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File loading---the first step in understanding a project

Release: 2016-08-08 09:29:51
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When I first started writing PHP, I was always worried about this problem: Can a new class I create here be loaded into the corresponding class file? After all, a Fatal Error is reported as soon as it is run, some ** file is not found, the class cannot be instantiated, etc. It is a very "low-level" error, and I am afraid that others will read it as a joke. So every time I take on a new task, I always want to figure out its loading process (I only knew a few HTML tags and styles before, and I don’t know if it counts as web development). Sometimes the boss looks at it and says that he still has time to read this, so he quickly writes Logic, just do this... Your sister, you know, of course you are sure of it D:, but later I found out that the processes are similar.

When developing in an IDE, such as C++/Java, you usually create a new project, add a new file to the specified directory through the IDE, and then #include/Import it in. PHP makes this step more procedural, and the file The loading process basically determines the directory structure and file classification of this project (framework or self-built project).

  Regardless of the framework or the self-built project, there must be an entry file. At this time, some basic information must be loaded in advance, such as configuration files, general methods, etc. The basic method is to manually load a single file directly, using one of the following four methods:

 include, require, include_once, require_once

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When it comes to the loading of class files, a small number of them are loaded directly. For example, common methods are written as static methods in a class Utilities, because they are many methods that will be used later (such as error output, curl request, random string generation. ..), so it is encapsulated with a class and is usually loaded when loading the configuration file


 The more common situation is: dynamic loading of classes. Let’s not talk about the loading method first, let’s take a look at when a class and instance will be used:

 1. The most obvious, $obj = new A; its variants $className = 'A'; $obj = $className; are all the same;

 2. Calling static methods, static variables and constants of the class, namely Utilities::httpRequest(), Utilities::$instance, Utilities::HOST;

  3. In PHP functions, when callback functions are used, the most typical one is call_user_func_array() (call_user_func). There are other places where callback is used, such as array_walk and array_map in arrays, which require a callback function as a parameter.

 The callback function is very flexible. It can not only be a simple function, but also an object method, including static class methods. Because you can use object methods or static methods, you have to load the corresponding class file at this time. Since php5.3, callback functions can also be implemented using anonymous functions like in js.

     <span>class</span><span> A{
         </span><span>public</span> <span>static</span> <span>function</span> cube(<span>$var</span><span>){
             </span><span>return</span> <span>pow</span>(<span>$var</span>, 3<span>);
         </span><span>public</span> <span>function</span> twice(<span>$var</span><span>){
             </span><span>return</span> 2*<span>$var</span><span>;
     </span><span>//</span><span> 使用类的静态方法</span>
     <span>$num</span> = <span>call_user_func</span>('A::cube', 5<span>);
     </span><span>//</span><span> 使用对象</span>
     <span>$obj</span> = <span>new</span><span> A;
     </span><span>$num</span> = <span>call_user_func_array</span>(<span>array</span>(<span>$obj</span>, 'twice'), <span>array</span>(7));
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Strictly speaking, the call_user_func_array in the above example has already instantiated the object before, but there is such a usage, it can also use the class static method.

 The first thing to understand is why dynamic loading is needed. PHP is a scripting language. When we access, scripts are used as available resources. For example, there is an index.php file in the root directory. It does not include any other files. When we access it directly as localhost/index.php, we can access it. All resources in index.php. If a common class A is defined in index.php, when an object of A is instantiated in the script, the program will react like this: Oh, I have seen the definition of A and can instantiate it directly. ize it (no need to load other files). If there are many classes such as classes B, C, and D, it will obviously not work if you write them all in index.php. Then write them in other files and include them (include is already doing the loading work). This way, for the program , is also "visible".

 However, as the system functions increase, there are more and more classes, and the functions of each class are also different. Some directly define the operation of the database and read the data of the database. Some control the methods to be run when accessing the script, and some are Some of the pages that will be displayed are third-party core libraries that we reference. Therefore, when we put all the files in a directory, although they can be loaded directly by include, the placement of these files seems messy and difficult to find, which reduces the maintenance cost. Still high. Okay, let’s create a few more directories in the root directory. Directory A is dedicated to storing scripts that deal with the database. Directory B is the various configuration information files of the system. Directory C is to control the entry control method when we enter the program. Script, directory D is the page that will be displayed to the browser...






  1. __autoload


  void __autoload ( string $class )


    <span>//</span><span> file: autoload.php 
    // ROOT为已经定义的根目录常量</span>
    <span>function</span> __autoload(<span>$className</span><span>){
            </span><span>if</span>(<span>file_exists</span>(ROOT.'Controller/'.<span>$className</span>.'.php')){<span>//</span><span> 检查Controller</span>
            </span><span>else</span> <span>if</span>(<span>file_exists</span>(ROOT.'Model/'.<span>$className</span>.'.php')){<span>//</span><span> 检查Model</span>
            </span><span>else</span> <span>if</span>(<span>file_exists</span>(ROOT.'Lib/'.<span>$className</span>.'.php')){<span>//</span><span> 检查Lib</span>
            </span><span>else</span>{                                               <span>//</span><span> 找不到该文件</span>
                <span>throw</span> <span>new</span> <span>Exception</span>("ERROR: can't find file {<span>$className</span>}.php"<span>);
        </span><span>catch</span>(<span>Exception</span> <span>$e</span><span>){
            </span><span>echo</span> <span>$e</span>.<span>getMessage();
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  2. spl_autoload_register

  __autoload实际上也差不多了,但它是php定义的,如果现在有个东西写了并调用之后,就告诉程序说,我不用__autoload来加载文件了,我已经定义了一个专门加载文件的方法(比如名称是loadClass),以后需要加载一个类文件时,你就用它吧。spl_autoload_register就是这样一个能告诉程序这样去做的方法,而且自定义加载方法将会更灵活,可以指定多个加载函数,spl_autoload_register函数会将这些函数放在一个队列中,并激活它们,在调用时逐个激活:“If there must be multiple autoload functions, spl_autoload_register() allows for this. It effectively creates a queue of autoload functions, and runs through each of them in the order they are defined. ”,php.net上(http://php.net/manual/en/function.spl-autoload-register.php)也确实如此解释,spl_autoload_unregister则是从加载函数队列中注销。







    <span>//</span><span> file: Autoload.php</span>
    <span>define</span>('DS',<span> DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
    </span><span>define</span>('ROOT', <span>rtrim</span>(<span>dirname</span>(<span>__FILE__</span>), '/\\').<span>DS);
    </span><span>class</span><span> Autoload{
        </span><span>public</span> <span>static</span> <span>function</span> autoloadRegister(<span>$loadFunc</span> = 'Autoload::loadControllerClass', <span>$enable</span> = <span>true</span><span>){
            </span><span>return</span> <span>$enable</span> ? spl_autoload_register(<span>$loadFunc</span>) : spl_autoload_unregister(<span>$loadFunc</span><span>);
        </span><span>//</span><span> 加载控制器类</span>
        <span>public</span> <span>static</span> <span>function</span> loadControllerClass(<span>$className</span><span>){
            </span><span>if</span>(<span>file_exists</span>(ROOT.'Controller'.DS.<span>$className</span>.'.php')){<span>//</span><span> 检查Controller</span>
                </span><span>echo</span> ROOT.'Controller'.DS.<span>$className</span>.'.php'.'<br/>'<span>;
                </span><span>echo</span> "ERROR: can't find file {<span>$className</span>}.php in ".ROOT."Controller"<span>;
        </span><span>//</span><span> 加载模型类</span>
        <span>public</span> <span>static</span> <span>function</span> loadModelClass(<span>$className</span><span>){
            </span><span>if</span>(<span>file_exists</span>(ROOT.'Model'.DS.<span>$className</span>.'.php')){<span>//</span><span> 检查Model</span>
                </span><span>echo</span> ROOT.'Model'.DS.<span>$className</span>.'.php'.'<br/>'<span>;
                </span><span>echo</span> "ERROR: can't find file {<span>$className</span>}.php in ".ROOT."Model"<span>;
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    <span>//</span><span> 注册两个加载函数</span>
    // 查看总共注册了哪些加载函数</span>
    <span>echo</span> 'register functions=> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">'<span>;
    </span><span>//</span><span> 分别实例化一个Controller类和Model类</span>
    <span>$indexCon</span> = <span>new</span><span> indexController;
    </span><span>$userMod</span> = <span>new</span> userModel;
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  这不科学啊,spl_autoload_functions数组显示两个函数都注册了,但是当实例化userModel类时它还是跑到Controller目录中去找,两个类的实例化调用的自动加载方法都是Autoload::loadControllerClass,所以userModel类文件加载报错......注意到spl_autoload_register方法的第三个参数, 是添加一个加载函数时放在栈中的位置,于是我另写一个类似的类otherLoad,只是为了将loadModelClass方法放到队列首部:

    <span>class</span><span> otherLoad{
        </span><span>public</span> <span>static</span> <span>function</span> autoloadRegister(<span>$loadFunc</span> = 'otherLoad::loadModelClass', <span>$enable</span> = <span>true</span><span>){
            </span><span>//</span><span> 默认将loadModelClass放在队首</span>
            <span>return</span> <span>$enable</span> ? spl_autoload_register(<span>$loadFunc</span>, <span>true</span>, <span>true</span>) : spl_autoload_unregister(<span>$loadFunc</span><span>);
        </span><span>//</span><span> 加载模型类</span>
        <span>public</span> <span>static</span> <span>function</span> loadModelClass(<span>$className</span><span>){
            </span><span>if</span>(<span>file_exists</span>(ROOT.'Model'.DS.<span>$className</span>.'.php')){<span>//</span><span> 检查Model</span>
                </span><span>echo</span> ROOT.'Model'.DS.<span>$className</span>.'.php'.'<br/>'<span>;
                </span><span>echo</span> "ERROR: can't find file {<span>$className</span>}.php in ".ROOT."Model"<span>;
    } </span>
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    <span>//</span><span> 注册三个加载函数</span>
    </span><span>//</span><span> 查看总共注册了哪些加载函数</span>
    <span>echo</span> 'register functions=> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">'<span>;
    </span><span>//</span><span> 分别实例化一个Controller类和Model类</span>
    <span>$indexCon</span> = <span>new</span><span> indexController;
    </span><span>$userMod</span> = <span>new</span> userModel;
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  翻了下别人的文章,包括github上的博客,也就是列举了下手册上说的“可以一次注册多个加载函数 bala bala......”,难道没有人试过,还是我的理解有问题>3<...(win下测试,php版本5.4.10)真是这样的话spl_autoload_register方法就没多大意义嘛╮(╯▽╰)╭......


  1、 一个函数只会加载到函数队列中一次,重复加载也是如此;

  2、 spl_autoload_register如果不指定加载函数(第一个参数),则默认使用加载函数spl_autoload(功能类似于__autoload,是它的默认实现形式)

  3、 spl_autoload_register指定了__autoload为加载函数,则一定要实现__autoload;

  4、 同时实现了spl_autoload_register和__autoload,优先使用spl_autoload_register注册的加载函数。


    <span>//</span><span> 设置加载文件的扩展名,将只加载*.php的文件</span>
    </span><span>//</span><span> 默认使用spl_autoload加载文件,只能加载当前目录下文件:小写类名.php</span>
<span>    spl_autoload_register();
    </span><span>//</span><span> 测试
    // $obj = new A;</span>
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  spl_autoload_extensions设置加载时只认哪些扩展类型的文件,默认是.php或者.inc文件,这里设置成.php,然后就是调用注册函数。在根目录下创建一个A.php文件,新建一个类A,加载成功,再将文件名改成a.php,照样加载成功。需要留意spl_autoload默认将类名转小写,但是A.php照样加载成功,因为Windows的文件是大小写不敏感的(在同一目录下创建一个d.txt,再创建D.txt会认为是同一个文件),对于Mac OS X也是这样,但Linux就是大小写敏感了,测试时要注意这点。





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