1. For installation, it is recommended to download openresty. The package is relatively complete and the installation is simple and convenient;
Download address http://openresty.org/download/ngx_openresty-
2. Compile and install
tar xzvf ngx_openresty- cd ngx_openresty- ./configure --with-luajit make make install
# Add the following to the http section to introduce redis support:
lua_package_path "/home/ngx_openresty-;;";
#Close The lua script cache makes it possible to load the script every time and modify the script without restarting nginx
lua_code_cache off;
4. How to use nginx lua script
Execute the script in the config file
#lua script excute in this config
Location /lua{
set $test "hello world."; content_by_lua '
ngx.header.content_type = "text/plain";
'; lua script file call
location /extlua{
content_by_lua_file /home/lua_script/redis_test.lua;
post request: curl -d "id=1&age=20" ""
Multiple parameter url addresses must be enclosed in double quotes
The above introduces how to use nginx+lua+redis, including the relevant content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.