HTTP Content-type
Jul 29, 2016 am 09:13 AM
text /xmltext/xml.x_b.sisx.ipa .xap
The above introduces HTTP Content-type, including ado aspects. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.
文件扩展名 | Content-Type | 文件扩展名 | Content-Type |
.* | application/octet-stream | .tif | image/tiff |
.001 | application/x-001 | .301 | application/x-301 |
.323 | text/h323 | .906 | application/x-906 |
.907 | drawing/907 | .a11 | application/x-a11 |
.acp | audio/x-mei-aac | .ai | application/postscript |
.aif | audio/aiff | .aifc | audio/aiff |
.aiff | audio/aiff | .anv | application/x-anv |
.asa | text/asa | .asf | video/x-ms-asf |
.asp | text/asp | .asx | video/x-ms-asf |
.au | audio/basic | .avi | video/avi |
.awf | application/vnd.adobe.workflow | .biz | text/xml |
.bmp | application/x-bmp | .bot | application/x-bot |
.c4t | application/x-c4t | .c90 | application/x-c90 |
.cal | application/x-cals | .cat | application/ |
.cdf | application/x-netcdf | .cdr | application/x-cdr |
.cel | application/x-cel | .cer | application/x-x509-ca-cert |
.cg4 | application/x-g4 | .cgm | application/x-cgm |
.cit | application/x-cit | .class | java/* |
.cml | text/xml | .cmp | application/x-cmp |
.cmx | application/x-cmx | .cot | application/x-cot |
.crl | application/pkix-crl | .crt | application/x-x509-ca-cert |
.csi | application/x-csi | .css | text/css |
.cut | application/x-cut | .dbf | application/x-dbf |
.dbm | application/x-dbm | .dbx | application/x-dbx |
.dcd | text/xml | .dcx | application/x-dcx |
.der | application/x-x509-ca-cert | .dgn | application/x-dgn |
.dib | application/x-dib | .dll | application/x-msdownload |
.doc | application/msword | .dot | application/msword |
.drw | application/x-drw | .dtd | text/xml |
.dwf | Model/vnd.dwf | .dwf | application/x-dwf |
.dwg | application/x-dwg | .dxb | application/x-dxb |
.dxf | application/x-dxf | .edn | application/vnd.adobe.edn |
.emf | application/x-emf | .eml | message/rfc822 |
.ent | text/xml | .epi | application/x-epi |
.eps | application/x-ps | .eps | application/postscript |
.etd | application/x-ebx | .exe | application/x-msdownload |
.fax | image/fax | .fdf | application/vnd.fdf |
.fif | application/fractals | .fo | text/xml |
.frm | application/x-frm | .g4 | application/x-g4 |
.gbr | application/x-gbr | . | application/x- |
.gif | image/gif | .gl2 | application/x-gl2 |
.gp4 | application/x-gp4 | .hgl | application/x-hgl |
.hmr | application/x-hmr | .hpg | application/x-hpgl |
.hpl | application/x-hpl | .hqx | application/mac-binhex40 |
.hrf | application/x-hrf | .hta | application/hta |
.htc | text/x-component | .htm | text/html |
.html | text/html | .htt | text/webviewhtml |
.htx | text/html | .icb | application/x-icb |
.ico | image/x-icon | .ico | application/x-ico |
.iff | application/x-iff | .ig4 | application/x-g4 |
.igs | application/x-igs | .iii | application/x-iphone |
.img | application/x-img | .ins | application/x-internet-signup |
.isp | application/x-internet-signup | .IVF | video/x-ivf |
.java | java/* | .jfif | image/jpeg |
.jpe | image/jpeg | .jpe | application/x-jpe |
.jpeg | image/jpeg | .jpg | image/jpeg |
.jpg | application/x-jpg | .js | application/x-javascript |
.jsp | text/html | .la1 | audio/x-liquid-file |
.lar | application/x-laplayer-reg | .latex | application/x-latex |
.lavs | audio/x-liquid-secure | .lbm | application/x-lbm |
.lmsff | audio/x-la-lms | .ls | application/x-javascript |
.ltr | application/x-ltr | .m1v | video/x-mpeg |
.m2v | video/x-mpeg | .m3u | audio/mpegurl |
.m4e | video/mpeg4 | .mac | application/x-mac |
.man | application/x-troff-man | .math | text/xml |
.mdb | application/msaccess | .mdb | application/x-mdb |
.mfp | application/x-shockwave-flash | .mht | message/rfc822 |
.mhtml | message/rfc822 | .mi | application/x-mi |
.mid | audio/mid | .midi | audio/mid |
.mil | application/x-mil | .mml | text/xml |
.mnd | audio/x-musicnet-download | .mns | audio/x-musicnet-stream |
.mocha | application/x-javascript | .movie | video/x-sgi-movie |
.mp1 | audio/mp1 | .mp2 | audio/mp2 |
.mp2v | video/mpeg | .mp3 | audio/mp3 |
.mp4 | video/mpeg4 | .mpa | video/x-mpg |
.mpd | application/ | .mpe | video/x-mpeg |
.mpeg | video/mpg | .mpg | video/mpg |
.mpga | audio/rn-mpeg | .mpp | application/ |
.mps | video/x-mpeg | .mpt | application/ |
.mpv | video/mpg | .mpv2 | video/mpeg |
.mpw | application/ | .mpx | application/ |
.mtx | text/xml | .mxp | application/x-mmxp |
.net | image/pnetvue | .nrf | application/x-nrf |
.nws | message/rfc822 | .odc | text/x-ms-odc |
.out | application/x-out | .p10 | application/pkcs10 |
.p12 | application/x-pkcs12 | .p7b | application/x-pkcs7-certificates |
.p7c | application/pkcs7-mime | .p7m | application/pkcs7-mime |
.p7r | application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp | .p7s | application/pkcs7-signature |
.pc5 | application/x-pc5 | .pci | application/x-pci |
.pcl | application/x-pcl | .pcx | application/x-pcx |
application/pdf | application/pdf | ||
.pdx | application/vnd.adobe.pdx | .pfx | application/x-pkcs12 |
.pgl | application/x-pgl | .pic | application/x-pic |
.pko | application/ | .pl | application/x-perl |
.plg | text/html | .pls | audio/scpls |
.plt | application/x-plt | .png | image/png |
.png | application/x-png | .pot | application/ |
.ppa | application/ | .ppm | application/x-ppm |
.pps | application/ | .ppt | application/ |
.ppt | application/x-ppt | .pr | application/x-pr |
.prf | application/pics-rules | .prn | application/x-prn |
.prt | application/x-prt | .ps | application/x-ps |
.ps | application/postscript | .ptn | application/x-ptn |
.pwz | application/ | .r3t | text/vnd.rn-realtext3d |
.ra | audio/vnd.rn-realaudio | .ram | audio/x-pn-realaudio |
.ras | application/x-ras | .rat | application/rat-file |
.rdf | text/xml | .rec | application/vnd.rn-recording |
.red | application/x-red | .rgb | application/x-rgb |
.rjs | application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rjs | .rjt | application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rjt |
.rlc | application/x-rlc | .rle | application/x-rle |
.rm | application/vnd.rn-realmedia | .rmf | application/vnd.adobe.rmf |
.rmi | audio/mid | .rmj | application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rmj |
.rmm | audio/x-pn-realaudio | .rmp | application/vnd.rn-rn_music_package |
.rms | application/vnd.rn-realmedia-secure | .rmvb | application/vnd.rn-realmedia-vbr |
.rmx | application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rmx | .rnx | application/vnd.rn-realplayer |
.rp | image/vnd.rn-realpix | .rpm | audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin |
.rsml | application/vnd.rn-rsml | .rt | text/vnd.rn-realtext |
.rtf | application/msword | .rtf | application/x-rtf |
.rv | video/vnd.rn-realvideo | .sam | application/x-sam |
.sat | application/x-sat | .sdp | application/sdp |
.sdw | application/x-sdw | .sit | application/x-stuffit |
.slb | application/x-slb | .sld | application/x-sld |
.slk | drawing/x-slk | .smi | application/smil |
.smil | application/smil | .smk | application/x-smk |
.snd | audio/basic | .sol | text/plain |
.sor | text/plain | .spc | application/x-pkcs7-certificates |
.spl | application/futuresplash | .spp | text/xml |
.ssm | application/streamingmedia | .sst | application/ |
.stl | application/ | .stm | text/html |
.sty | application/x-sty | .svg | text/xml |
.swf | application/x-shockwave-flash | .tdf | application/x-tdf |
.tg4 | application/x-tg4 | .tga | application/x-tga |
.tif | image/tiff | .tif | application/x-tif |
.tiff | image/tiff | .tld | text/xml |
.top | drawing/x-top | .torrent | application/x-bittorrent |
.tsd | text/xml | .txt | text/plain |
.uin | application/x-icq | .uls | text/iuls |
.vcf | text/x-vcard | .vda | application/x-vda |
.vdx | application/vnd.visio | .vml | text/xml |
.vpg | application/x-vpeg005 | .vsd | application/vnd.visio |
.vsd | application/x-vsd | .vss | application/vnd.visio |
.vst | application/vnd.visio | .vst | application/x-vst |
.vsw | application/vnd.visio | .vsx | application/vnd.visio |
.vtx | application/vnd.visio | .vxml | text/xml |
.wav | audio/wav | .wax | audio/x-ms-wax |
.wb1 | application/x-wb1 | .wb2 | application/x-wb2 |
.wb3 | application/x-wb3 | .wbmp | image/vnd.wap.wbmp |
.wiz | application/msword | .wk3 | application/x-wk3 |
.wk4 | application/x-wk4 | .wkq | application/x-wkq |
.wks | application/x-wks | .wm | video/x-ms-wm |
.wma | audio/x-ms-wma | .wmd | application/x-ms-wmd |
.wmf | application/x-wmf | .wml | text/vnd.wap.wml |
.wmv | video/x-ms-wmv | .wmx | video/x-ms-wmx |
.wmz | application/x-ms-wmz | .wp6 | application/x-wp6 |
.wpd | application/x-wpd | .wpg | application/x-wpg |
.wpl | application/ | .wq1 | application/x-wq1 |
.wr1 | application/x-wr1 | .wri | application/x-wri |
.wrk | application/x-wrk | .ws | application/x-ws |
.ws2 | application/x-ws | .wsc | text/scriptlet |
.wsdl | text/xml | .wvx | video/x-ms-wvx |
.xdp | application/vnd.adobe.xdp | .xdr | text/xml |
.xfd | application/vnd.adobe.xfd | .xfdf | application/vnd.adobe.xfdf |
.xhtml | text/html | .xls | application/ |
.xls | application/x-xls | .xlw | application/x - xlw |
.xml | text/xml | .xpl | audio/scpls |
.xq | text/xml | . | .xquery |
.xsd | text/xml | .xsl | |
.xslt | text/xml | . | |
application/x-x_b | .sis | application/vnd.symbian.install | |
application/vnd.symbian.install | .x_t | application/x-x_t | |
application/vnd.iphone | .apk | application/ | |
application/x-silverlight-app |
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