<code> var connect = require('connect'); var app = connect() .use(connect.cookieParser()) .use(function(req,res){ console.log(req.cookie); console.log(req.signedCookies); }).listen(3000);</code>
Tips: connect.cookieParser is not a function;
It will also prompt when using bodyParser.
It is said online that it is separated from connect. You need to npm install cookieParser again.
Is bodyParser also needed? All the intermediate Do you need all the pieces?
<code> var connect = require('connect'); var app = connect() .use(connect.cookieParser()) .use(function(req,res){ console.log(req.cookie); console.log(req.signedCookies); }).listen(3000);</code>
Tips: connect.cookieParser is not a function;
It will also prompt when using bodyParser.
It is said online that it is separated from connect. You need to npm install cookieParser again.
Is bodyParser also needed? All the intermediate Do you need all the pieces?
Middleware such as cookieParser has been separated from connect and can be used independently without loading connect
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