<code>DB::table('topics')->select('topics.*', 'b.username', 'b.avatar', 'c.username as rname', 'd.cname') ->where('topics.is_hidden', 0) ->leftJoin('users b', 'b.uid', '=', 'topics.uid') ->leftJoin('users c', 'c.uid', '=', 'topics.ruid') ->leftJoin('nodes d', 'd.node_id', '=', 'topics.node_id') ->orderBy('ord', 'desc') ->take($limit)->get(); </code>
An error occurred during the connection query aliasing
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'startbbs.stb_users b' doesn't exist (SQL: select stb_topics
.*, stb_b
, stb_b
, stb_c
as rname
, stb_d
from stb_topics
left join stb_users b
on stb_b
= stb_topics
. uid
left join stb_users c
on stb_c
= stb_topics
left join stb_nodes d
on stb_d
= stb_topics
where stb_topics
= 0 order by ord
desc limit 20)
<code>DB::table('topics')->select('topics.*', 'b.username', 'b.avatar', 'c.username as rname', 'd.cname') ->where('topics.is_hidden', 0) ->leftJoin('users b', 'b.uid', '=', 'topics.uid') ->leftJoin('users c', 'c.uid', '=', 'topics.ruid') ->leftJoin('nodes d', 'd.node_id', '=', 'topics.node_id') ->orderBy('ord', 'desc') ->take($limit)->get(); </code>
An error occurred during the connection query aliasing
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'startbbs.stb_users b' doesn't exist (SQL: select stb_topics
.*, stb_b
, stb_b
, stb_c
as rname
, stb_d
from stb_topics
left join stb_users b
on stb_b
= stb_topics
. uid
left join stb_users c
on stb_c
= stb_topics
left join stb_nodes d
on stb_d
= stb_topics
where stb_topics
= 0 order by ord
desc limit 20)
The best way is to copy this SQL to the database management tool and execute it to see if there is something wrong with your construction
From the sql you constructed, it is because the table prefix 'stb' is added to the alias