This article details the import method of thinkPHP2.1 custom tag library. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
TP’s manual seems to be unable to keep up with the pace. It only has a few words about custom tags. After fumbling for a long time, I finally imported the custom tags. My thoughts are as follows:
1. Situation: Create a new custom tag library class: @.Mylib.Tag.TagLibTest — Those who understand TP should know the path represented by this
Use the Tag demo file under Examples
<?php // +----------------------------------------------------------- // | ThinkPHP // +------------------------------------------------------------ // | Copyright (c) 2009 All rights reserved. // +------------------------------------------------------------ // | Licensed ( ) // +------------------------------------------------------------ // | Author: liu21st <liu21st""> // +------------------------------------------------------------ // $Id$ import('TagLib'); class TagLibArticle extends TagLib{ // 标签定义 protected $tags = array( // 标签定义: //attr 属性列表 close 是否闭合(0 或者1 默认1) alias 标签别名 level 嵌套层次 'article'=>array('attr'=>'name,field,limit,order,where,sql,key,mod','level'=>3), ); //定义查询数据库标签 public function _article($attr,$content) { $tag = $this->parseXmlAttr($attr,'article'); $result = !empty($tag['result'])?$tag['result']:'article'; //定义数据查询的结果存放变量 $key = !empty($tag['key'])?$tag['key']:'i'; $mod = isset($tag['mod'])?$tag['mod']:'2'; if ($tag['name']) { //根据用户输入的值拼接查询条件 $sql = "M('{$tag['name']}')->"; $sql .= ($tag['field'])?"field({$tag['field']})->":''; $sql .= ($tag['order'])?"order({$tag['order']})->":''; $sql .= ($tag['where'])?"where({$tag['where']})->":''; $sql .= "select()"; }else{ if (!$tag['sql']) return ''; //排除没有指定model名称,也没有指定sql语句的情况 $sql .= "M()->query('{$tag['sql']}')"; } //下面拼接输出语句 $parsestr = '<?php $_result='.$sql.'; if ($_result): $'.$key.'=0;'; $parsestr .= 'foreach($_result as $key=>$'.$result.'):'; $parsestr .= '++$'.$key.';$mod = ($'.$key.' % '.$mod.' );?>'; $parsestr .= $content;//解析在article标签中的内容 $parsestr .= '<?php endforeach; endif;?>'; return $parsestr; } } ?></liu21st>
Then create a new taglibs.php file in the Conf directory under the project, content:
<?php return array( 'article'=>'@.TagLib.TagLibarticle', ); ?>
This way you can use it in the template:
<tagLib name="article" /> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>ThinkPHP示例:自定义标签</title> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='__PUBLIC__/Css/common.css'> </head> <body> <div class="main"> <h2>ThinkPHP示例之自定义标签:定义查询数据库的标签</h2> 本示例定义一个查询数据库的标签,可以使模板直接按条件查找指定的数据库并列表显示,本例仅是展示自定义标签的方便之处,可以进一步扩充和完善,打造属于自已的标签体系 <table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2> <thead> <tr> <td class="tLeft" width="8%">序列</td><td class="tLeft" width="12%">标题</td><td>内容</td> </tr> </thead> <article:article name="form" limit="10"> <tr> <td>{$}</td> <td>{$article.title}</td> <td>{$article.content}</td> </tr> </article:article> <tr> <td colspan='3'> <hr> 示例源码<br/>控制器自定义标签类<br/> <php>highlight_file(LIB_PATH.'TagLib/TagLibarticle.class.php');</php></td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html>
This is a very simple situation, but my idea is to require the custom tag library to be automatically imported, so that there is no need to add tags like
Just encountered a little problem
2. Automatically import custom tag library
Add in the config.php file:
'TAGLIB_PRE_LOAD' => 'article' ,
Clear cache, prompt error "Instantiate a non-existent class!" ;
I searched around the TP official forum for a few times and found that there is only one way to solve it: import using aliases, that is, add the import path under commonn/alias.php in the TP framework:
For example:
There are also some solutions to modify the source code of the Template class, which are not easy to use — because usually I don’t want to modify the core for a small problem.
So I thought of the import of Action:
Add import into your project base class BaseAction.class.php:
function _initialize() { import("@.Mylibs.Tag.TagLibArticle"); }
Refresh cache, problem solved...
This solution is simple and easy to use.
Using TP’s automatic loading configuration is faster:
'APP_AUTOLOAD_PATH'=> 'Think.Util.,@.Mylibs.Tag.',
Final plan:
1. Create Mylibs.Tag.TagLibTest — custom tag library
2. Configuration:
'APP_AUTOLOAD_PATH'=> 'Think.Util.,@.Mylibs.Tag.', 'TAGLIB_PRE_LOAD' => 'test' ,
You can use it normally after deleting the cache.
Readers who are interested in more thinkPHP related content can check out the special topics of this site: "ThinkPHP Getting Started Tutorial", "ThinkPHP Template Operation Skills Summary", "ThinkPHP Common Methods Summary", "Smarty Template Basic Tutorial" and "PHP Template Technology" Summarize".
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s PHP program design based on the ThinkPHP framework.