I thought about a similar problem before, that is, there is no limit on the maximum and minimum amount of money that each person can get. The previous problem can be easily solved with random numbers.
So this problem was also trapped by the previous thinking, and the breakthrough was completely focused on how to deal with everyone's random numbers.
So I didn’t solve this problem during the interview. I calmed down until the end of the interview, thought about it carefully, and found that my idea was wrong.
I think the correct idea is: everyone gets 6 yuan first, so that 40 yuan is left. Then take out one yuan each time and randomly distribute it to a person. If a person’s money reaches the upper limit, then this person You won't be eligible to get money next time. This is done until all the remaining money is distributed.
Of course, some optimizations can be done in the actual processing of the interface. For example, the remaining money can be randomly allocated each time (of course, this randomness must be subject to some restrictions to avoid over-allocation at once), and then if someone has money +The money randomly distributed this time>The upper limit of each person, then he is not eligible to get this money.
Random distribution is also easy to implement. First calculate how many people are eligible to get the money, and then count them one by one to decide which qualifies
This is my idea. If you have better ideas, please let me know. Thanks.
I thought about a similar problem before, that is, there is no limit on the maximum and minimum amount of money that each person can get. The previous problem can be solved easily with random numbers.
So this problem was also trapped by the previous thinking, and the breakthrough was completely focused on how to deal with everyone's random numbers.
So I didn’t solve this problem during the interview. I calmed down until the end of the interview, thought about it carefully, and found that my idea was wrong.
I think the correct idea is: everyone gets 6 yuan first, so that 40 yuan is left. After that, one yuan is taken out each time and randomly allocated to a person. If a person's money reaches the upper limit, then this person You won't be eligible to get money next time. This is done until all the remaining money is distributed.
Of course, some optimizations can be done in the actual processing of the interface. For example, the remaining money can be randomly allocated each time (of course, this randomness must be subject to some restrictions to avoid over-allocation at once), and then if someone has money +The money randomly distributed this time>The upper limit of each person, then he is not eligible to get this money.
Random distribution is also easy to implement. First calculate how many people are eligible to get the money, and then count them one by one to decide which qualifies
This is my idea. If you have better ideas, please let me know. Thanks.
<code>$cash = 40; $user_arr = array(6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6); while($cash>0){ $user_id = rand(0, 9); if($user_arr[$user_id]<12){ $user_arr[$user_id]++; $cash--; } } ; var_dump($user_arr,array_sum($user_arr));die;</code>
<code>性能篇 $arr1=range(2,6); shuffle($arr1); $arr2=range(2,6); shuffle($arr2); $user_arr = array(6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6); for ($i=0;$i<10;$i++){ if($i<=4){ $user_arr[$i] += $arr1[$i]; }else{ $j = $i%5; $user_arr[$i] += $arr2[$j]; } } var_dump($user_arr,array_sum($user_arr));die;</code>
<code><?php //总钱数 $allMoney = 100; //人数 $peopleNum = 10; //红包结果 $result = []; //随机生成10个红包 for ($i=0;$i<$peopleNum;$i++){ $result[$i] = mt_rand(6,12); } //取结果总钱数差 $diff = array_sum($result) - $allMoney; $absDiff = abs($diff); //多退少补 for($i=0;$i<$absDiff;$i++) { foreach ($result as $key => $value) { if ($diff > 0) { $value--; if ($value >= 6) { $result[$key] = $value; break; } } elseif ($diff < 0) { $value++; if ($value <= 12) { $result[$key] = $value; break; } } else { break 2; } } } //输出红包结果 var_dump($result); //输出红包总钱数 var_dump(array_sum($result));</code>
Maybe it’s complicated to write, this is what comes to mind suddenly.
There are simpler and cruder ones, which are also efficient.
<code><?php function makePaper() { $result = []; for ($i=0;$i<10;$i++){ $result[$i] = mt_rand(6,12); } if (array_sum($result) != 100) { return makePaper(); } return $result; }</code>
The last one is accurate enough to be divided into units. Both of the above methods can be modified in this way. All quantities except the number of people are multiplied by one hundred, and then divided by one hundred.
<code><?php function makePaper($allMoney = 100, $peopleNum = 10, $min = 6, $max = 12) { $result = []; for ($i=0;$i<10;$i++){ $result[$i] = mt_rand($min*100,$max*100); } if (array_sum($result) != $allMoney*100) { return makePaper(); } return array_map(function($money){ return bcdiv($money,100,2); },$result); } $result = makePaper(); var_dump($result); var_dump(array_sum($result));</code>
I wrote so much and still got rejected without giving a reason. what's the situation?
I wrote something with a very different idea. . . It feels a bit cumbersome, but the efficiency and scalability are acceptable.
Idea: After each allocation, make sure the remaining money is within a reasonable range.
If it is reasonable, make the next allocation
Otherwise, make this allocation again.
<code><?php function hongbao($money, $people, $min, $max) { $result = []; for ($i=0; $i < $people; $i++) { do { // 1.进行本次分配 $result[$i] = mt_rand($min*100, $max*100) / 100; // 2.本次分配后,剩余人数 $restPeople = $people - ($i+1); // 3.本次分配后,剩余金钱 $restMoney = $money - array_sum(array_slice($result, 0, $i+1)); // 4.本次分配后,剩余金钱是否在合理范围? 不在则重新分配 } while ($restMoney > $restPeople * $max || $restMoney < $restPeople * $min); } return $result; } $result = hongbao(100, 10, 6, 12); // 验证 var_dump($result); var_dump(array_sum($result));</code>
Run result:
My idea is to use recursion to achieve it, the code is as follows:
<code> //rem,当前递归层次还有多少个数没有生成,$total生成总量,在这个项目中为40,$must必须达到的数据,$arr,临时变量用来保存和传递用 //返回类型,$arr,即生成的随机数组 function test($rem, $total, $must, $arr) { if($rem>=2) { $rem -= 1; //$min本轮生成随机数的最小值是多少 $min = round($must - $rem * 6 , 2); if($min<=0) $min =0; $max = ($must > 6) ? 6 : $must; $rand = round(mt_rand($min*100, $max*100)/100 , 2); $arr[] = $rand; $must = $must - $rand; echo "生成rand数值:".$rand; echo "--剩余随机次数:".$rem."----必须达成数据:".$must; echo "<br>"; return test($rem, $total, $must, $arr); }else{ $arr[] = $must; return $arr; } } $arr = array(); $brr = test(10, 40, 40,$arr); //以后如果我想得到5个人分20块钱,也可以直接调用 //test(5,20,20,$arr)即可 print_r($brr); </code>
The final generated result is as follows:
<code>生成rand数值:0.41--剩余随机次数:9----必须达成数据:39.59 生成rand数值:0.81--剩余随机次数:8----必须达成数据:38.78 生成rand数值:5.72--剩余随机次数:7----必须达成数据:33.06 生成rand数值:2.51--剩余随机次数:6----必须达成数据:30.55 生成rand数值:1.25--剩余随机次数:5----必须达成数据:29.3 生成rand数值:5.34--剩余随机次数:4----必须达成数据:23.96 生成rand数值:5.98--剩余随机次数:3----必须达成数据:17.98 生成rand数值:5.99--剩余随机次数:2----必须达成数据:11.99 生成rand数值:6--剩余随机次数:1----必须达成数据:5.99 Array ( [0] => 0.41 [1] => 0.81 [2] => 5.72 [3] => 2.51 [4] => 1.25 [5] => 5.34 [6] => 5.98 [7] => 5.99 [8] => 6 [9] => 5.99 )</code>
X is the value that has been drawn
Y is the number of people that have been drawn
方程式为 min <= (m-x-z)/(n-y-1) <= max,配平就可以
<code>#encoding=utf8 from random import uniform def flag(m, n, min, max): x = 0 y = 0 L = [] for i in range(n): top = 12 bottom = 6 if not m-x-min*(n-y-1) >= 12: top = m-x-min*(n-y-1) if not m-x-max*(n-y-1) <= 6: bottom = m-x-max*(n-y-1) next = uniform(bottom, top) x += next y += 1 L.append(next) return L print flag(100, 10, 6, 12) print sum(flag(100, 10, 6, 12)) </code>
集中化只要为每个数据根据它的位置乘上相关系数解决。或者直接设为10,然后设定“随机抖动”= = 。
当剩余红包金额小于等于12 * 剩余红包个数且大于等于6 * 剩余红包个数,则将随机数加入到结果中.
<code>function makeSeq(){ $n = 10; $sum = 100; $result = []; while ($n > 1) { // 6n <= sum <=12n $randNum = mt_rand(600,1200) / 100; if(($sum-$randNum) >= 6* ($n - 1) && ($sum-$randNum) <= 12* ($n - 1)){ $sum -= $randNum; $n -= 1; $result[] = $randNum; } } $result[] = $sum; return $result; } print_r(makeSeq()); print_r(array_sum(makeSeq()));</code>
<code>function makeSeq2(){ $n = 10; $sum = 100; $result = []; for($i=$n;$i>=1;$i--){ $min = ($sum - 12 * ($i-1))>6?($sum - 12 * ($i-1)):6; $max = ($sum - 6 * ($i-1))<12?($sum - 6 * ($i-1)):12; $randNum = mt_rand($min,$max); $sum -= $randNum; $result[] = $randNum; } return $result; } </p> <p><img data-src="/img/bVzplv" alt="Interview question: Send a random red envelope of 100 yuan to 10 people. The maximum price per person is 12 yuan, and the minimum price is 6 yuan. How to divide?" ></p> <p class="answer fmt" data-id="1020000006018694"> </p> <p>一个do while循环就能解决的问题,搞那么复杂。</p> <pre class='brush:php;toolbar:false;'><?php $money = 40; $people = array_fill(0, 10, 6); do { $lucky_index = mt_rand(0, 9); $lucky_money = floatval(substr(mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax(), 0, 4)); if($people[$lucky_index]+$lucky_money >= 12) continue; if($money < 1) { $m = $money; } else { $m = $lucky_money; } $people[$lucky_index] += $m; $money -= $m; } while($money > 0); print_r($people); ?>
<code>$arr = []; for ($i=0; $i < 9; $i++) { $arr[] = mt_rand(6,12); } array_push($arr, 100 - array_sum($arr)); var_dump($arr); var_dump(array_sum($arr));</code>
<code> <?php // 1.初始化,平均分配每人$initAvgMoney(根据限制条件随机产生) // 2.每人随机拿出一定金额到共享资金池中,进行重新分配 // 限制条件:$initAvgMoney应满足条件:"小宝"一分钱也不放入共享资金池("特自私"),其余九人拿出尽可能多的钱到共享资金池(每人只留6元)的情况下,共享资金池平均分配后小宝的钱也不超过12块 header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); $minInitAvgMoney = 600; // ($maxInitAvgMoney - 600) * 9 / 10 + $maxInitAvgMoney <= 1200; $maxInitAvgMoney = floor(1740 / 1.9); echo("maxInitAvgMoney:");var_dump($maxInitAvgMoney); $initAvgMoney = mt_rand($minInitAvgMoney, $maxInitAvgMoney) ; echo("initAvgMoney:");var_dump($initAvgMoney); $maxMinus = $initAvgMoney - 600; echo("maxMinus:");var_dump($maxMinus); $moneyArr = array(); for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i ++){ $randMinusArr[$i] = mt_rand(0, $maxMinus / 10) * 10; // echo("randMinusArr-{$i}");var_dump($randMinusArr[$i]); $moneyArr[$i] = $initAvgMoney - $randMinusArr[$i]; } $randMinusSum = 10000 - $initAvgMoney * 10 + array_sum($randMinusArr); $avgAddMoney = $randMinusSum / 10; for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i ++){ $moneyArr[$i] = ($moneyArr[$i] + $avgAddMoney) / 100; } echo "最终结果:";var_dump($moneyArr); echo "结果验证:";var_dump(array_sum($moneyArr)); // 感觉还有可以完善的地方,先这样吧 </code>
<code>min = 6; max = 12; total = 100; pe = 10; maxTotal = max*pe - total; list = array(); for (0<pe) if(maxTotal>0) temp = random(0,maxTotal>=6?6:maxTotal); maxTotal-=temp; list.push(12-temp); if(maxTotal>0) pre = maxTotal/pe; for (0<pe)list[temp2]+=pre; shuffle(list); </code>
<code>import random def deliver(sum_of_money,num_of_people,min_of_money,max_of_money): if num_of_people==1: arr = [sum_of_money] return arr else: half = num_of_people>>1 border_left = max(min_of_money*half,(sum_of_money-(num_of_people-half)*max_of_money)) border_right = min(max_of_money*half,(sum_of_money-(num_of_people-half)*min_of_money)) sum_of_left = random.randint(border_left,border_right) arr_left = deliver(sum_of_left,half,min_of_money,max_of_money) arr_right = deliver(sum_of_money-sum_of_left,num_of_people-half,min_of_money,max_of_money) return arr_left+arr_right list = deliver(10000,10,600,1200) print list</code>
function faHongBao(money, pe, min, max) { var sum = money, result = []; for(var i=0; i<pe; i++) { result.push(min); sum -= min; } while(sum > 0) { var ran = Math.floor( Math.random() * (pe - 1) ); if(result[ran] < max) { result[ran]++; sum--; } } return result; }
<code> static void Main(string[] args) { int all = 100;//总金额 int person = 10;//人数 double min = 8;//最小金额 double max = 12;//最大金额 double[] array = new double[person];//分配结果集 int i = 0;//第几人 Random ran = new Random(); //默认分配最小值 for (i = 0; i < person; i++) { array[i] = min; } double yet = min * person;//已分配金额 int whileTimes = 0;//记录循环次数 while (yet < all) { double thisM = Math.Round((ran.NextDouble() * (max - min - 1)), 2); i = ran.Next(0, person); if (yet + thisM > all) { thisM = all - yet; } if (array[i] + thisM < max)//判断是否超出最大金额 { array[i] += thisM; yet += thisM; } whileTimes++; } Console.Write("共循环{0}次\r\n", person + whileTimes); yet = 0; for (i = 0; i < person; i++) { yet += array[i]; Console.Write("第{0}人=>分配{1}元,合计分配{2}元\r\n", i + 1, array[i], yet); } Console.Read(); } </code>
<code>function roundmoney() { $cash=100; for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $people[$i]=rand(6,12); $cash=$cash-$people[$i]; if($cash==0&&$i==9) { return $people; } } return false; } while(true) { if(($res=roundmoney())!=false) { var_dump($res); break; } }</code>
感觉有点粗暴,就是完全让计算机随机分,什么时候刚好分够10个人并且每个人不少于6不大于10 就停止
<code>function microtime_float(){ list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } function getRandParcent(){ return rand(1,10)/rand(10,100); } function randUserMoney($cash,$min=6,$max=12){ $cash_ini = $cash; $user_arr = array($min,$min,$min,$min,$min,$min,$min,$min,$min,$min); $start = microtime_float(); while($cash>0){ $user_id = rand(0, 9); $rand_point = getRandParcent(); if($user_arr[$user_id]<$max){ $ing = microtime_float(); if($ing-$start>0.01){ return randUserMoney($cash_ini); } $rand_money = round($rand_point*$cash,2); $user_money = $user_arr[$user_id]+$rand_money ; if($user_money<$max){ $user_arr[$user_id] = $user_money; $cash = $cash - $rand_money; } } } return [ 'user_money'=>$user_arr, 'total_money'=>array_sum($user_arr), 'excute_time'=>$ing-$start ]; } var_dump(randUserMoney(40)); array (size=3) 'user_money' => array (size=10) 0 => float 11.59 1 => float 9.07 2 => float 11.99 3 => float 12 4 => float 9.14 5 => float 11.6 6 => float 11.86 7 => float 9.93 8 => float 6 9 => float 6.82 'total_money' => float 100 'excute_time' => float 0.004000186920166</code>
每个人实际领到的红包 等于 红包基数 加上 从奖金池中获取的随机奖金;
随机奖金会判断当前奖金池数量 与 剩余人数之间的关系,决定最小奖金的大小:minSignal
① restNum * range <= restPool : 每个人得到最大奖金依然没有(刚好)分配完奖金:retrun range;
② (restNum-1) * range > restPool : 判断下一次剩余人员能否分配完奖金池,如果能,则本次随机区间在[0,range]
③ restNum range > restPool > (restNum-1) range : 不能,则随机区间在[restPool % range,range]
<code>function demo(total, min, max, num){ var pool = total - min * num; var restNum = num ; // 剩余人数 var restPool = pool; // 剩余奖金 var minSignal = function(){ var range = max - min; // 最大奖金 return restNum * range > restPool ? (restNum-1) * range > restPool ? 0 : restPool % range : range ; }; var dispatch = function (){ var minS = minSignal(); var temp = minS + Math.random() * ( max - min - minS); temp = temp > restPool ? restPool : temp; restPool -= temp; return min + temp; } for(var i = 0; i < num; i++){ var prize = dispatch(); restNum --; console.log("第"+ (i+1) +"个人:" + prize ,"剩余奖金池:" + restPool); } } // 测试 demo(100, 6 , 12, 10) 2016-07-20 12:57:29.056 VM9998:19 第1个人:8.917007956230712 剩余奖金池:37.08299204376929 2016-07-20 12:57:29.056 VM9998:19 第2个人:11.711160108665778 剩余奖金池:31.371831935103508 2016-07-20 12:57:29.056 VM9998:19 第3个人:9.60431933144148 剩余奖金池:27.767512603662027 2016-07-20 12:57:29.057 VM9998:19 第4个人:9.005495062706432 剩余奖金池:24.762017540955597 2016-07-20 12:57:29.057 VM9998:19 第5个人:6.881776388287364 剩余奖金池:23.880241152668233 2016-07-20 12:57:29.057 VM9998:19 第6个人:11.477396582224884 剩余奖金池:18.40284457044335 2016-07-20 12:57:29.057 VM9998:19 第7个人:11.980543481582266 剩余奖金池:12.422301088861083 2016-07-20 12:57:29.057 VM9998:19 第8个人:10.577151778799255 剩余奖金池:7.845149310061829 2016-07-20 12:57:29.057 VM9998:19 第9个人:10.915993913333269 剩余奖金池:2.92915539672856 2016-07-20 12:57:29.057 VM9998:19 第10个人:8.92915539672856 剩余奖金池:0</code>
1,每人先发6元。 剩下每人最多还能分到6元。 剩下40元
2,如果按照整元分; 那么等价于40元分到60个槽。。。
3,如果要精确到分, 那么等价于40 00 分 分到 60 * 100个槽。。。
<code>import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; public class RandomMoney { public static void main(String[] args) { int len = 10; float allMoney = 100;//总钱数 float remainMoeny = 0;//剩余得钱数 float randomMoney = 0;//随机生成得钱数![图片描述][1] float sumMoney = 0;//每次随机生产钱数得总和 int index; //随机索引 float oneMoney;//某一次随机得钱数 List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { list.add(6f); } sumMoney = sumMoney(list ,len); Long star = System.nanoTime();//System.currentTimeMillis(); while ((remainMoeny = allMoney - sumMoney) > 0) { //产生一个剩余钱下的随机数 index = random.nextInt(10); //当剩余得钱数少于一角 就把剩下得随机给某一个 if (remainMoeny < 1f&&remainMoeny > 0) { //某一个人的钱数 oneMoney = (float)list.get(index)+(allMoney-sumMoney); if (oneMoney < 12f) { list.set(index, oneMoney); sumMoney = sumMoney(list, len); System.out.println(list); System.out.println(sumMoney); } }else { //随机生产得钱数 randomMoney = random.nextInt((int)remainMoeny)+random.nextFloat(); //某一个人得钱数 oneMoney = (float)list.get(index)+randomMoney; if (oneMoney < 12f) { list.set(index, oneMoney); sumMoney = sumMoney(list , len); } } } long end = System.nanoTime();//System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(end-star); } public static float sumMoney(List<Object> list ,int len){ float sumMoney = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sumMoney += (float)list.get(i); } return sumMoney; } }</code>
<code>function fhb($money,$num,$min,$max){ $firstUse=$num*$min; $surplusMoney=$money-$firstUse; $arr=array(); for($i=1;$i<=$num;$i++){ $arr[]=$min; } $diff=$surplusMoney*100; while($diff>0){ $randUid = rand(0, $num - 1); if($arr[$randUid]<$max){ $arr[$randUid]+=0.01; $arr[$randUid]=number_format($arr[$randUid],2,'.',''); $diff--; } } return $arr; } $a=fhb(100,10,6,12);</code>
<code>Array ( [0] => 9.75 [1] => 9.84 [2] => 10.06 [3] => 10.15 [4] => 9.94 [5] => 10.17 [6] => 10.00 [7] => 10.24 [8] => 9.86 [9] => 9.99 )</code>
<code>function hongbao($money, $people, $min, $max) { if($people * $min > $money || $people * $max < $money) { return false; } $result = []; for($i = 0;$i < $people; ++$i) { if($i == $people - 1) { $result[$i] = $money - array_sum($result); break; } $rand = mt_rand($min * 100, $max * 100)/100; while(!isset($result[$i])) { $restMoney = $money - array_sum($result) - $rand; if($restMoney > ($people - $i -1) * $max) { $rand += 1; $rand > $max && $rand = $max; } elseif($restMoney < ($people - $i - 1) * $min) { $rand -= 1; } else { $result[$i] = $rand; } } } return $result; } $result = hongbao(100, 10, 6, 12); print_r($result); print_r(array_sum($result));</code>
<code><?php function randMoney($totalMoney, $people, $max, $min) { if ($max * $people < $totalMoney || $min * $people > $totalMoney) { throw new Exception("总金钱不可以大于最大值与人数的乘积,不可以小于最小值与人数的乘积", 1); return []; } $minRest = round(($people * $max - $totalMoney) / ($people - 1), 2) + 0.01; $restMoney = $totalMoney; $result = []; $time = 0; while ($restMoney) { for ($i = 0; $i < $people; $i++) { $time++; if ($restMoney > 0) { if ($restMoney <= $min) { $currenRand = $restMoney; } else { $currenRand = $max - $min; } if ($restMoney <= $minRest) { $rand = $restMoney; } else { $rand = mt_rand(0.00, $currenRand * 100) / 100; } if (isset($result[$i])) { if ($result[$i] + $rand <= $max) { $result[$i] += $rand; $restMoney -= $rand; } } else { $result[$i] = $min + $rand; $restMoney -= $result[$i]; } if (!$restMoney) { break; } } } } return $result; } try { $result = randMoney(100, 10, 12, 6); var_dump($result); echo array_sum($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); }</code>
X+10Y = 100;
数学模型为:取随机数 x < s,范围为 [a, b],另一个条件是:
s-x:[(n-1)a, (n-1)b] ==> x: [s-(n-1)a, s-(n-1)b],
其中 s, n, a, b 分别是题中的 金额(100),人数(10),下限(6),上限(12)
php 没用过,用python的生成器可以简单的实现:
<code>import random def hongbao(s, n, a, b): for i in range(n-1, -1, -1): x = random.randint(max(a, s-b*i), min(b, s-a*i)) s -= x yield x</code>
相当于生成 10 个 [0, 6] 之间的随机数,并且让它们和为 40,然后再每个数加上 6 即可。
如果用 Python,可以这样实现:
import random r = [6] * 10 for i in range(40): r[random.choice([i for i in range(10) if r[i] < 12])] += 1 print(r)
<code>$sum = 0; //生成随机数的和 $total = 4000; //随机数总和不能大于4000 $num = 10; //生成num个随机数 $factor_start = 0; //优化算法效率,在一定情况下,提高系数,可以随机数的效率。 $factor_end = 600; //后面能随机的值不够时,需要控制后面随机数的范围。 $rand_num = array(); foreach($i==1;$i<=$num;$i++){ if($i==10){ $rand_num[9] = 6 + ($total - $sum)/100; break; } do{ $rand = mt_rand($factor_start,$factor_end); $tmp_sum = $sum + $rand; if((($total - $tmp_sum) / ($num - $i)) < 600){ $sum = $tmp_sum; $rand_num[] = 6 + $rand / 100; if($total - $sum<=600){ $factor_end = $total - $sum; } break; }else{ $factor_start += 100; } }while(true) } var_dump(shuffle($rand_num)); //重新打乱数组,并输出</code>
<code> function rand_red($min,$max,$num,$count){ $return=[]; $shenyu=$count-($min*$num);//每个人分6块剩余的金额 $rand_num=$max-$min;//最大分配 $mt_rand_min=1;//剩余金额最小值 默认分1 for($i=1;$i<=$num;$i++){ $num_count=mt_rand($mt_rand_min,$rand_num);//随机分配金额 if($shenyu>$num_count){ $shenyu=$shenyu-$num_count; $mt_rand_min=$shenyu/($num-$i);//计算剩余小值 $red_num=$min+$num_count;//最少分配加上 max-min随机值 $return[]=$red_num; }else{ if($shenyu!==0){ $red_num=$min+$shenyu; $shenyu=0; $return[]=$red_num; }else{ $return[]=$rand_num; } } } return $return; } $arr=rand_red(6,12,10,100); var_dump($arr); var_dump(array_sum($arr)); 借鉴了楼主思路 英文不好 变量命名不是很标准 别喷~ 期待更好随机性解析代码</code>
<code>public class Allocation{ public static final double Total = 100; public static final double Min = 6; public static final double Max = 12; public static final int peopleNum = 10; private static double money_left; public static double[] allocateMoney(){ double[] result = new double[10]; money_left = Total; double lowerBound = Min; double upperBound = Max; double money_now = 0; double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < peopleNum ; i++) { lowerBound = Min > money_left - Max*(peopleNum-i-1)?Min:(money_left - Max*(peopleNum-i-1)); upperBound = Max < money_left - Min*(peopleNum-i-1)?Max:(money_left - Min*(peopleNum-i-1)); money_now = (upperBound - lowerBound)*Math.random()+lowerBound; System.out.println((i+1)+" : " + money_now); result[i] = money_now; //verify sum += money_now; money_left = money_left - money_now; } //verify System.out.print("Total = " + sum); return result; } public static void main(String[] args) { allocateMoney(); } } </code>