Install Chinese input method (refer to Baidu experience)
Install right-click terminal
<code><span>1.</span>打开一个Terminal(ctrl<span>+</span>alt<span>+</span>t),输入如下指令 sudo apt<span>-get</span> install nautilus<span>-open</span><span>-terminal</span><span>2.</span>使用以下指令来重启Nautilus nautilus <span>-q</span> 或者安装一个非常好用的 terminal : Guake Terminal </code>
Build lamp development environment
<code><span>sudo</span> apt-get install apache2 <span>#安装apache </span><span>sudo</span> apt-get install php5 <span>#安装php和apache的php模块</span><span>sudo</span> apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client <span>#安装mysql服务端和客户端</span><span>sudo</span> apt-get install php5-memcache <span>#安装PHP的memcached拓展</span></code>
Install memcache
<code><span>sudo</span> apt-get install memcached <span>#安装php memcached 扩展</span> memcached <span>-d</span> -m <span>50</span> -p <span>11211</span> -u root <span>#启动一个memcached服务</span><span>-d</span> 是启动一个守护进程 -m 指定使用多少兆的缓存空间;-p 指定要监听的端口; -u 指定以哪个用户来运行<span>-l</span> 是监听的服务器ip地址,默认为<span>127.0</span>.<span>0.1</span> -c是最大并发连接数,默认<span>1024</span> -P是保存pid文件 如/tmp/ ->使用telnet测试 memcached 服务 $ telnet localhost <span>11211</span> Trying <span>127.0</span>.<span>0.1</span>...Connected to localhost.</code>
Install curl expansion
<code>sudo apt<span>-get</span> install curl libcurl3 libcurl3<span>-dev</span> php5<span>-curl</span></code>
Install SVN
<code><span>sudo</span> apt-get install subversion subversion-tools <span>#输入svn --version 检测时否安装成功</span></code>
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The above introduces how to build a PHP development environment in Ubuntu 15, including all aspects. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.