Using the yii1.1 framework
<code> $req = Yii::app()->request; $purifier = new CHtmlPurifier(); $purifier->options = array( 'URI.AllowedSchemes'=>array( 'http' => true, 'https' => true, ) ); $url = $purifier->purify($req->getParam('url'));</code>
All parameters are filtered using purify. But there is still this loophole. Please tell me how to solve it. Is there a better solution for liberation?
Reply content:
<code> $req = Yii::app()->request; $purifier = new CHtmlPurifier(); $purifier->options = array( 'URI.AllowedSchemes'=>array( 'http' => true, 'https' => true, ) ); $url = $purifier->purify($req->getParam('url'));</code>
1 Custom method to filter common xss attack tags: script|iframe|image/Uis
2 Configuration direction to consider: Set httponly to prohibit obtaining cookies
3 Service direction: Use SSL protocol and prohibit loading of external js