The example in this article describes the usage of yii paging component. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
When used in this case, the paging class exists in the form of components in the Yii framework.
The action code is as follows:
public function actionIndex(){ $user=User::model(); //分页的使用 $count=$user->count(); //获取总页数 $pagesize=3; //每一页显示的记录条数 $page=new Page($count,$pagesize); $sql="select * from {{user}} $page->limit"; $info=$user->findAllBySql($sql); $show_page=$page->fpage(); $this->renderPartial("index",array("info"=>$info,'show_page'=>$show_page)); }
On the view page, traverse info to obtain information, and output show_page to display the paging list and other information.
The page.php code is now attached as follows:
<?php /** * 分页类,以组件形式存在于componnets文件中 */ class Page { private $total; //数据表中总记录数 private $listRows; //每页显示行数 private $limit; private $uri; private $pageNum; //页数 private $c "prev"=>"上一页", "next"=>"下一页", "first"=>"首 页", "last"=>"尾 页"); private $listNum=8; /* * $total * $listRows */ public function __construct($total, $listRows=10, $pa=""){ $this->total=$total; $this->listRows=$listRows; $this->uri=$this->getUri($pa); $this->page=!empty($_GET["page"]) ? $_GET["page"] : 1; $this->pageNum=ceil($this->total/$this->listRows); $this->limit=$this->setLimit(); } private function setLimit(){ return "Limit ".($this->page-1)*$this->listRows.", {$this->listRows}"; } private function getUri($pa){ $url=$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"].(strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?')?'':"?").$pa; $parse=parse_url($url); if(isset($parse["query"])){ parse_str($parse['query'],$params); unset($params["page"]); $url=$parse['path'].'?'.http_build_query($params); } return $url; } function __get($args){ if($args=="limit") return $this->limit; else return null; } private function start(){ if($this->total==0) return 0; else return ($this->page-1)*$this->listRows+1; } private function end(){ return min($this->page*$this->listRows,$this->total); } private function first(){ $html=''; if($this->page==1) $html.=''; else $html.=" <a href='{$this->uri}&page=1'>{$this->config["first"]}</a> "; return $html; } private function prev(){ $html=''; if($this->page==1) $html.=''; else $html.=" <a href='{$this->uri}&page=".($this->page-1)."'>{$this->config["prev"]}</a> "; return $html; } private function pageList(){ $linkPage=""; $inum=floor($this->listNum/2); for($i=$inum; $i>=1; $i--){ $page=$this->page-$i; if($page<1) continue; $linkPage.=" <a href='{$this->uri}&page={$page}'>{$page}</a> "; } $linkPage.=" {$this->page} "; for($i=1; $i<=$inum; $i++){ $page=$this->page+$i; if($page<=$this->pageNum) $linkPage.=" <a href='{$this->uri}&page={$page}'>{$page}</a> "; else break; } return $linkPage; } private function next(){ $html=''; if($this->page==$this->pageNum) $html.=''; else $html.=" <a href='{$this->uri}&page=".($this->page+1)."'>{$this->config["next"]}</a> "; return $html; } private function last(){ $html=''; if($this->page==$this->pageNum) $html.=''; else $html.=" <a href='{$this->uri}&page=".($this->pageNum)."'>{$this->config["last"]}</a> "; return $html; } private function goPage(){ return ' <input type="text" value="'.$this->page.'"><input type="button" value="GO" 共有<b>{$this->total}</b>{$this->config["header"]} "; $html[1]=" 每页显示<b>".($this->end()-$this->start()+1)."</b>条,本页<b>{$this->start()}-{$this->end()}</b>条 "; $html[2]=" <b>{$this->page}/{$this->pageNum}</b>页 "; $html[3]=$this->first(); $html[4]=$this->prev(); $html[5]=$this->pageList(); $html[6]=$this->next(); $html[7]=$this->last(); $html[8]=$this->goPage(); $fpage=''; foreach($display as $index){ $fpage.=$html[$index]; } return $fpage; } }
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s PHP program design based on the yii framework.
The above introduces the usage example analysis of Yii paging component, including the content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.