Introduction to logging module
Python's logging module provides a general logging system, which can be conveniently used by third-party modules or applications. This module provides different log levels and can record logs in different ways, such as files, HTTP GET/POST, SMTP, Socket, etc. You can even implement specific logging methods yourself.
The mechanism of the logging module and log4j is the same, but the specific implementation details are different. The module provides logger, handler, filter, and formatter.
Similar to log4j, calls to logger, handler and log messages can have specific log levels (Level), only when the level of the log message is greater than the level of the logger and handler.
logging usage analysis
1. Initialize logger = logging.getLogger("endlesscode"), it is best to add the module name to be logged after the getLogger() method. The %(name)s in the subsequent log format corresponds to the module name here
2. Set the level logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG). There are several levels in Logging: NOTSET < DEBUG < INFO < WARNING < ERROR < CRITICAL. The log will record logs above the set level
3. Handler, commonly used are StreamHandler and FileHandler. Under Windows, you can simply understand that one is console and file log, one is printed on the CMD window, and the other is recorded on a file
4. Formatter defines the order, structure and content of the final log information. I like to use the format '[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s', '%Y-%m' -%d %H:%M:%S',
%(name)s Logger’s name
%(levelname)s log level in text form
%(message)s Messages output by the user
%(asctime)s The current time as a string. The default format is "2003-07-08 16:49:45,896". What comes after the comma is milliseconds
%(levelno)s log level in numeric form
%(pathname)s The full path name of the module that calls the log output function, may not have
%(filename)s is the file name of the module that calls the log output function
%(module)s The name of the module that calls the log output function
%(funcName)s is the function name for calling the log output function
%(lineno)d is the line of code where the statement that calls the log output function is located
%(created)f current time, represented by UNIX standard floating point number representing time
%(relativeCreated)d When outputting log information, the number of milliseconds since the Logger was created
%(thread)d thread ID. Probably not
%(threadName)s thread name. Probably not
%(process)d process ID. Probably not
5. Record Use object.debug(message) to record logs
Let’s write an example below. In the CMD window, only error and above level logs are printed, but debug and above level information are printed in the log
import logging logger = logging.getLogger("simple_example") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # 建立一个filehandler来把日志记录在文件里,级别为debug以上 fh = logging.FileHandler("spam.log") fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # 建立一个streamhandler来把日志打在CMD窗口上,级别为error以上 ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # 设置日志格式 formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") ch.setFormatter(formatter) fh.setFormatter(formatter) #将相应的handler添加在logger对象中 logger.addHandler(ch) logger.addHandler(fh) # 开始打日志 logger.debug("debug message")"info message") logger.warn("warn message") logger.error("error message") logger.critical("critical message")
Run it and you will see that only two logs are recorded in the CMD window and five logs are recorded in spam.log
When a project is relatively large and Log is used in different files, you can consider encapsulating it into a class for use
#! /usr/bin/env python #coding=gbk import logging,os class Logger: def __init__(self, path,clevel = logging.DEBUG,Flevel = logging.DEBUG): self.logger = logging.getLogger(path) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fmt = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') #设置CMD日志 sh = logging.StreamHandler() sh.setFormatter(fmt) sh.setLevel(clevel) #设置文件日志 fh = logging.FileHandler(path) fh.setFormatter(fmt) fh.setLevel(Flevel) self.logger.addHandler(sh) self.logger.addHandler(fh) def debug(self,message): self.logger.debug(message) def info(self,message): def war(self,message): self.logger.warn(message) def error(self,message): self.logger.error(message) def cri(self,message): self.logger.critical(message) if __name__ =='__main__': logyyx = Logger('yyx.log',logging.ERROR,logging.DEBUG) logyyx.debug('一个debug信息')'一个info信息') logyyx.war('一个warning信息') logyyx.error('一个error信息') logyyx.cri('一个致命critical信息')
In this way, you only need to instantiate an object every time you use it
logobj = Logger(‘filename',clevel,Flevel)
If you want to mark error logs in red and warning logs in yellow in the CMD window, you can use the ctypes module
#! /usr/bin/env python #coding=gbk import logging,os import ctypes FOREGROUND_WHITE = 0x0007 FOREGROUND_BLUE = 0x01 # text color contains blue. FOREGROUND_GREEN= 0x02 # text color contains green. FOREGROUND_RED = 0x04 # text color contains red. FOREGROUND_YELLOW = FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE= -11 std_out_handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) def set_color(color, handle=std_out_handle): bool = ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, color) return bool class Logger: def __init__(self, path,clevel = logging.DEBUG,Flevel = logging.DEBUG): self.logger = logging.getLogger(path) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fmt = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') #设置CMD日志 sh = logging.StreamHandler() sh.setFormatter(fmt) sh.setLevel(clevel) #设置文件日志 fh = logging.FileHandler(path) fh.setFormatter(fmt) fh.setLevel(Flevel) self.logger.addHandler(sh) self.logger.addHandler(fh) def debug(self,message): self.logger.debug(message) def info(self,message): def war(self,message,color=FOREGROUND_YELLOW): set_color(color) self.logger.warn(message) set_color(FOREGROUND_WHITE) def error(self,message,color=FOREGROUND_RED): set_color(color) self.logger.error(message) set_color(FOREGROUND_WHITE) def cri(self,message): self.logger.critical(message) if __name__ =='__main__': logyyx = Logger('yyx.log',logging.WARNING,logging.DEBUG) logyyx.debug('一个debug信息')'一个info信息') logyyx.war('一个warning信息') logyyx.error('一个error信息') logyyx.cri('一个致命critical信息')
Use logging with multiple modules
The logging module guarantees that within the same python interpreter, calling logging.getLogger('log_name') multiple times will return the same logger instance, even in the case of multiple modules. Therefore, the typical way to use logging in a multi-module scenario is to configure logging in the main module. This configuration will affect multiple sub-modules, and then directly obtain the Logger object through getLogger in other modules.
[loggers] keys=root,main [handlers] keys=consoleHandler,fileHandler [formatters] keys=fmt [logger_root] level=DEBUG handlers=consoleHandler [logger_main] level=DEBUG qualname=main handlers=fileHandler [handler_consoleHandler] class=StreamHandler level=DEBUG formatter=fmt args=(sys.stdout,) [handler_fileHandler] class=logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler level=DEBUG formatter=fmt args=('tst.log','a',20000,5,) [formatter_fmt] format=%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s datefmt=
Main module
import logging import logging.config logging.config.fileConfig('logging.conf') root_logger = logging.getLogger('root') root_logger.debug('test root logger...') logger = logging.getLogger('main')'test main logger')'start import module \'mod\'...') import mod logger.debug('let\'s test mod.testLogger()') mod.testLogger()'finish test...')
import logging import submod logger = logging.getLogger('main.mod')'logger of mod say something...') def testLogger(): logger.debug('this is mod.testLogger...') submod.tst()
import logging logger = logging.getLogger('main.mod.submod')'logger of submod say something...') def tst():'this is submod.tst()...')
2012-03-09 18:22:22,793 - root - DEBUG - test root logger... 2012-03-09 18:22:22,793 - main - INFO - test main logger 2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main - INFO - start import module 'mod'... 2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main.mod.submod - INFO - logger of submod say something... 2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main.mod - INFO - logger say something... 2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main - DEBUG - let's test mod.testLogger() 2012-03-09 18:22:22,825 - main.mod - DEBUG - this is mod.testLogger... 2012-03-09 18:22:22,825 - main.mod.submod - INFO - this is submod.tst()... 2012-03-09 18:22:22,841 - root - INFO - finish test...
2012-03-09 18:22:22,793 - main - INFO - test main logger 2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main - INFO - start import module 'mod'... 2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main.mod.submod - INFO - logger of submod say something... 2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main.mod - INFO - logger say something... 2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main - DEBUG - let's test mod.testLogger() 2012-03-09 18:22:22,825 - main.mod - DEBUG - this is mod.testLogger... 2012-03-09 18:22:22,825 - main.mod.submod - INFO - this is submod.tst()...
tst.log中没有root logger输出的信息,因为logging.conf中配置了只有main logger及其子logger使用RotatingFileHandler,而root logger是输出到标准输出。