The example in this article describes the method of PHP counting files in a directory and the size of directories in a directory. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
<?php //循环遍历目录中所有的文件,并统计目录和文件的大小 $dirName="phpMyAdmin"; $dir=opendir($dirName); //返回一个资源类型 while($fileName=readdir($dir)){ $file=$dirName."/".$fileName; if($fileName!="." && $fileName!=".."){ if(is_dir($file)){ echo "<font color='red'>".$fileName."===".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",filectime($file))."==".filetype($file)."==".toSize(dirSize($file))."</font><br/>"; } else{ echo "<font color='green'>".$fileName."=====".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",filectime($file))."====".filetype($file)."====".toSize(filesize($file))."</font><br/>"; } } } closedir($dir); //把文件或目录的大小转化为容易读的方式 function toSize($size){ $dw; //指定文件或目录统计的单位方式 if($size>pow(2,30)){ $dw="GB"; $size=round($size/pow(2,30),2); } else if($size>pow(2,20)){ $dw="MB"; $size=round($size/pow(2,20),2); } else if($size>pow(2,10)){ $dw="KB"; $size=round($size/pow(2,10),2); } else { $dw="bytes"; } return $size.$dw; } //利用递归的方式统计目录的大小 function dirSize($dirName){ $dirsize=0; $dir=opendir($dirName); while($fileName=readdir($dir)){ $file=$dirName."/".$fileName; if($fileName!="." && $fileName!=".."){ //一定要进行判断,否则会出现错误的 if(is_dir($file)){ $dirsize+=dirSize($file); } else{ $dirsize+=filesize($file); } } } closedir($dir); return $dirsize; } ?>
Readers who are interested in more content related to PHP file and directory operations can check out the special topics of this site: "php file operation summary" and "php directory operation skills summary"
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone in PHP programming.
The above introduces the method of PHP to count the files in the directory and the size of the directories in the directory, including the content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.