hive sql has a relatively powerful function, which is that it can use external scripts to complete map/reduce. Usage is as follows:
TRANSFORM(….) USING ‘….’ AS (….).
USING can be processed using php scripts. See the example below for specific usage.
①, create a table:
<code>hive> CREATE TABLE <span>`member`</span>( > <span>`id`</span><span>int</span>, > <span>`user_name`</span><span>string</span>, > <span>`passwd`</span><span>string</span> > ) > row <span>format</span> delimited > fields terminated by <span>"\t"</span><span>//这句很必要,不然下面的文件导入会导致所有的值都变成null </span> > stored as textfile;</code>
②, prepare the following data /tmp/member.dat
<code>1 zhangsan zs1024 2 lisi ls1991 3 wangwu ww2001 4 liumang lm1234 5 linxing lx1990</code>
③, import the data
<code>hive> <span>load</span> data <span>local</span> inpath <span>'/tmp/member.dat'</span> into <span>table</span> member;</code>
You can see:
<code>hive> <span>select</span> * <span>from</span> member; OK <span>1</span> zhangsan zs1024 <span>2</span> lisi ls1991 <span>3</span> wangwu ww2001 <span>4</span> liumang lm1234 <span>5</span> linxing lx1990</code>
The data is ready, now we are relatively third The column is encrypted once with md5. We use a php script to handle it. The code of the php script (/tmp/changePasswd.php) is as follows:
<code><span><span><?php</span><span>while</span>(!feof(STDIN)){ <span>$line</span> = rtrim(fgets(STDIN), <span>"\n"</span>); <span>//逐行读取</span><span>if</span> (<span>empty</span>(<span>$line</span>)) <span>continue</span>; <span>//空,跳出当次循环</span><span>$data</span> = explode(<span>"\t"</span>, <span>$line</span>); <span>//将切分出来的数组保存起来,下面判断使用</span><span>foreach</span>(<span>$data</span><span>as</span> &<span>$val</span>){ <span>$val</span> = md5(<span>$val</span>); } <span>unset</span>(<span>$val</span>); <span>echo</span> implode(<span>"\t"</span>, <span>$data</span>) . <span>"\n"</span>; }</span></code>
④. Add the php script to hive.
<code>hive> <span>add</span> file /tmp/changePasswd<span>.php</span><span>;</span></span></span></code>
⑤, use php script to execute map/reduce
<code>hive> insert overwrite table member > select TRANSFORM(<span>`i</span>d<span>`,</span><span>`u</span>ser_name<span>`,</span><span>`p</span>asswd<span>`)</span> using <span>"/usr/bin/php changePasswd.php"</span> > as (<span>`i</span>d<span>`,</span><span>`u</span>ser_name<span>`,</span><span>`p</span>asswd<span>`)</span> from member<span>;</span></code>
Finally, we can see that the data in the passwd column has changed:
<code>hive> <span>select</span> * <span>from</span> member; OK <span>1</span> zhangsan d03eed89429cc3006cc279322c2800c5 <span>2</span> lisi <span>063401506</span>c9d9f0e49a706e3779b7428 <span>3</span> wangwu ac5a8109dbbb46c9f69ffd5fc93c11f8 <span>4</span> liumang fda8b97fd723bdbf6a754812b5ecec27 <span>5</span> linxing <span>4035378</span>ace8936e93d95aa77e7e224d4</code>
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The above introduces hive's use of PHP scripts to complete map/reduce, including aspects of it. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.