Laravel5 source code analysis
autoload.php uses composer's autoload
I won't explain it here
app.php Start the entire project
First look at the Application class
class Application extends Container implements ApplicationContract, HttpKernelInterface
There are many methods in Container, which implements ArrayAccess. The main methods are used to bind objects (facilitating reuse).
ApplicationContract needs to implement registration service provider.
HttpKernelInterface is just a handle method, accepts a Request and returns a Response.
Bind the app object itself to the instance property array.
Register two service providers, one is EventServiceProvider, register a single Dispatcher named 'events' (TODO), the other is RoutingServiceProvider(), which includes Router, RouterGenerator, Redirector, ResponseFactory, and constructs ResponseFactory to accept two parameters, one It is ViewFactory, and the other is Redirecer
registerCoreContainerAliases(), which adds a series of keys and corresponding class names and interface names to the alias attribute array'app' => ['IlluminateFoundationApplication', 'IlluminateContractsContainerContainer', 'IlluminateContractsFoundationApplication' ]
'app' is the key, and the three in the array are aliases (guess: It is estimated that whenever
Start after constructing the App Create important instances
to share an AppHttpKernel singleton in the app container.
Take a look at this class. It inherits an IlluminateFoundationHttpKernel
and implements the four methods of bootstrap, handle, terminate, and getApplication. As you can imagine, when a request is received, the process is to execute the first three in sequence, which is very simplified. protected $bootstrappers
array, contains a series of bootstrap startup projects.
His __construct accepts two parameters, an Application and a Router. We need to take another look at how $app->singleton
initializes it. Does it already include the IoC function? (TODO)
It is assumed here that these two parameters have been passed in correctly. Then, immediately call the middleware method of router in protected $routeMiddleware
. The middleware method just adds the key and Class name to the router's middleware attribute array.
Share an AppConsoleKernel singleton in the app container.
Inherited from IlluminateFoundationConsoleKernal
. His constructor accepts a protected $command
s attribute and the protected function schedule
method are both used for overriding.
kernel= app->make(‘Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel’);
response= kernel->handle(
$request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture()
kernel?>terminate( request, $response);
这里的代码非常明确,首先make一个Kernal,之前已经将其绑定为singleton了。然后kernal handle一个request, 得到一个response, response调用send方法,最后kernal terminate。这里只是一个高纬度的概括,具体其中实现的方法,还需要进一步深入。
看到这里,我的感觉是,整个项目最重要的部分就是$app这个容器,或者说Container这个类,绑定的是什么(Closure),有哪些绑定方法,各个方法的作用是什么,make 和 build有什么区别,alias的作用是什么,等。了解了这些,对写框架会有帮助。
以上就介绍了Laravel5 源码解析 (一),包括了方面的内容,希望对PHP教程有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。