> </div>
Js: The js ajaxfileupload needs to be introduced.
function upLoad(){ document.getElementById("imageType").value = "headPicture"; //图片分类,自定义类型,是海报还是个人头像 $("#fileCoursePoster").click(); } function uploadCoursePoster() { var imageType = document.getElementById("imageType").value; var studentId=$("#studentId").val(); $.ajaxFileUpload({ url : "/itoo-jrkj-student-web/media/uploadImages", secureuri : false, data : { "studentId" : studentId, "imageType" : imageType }, fileElementId : "fileCoursePoster",// 文件选择框的id属性 dataType : 'json', success : function(data) { $("#imgCoursePoster").attr( "src", "" + data); $('#headPic').val(data); alert("上传成功!"); }, error : function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert("上传失败!"); } }); }
// 上传个人头像--生成图片路径并将路径保存到数据库 @RequestMapping(value = "media/uploadImages", produces = "text/plain;charset=UTF-8") @ResponseBody public void uploadImages(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IllegalStateException, IOException { // 上传到指定的文件夹中,imageType为文件夹的名字 String imageType = request.getParameter("imageType").toString(); //文件夹名,便于图片分类 MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; String fileName = "";//图片的名字 Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); //以图片类别+日期规划图片文件夹层级 SimpleDateFormat format1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat format2 = new SimpleDateFormat("MM"); SimpleDateFormat format3 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd"); String year = format1.format(date.getTime()); String month = format2.format(date.getTime()); String day = format3.format(date.getTime()); // 上传的图片存储的路径,格式如下: //------------------要先将文件传入本机Jboss下的jboss3.1/bin文件夹中,因为File获得图片的绝对路径是自己定位到这儿了 String uploadServicePath = ""; String filePath=""; for (Iterator it = multipartRequest.getFileNames(); it.hasNext();) { String key = (String); MultipartFile mulfile = multipartRequest.getFile(key); fileName = mulfile.getOriginalFilename(); //获取上传图片的文件名,以便得到其在jboss中的路径 //获取存在服务器下的图片的绝对路径 File getFilePath=new File(fileName);//要根据图片名字获取路径 filePath=getFilePath.getAbsolutePath();//获取Jboss服务器bin路径 File file = new File(filePath); mulfile.transferTo(file);//保存 } File imagefile = new File(filePath); //TODO:创建ftp客户端 --读配置文件 FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient(); ftpClient.setControlEncoding("GBK"); String hostname = ""; //FTP服务器主机ip int port = 21;//FTP服务器端口,默认就是21 String username = "apple"; //FTP服务器用户名(可以有多个) String password = "apple123";//FTP服务器密码 try { //链接ftp服务器 ftpClient.connect(hostname, port); //登录ftp ftpClient.login(username, password); int reply = ftpClient.getReplyCode(); //ftp服务状态码 System.out.println("reply返回码是:"+reply); //如果reply返回230就算成功了,如果返回530密码用户名错误或当前用户无权限。 if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) { ftpClient.disconnect(); return ; } ftpClient.setFileType(FTPClient.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); // 保存图片的相对路径到阿里云服务器 fileName=UUID.randomUUID().toString()+".jpg";//自定义图片名,也能防止汉字的干扰 uploadServicePath ="uploadImage/" + imageType + "/" + year + "/" + month+day+"/"+fileName; //上传到服务器的路径 //在nginx上创建文件夹,一次只能创建一级,所以建多级要分多次 ftpClient.makeDirectory("uploadImage");//什么的都不写的情况下,默认在root目录下创建文件夹,此处在nginx/apple/uploadImage下,apple文件夹是用户名,创建用户时自动建好的 ftpClient.makeDirectory("uploadImage/"+imageType); ftpClient.makeDirectory("uploadImage/"+imageType+ "/" + year); ftpClient.makeDirectory("uploadImage/"+imageType+ "/" + year +"/"+month+day); InputStream input = new FileInputStream(imagefile); ftpClient.storeFile(uploadServicePath, input);//文件你若是不指定就会上传到root目录下 input.close(); ftpClient.logout(); } catch (SocketException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally { if (ftpClient.isConnected()) { try { ftpClient.disconnect(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } } // 根据id更新个人信息 Student student = new Student(); String studentId = request.getParameter("studentId"); student = studentBean.findStudentById(studentId, dataBaseName); student.setDataBaseName(dataBaseName); student.setHeadPic(uploadServicePath); if (!studentBean.updateHeadPicture(student)) { uploadServicePath = "error"; } System.out.println("realPath-------------" + uploadServicePath); JacksonJsonUntil jacksonJsonUntil = new JacksonJsonUntil(); jacksonJsonUntil.beanToJson(response, uploadServicePath); } // 读取往期图片 @RequestMapping(value = "media/readImages", produces = "text/plain;charset=UTF-8") public void readImage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { // 或:从服务器中的相对位置读取图片 // String imagesPath // =request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/")+request.getParameter("imagesPath"); String imagesPath = request.getParameter("imagesPath"); System.out.println("imagesPath-------------------" + imagesPath); try { File file = new File(imagesPath); if (file.exists()) { DataOutputStream temps = new DataOutputStream( response.getOutputStream()); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream( imagesPath)); byte[] b = new byte[2048]; while (( != -1) { temps.write(b); temps.flush(); } in.close(); temps.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
Solution: Make a judgment in the Controller and intercept the type of the original picture name, that is, ".xxx" or ".xxxx". If it does not belong to the four types of jpg/jpeg/png/gif, it will not be uploaded. The ones that match will be It is renamed with its original image type suffix added.
The above introduces uploadFile+nginx to implement uploading images (available for Windows/Linux), including the relevant content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.