A complete collection of PHP resources collected by foreign programmers

Release: 2016-08-08 09:30:32
1300 people have browsed it
A collection of PHP resources collected by foreign programmers
ziadoz initiated and maintained a list of PHPresources on Github, including: libraries, frameworks, templates, security, code analysis, logs , third-party libraries, configuration tools, Web Tools, books, e-books, classic blog posts and more. Reprinted from here: http://www.icultivator.com/p/10437.html
Dependency managementDependency and package management library
  • Composer/Packagist: a package and dependency managers
  • Composer Installers: a multi-framework Composer library installer
  • Pickle: a PHP extension installer
Other dependency management Other related dependency management
  • Satis: a static Composer store Library generator
  • Composition: a library that checks the Composer environment at runtime
  • Version: a semantic version parsing and comparison library
  • NameSpacer - a library that converts underscores to namespaces
  • Patch Installer - a library that uses Composer to install patches
  • Composer Checker - A tool to verify Composer configuration
FrameworkWeb development framework
  • Symfony2 -A framework composed of independent components
  • Zend Framework 2 -Another framework composed of independent components
  • Laravel 4 - Another PHP framework
  • Aura PHP - A framework of independent components
  • Yii2 - Another PHP framework
  • Nette - Another framework composed of individual components
  • PPI Framework 2 - An interoperability framework
  • Phalcon - Via Framework implemented by C extension
Other frameworksOther web development frameworks
  • Symfony CMF - Content management framework for creating custom CMS
  • Knp RAD Bundle - Rapid Application (RAD) package for Symfony 2
Framework componentsIndependent components from web development frameworks
  • Symfony2 Components -Symfony2 components
  • Zend Framework 2 Components -ZF2 components
  • Aura Components -PHP5.4 component package
  • Hoa Project -Another PHP component Package
Micro Framework Micro Framework and Routing
  • Silex - Micro framework based on Symfony2 components
  • Slim - Another simple micro framework
  • Bullet PHP - Micro framework for building REST APIs
  • Fast Route - Fast routing library
  • Pux -Another fast routing library
Other micro-frameworksOther related micro-frameworks and routing
  • Silex Skeleton -Silex project architecture
  • Silex Web Profiler -Silex web Debugging toolbar
  • Stack - Silex/Symfony's stackable middleware library
  • Slim Skeleton -Slim architecture
  • Slim View -Slim's custom view collection
  • Slim Middleware -Slim's custom middleware collection
template Libraries and tools for templating and lexical analysis
  • Twig - a comprehensive template language
  • Twig Cache Extension - a template fragment caching library for Twig
  • Mustache - a PHP implementation of the Mustache template language
  • Phly Mustache - another PHP implementation of the Mustache template language
  • MtHaml - A PHP implementation of the HAML template language
  • PHPTAL - A PHP implementation of the TAL template language
  • Plates - A native PHP template library
  • Lex - A lightweight template parser
Static site generator Preprocessing tools to generate the content of web pages.
  • Sculpin - Tool to convert Markdown and Twig to static HTML
  • Phrozn - Another tool to convert Textile, Markdown and Twig to HTML
HTTPLibrary for HTTP and website scraping
  • Guzzle - a comprehensive HTTP client
  • Buzz - another HTTP client
  • Requests - a simple HTTP library
  • HTTPFul - a chained HTTP library
  • Goutte - a simple web crawler
  • PHP VCR - A library for recording and replaying HTTP requests
URL A library for parsing URLs
  • Purl - A URL processing library
  • PHP Domain Parser - A local prefix parsing library
EmailSend And a library for parsing emails
  • SwiftMailer - an email solution
  • PHPMailer - another email solution
  • Fetch - an IMAP library
  • Email Reply Parser - an email reply parsing library
  • Stampie - an email service library, Not as good as SendGrid, PostMark, MailGun and Mandrill.
  • CssToInlineStyles - A library for inline CSS in email templates
FileFile handling and MIME type detection library
  • Gaufrette - A file system abstraction layer
  • Flysystem - Another file system abstraction layer
  • Canal - A library for detecting Internet media types
  • Apache MIME Types - A parsing Apache MIME type library
  • Ferret - a MIME detection library
  • Hoa Mime - another MIME detection library
  • Lurker - a resource tracking library
  • PHP File Locator - a library for locating files in large projects
  • PHP FFmpeg - a Library for FFmpeg video packaging.
  • CSV - A CSV data processing library
Streams Streams A library for processing streams
  • Streamer - An object-oriented stream packaging library
Dependency Injection Dependency Injection Library that implements dependency injection design pattern
  • Pimple - a small dependency injection container
  • Auryn - another dependency injection container
  • Orno Di - another scalable dependency injection container
  • PHP DI - one that uses Dependency injection implemented by annotations
  • Acclimate - A common interface for dependency injection containers and service location
Imagery Image A library for processing images
  • Imagine - An image processing library
  • PHP Image Workshop - Another image Processing library
  • Intervention Image - another image processing library
  • GIF Frame Extractor - a library that extracts GIF animation frame information
  • GIF Creator - a library that creates GIF animations from multiple images
  • Image With Text - a library that extracts GIF animation frame information Library for embedding text in
  • Color Extractor - A library for extracting colors from images
Testing Testing A library for testing code and generating test data
  • PHPUnit - a unit testing framework
  • DBUnit - PHPUnit's database testing library
  • ParaTest - PHPUnit's parallel testing library
  • PHPSpec - a unit testing library based on function point design
  • Codeception - a full stack testing framework
  • AspectMock - PHPUnit/ Codeception Mocking framework.
  • Atoum - a simple testing library
  • Mockery - a mock object library for testing
  • Phake - another mock object library for testing
  • Prophecy - a highly optional mocking framework
  • Faker - a Fake data generation library
  • Samsui - Another fake data generation library
  • Alice - An expressive generation library
  • Behat - A behavior-driven development (BDD) testing framework
  • Pho - A behavior-driven development testing framework
  • Mink -Web Acceptance Test
  • HTTP Mock - A library to simulate HTTP requests in unit tests
  • VFS Stream -A wrapper for virtual file system streams for testing
  • VFS -Another for testing virtual file systems
  • Locust -A modern load testing library written in Python
Continuous Integration Continuous IntegrationContinuous integration libraries and applications
  • Travis CI -A continuous integration platform
  • PHPCI -An open source continuous integration platform for PHP
  • Sismo - a continuous testing service library
  • Jenkins for PHP Supported continuous integration platforms
  • JoliCi - a Docker-powered continuous integration client written in PHP
Documentation documentation library for generating project documentation
  • Sami - an API documentation generator
  • APIGen - Another API document generator
  • PHP Documentor 2 - An API document generator
  • phpDox - A document generator for PHP projects (not limited to API documentation)
Security Generate secure random numbers and encrypt data , a library for scanning for vulnerabilities
  • HTML Purifier - a standards-compliant HTML filter
  • RandomLib - a library for generating random numbers and strings
  • True Random - a library for generating random numbers using www.random.org
  • SecurityMultiTool - a PHP security library
  • PHPSecLib - a pure PHP secure communication library
  • TCrypto - a simple key-value encryption repository
  • PHP IDS - a structured PHP security layer
  • PHP SSH - an experimental object-oriented SSH wrapper library
  • IniScan - a library that scans PHP INI files for security
  • SensioLabs Security Check - a web tool that provides security recommendations for checking Composer dependencies
  • Zed - an integrated web application penetration testing tool
Passwords Libraries and tools for processing and storing passwords
  • Password Compat - A compatibility library for new PHP5.5 password functions
  • phpass - A portable password hashing framework
  • PHP Password Lib - A generation and validation library Password verification library
  • Password Policy - A password policy library for PHP and JavaScript
  • Password Validator - A library for verifying and upgrading password hashes
  • Zxcvbn PHP - A realistic PHP password strength estimation library based on Zxcvbn JS
Code Analysis A tool for analyzing, parsing and processing code libraries
  • PHP Parser - a PHP parser written in PHP
  • PHPPHP - a PHP virtual machine implemented by PHP
  • PHPSandbox - a PHP sandbox environment
  • Dissect - a collection of lexical and syntax analysis tools
  • PHP Mess Detector - A library that scans code for defects, suboptimal code, unused parameters, etc.
  • PHP Code Sniffer - A library that detects standards conflicts in PHP, CSS and JS code
  • PHPCPD - A library that detects copied and pasted code
  • PHP Analyser - A library that analyzes PHP code to find flaws and errors
  • PHP CS Fixer - A coding standard library
  • PHP Manipulator - A library to analyze and modify PHP source code
  • PHP Metrics - A static measurement library
  • PHP Refactoring Browser - A command line tool set for refactoring PHP code
  • UBench - A simple A micro-benchmarking library
  • Athletic - an annotation-based benchmarking library
  • Mondrian - a code analysis tool using graph theory
  • Scrutinizer - a web tool for reviewing PHP code
  • PHPLOC - a quick measure of PHP project size Tools
  • xHprof - Another PHP profiling tool
  • PHPCcheckstyle - A tool that helps adhere to specific coding conventions.
Debugging Libraries and tools for debugging code
  • xDebug - a tool for debugging and analyzing PHP
  • PHP Debug Bar - a debugging toolbar
  • PHP Console - a web debugging console
  • Barbushin PHP Console - Another one using Google Web debugging console for Chrome
  • PHPDBG - An interactive PHP debugger
  • Tracy - A simple error detection, logging and time measurement library
Build Tools Project building and automation tools
  • Go - a simple PHP build tool
  • Bob - a simple project automation tool
  • Phake - a PHP clone library
  • Box - a tool to build PHAR files
  • Phing - a PHP project inspired by Apache Ant Build system
Task Runners Task Runners Library for automatically running tasks
  • Task - a pure PHP task runner inspired by Grunt and Gulp
  • Robo - a PHP task runner with object-oriented configuration
  • Bldr - A PHP task runner built on Symfony components
Navigation Tools for building navigation structures
  • KnpMenu - A menu library
  • Cartographer - A sitemap generation library
Asset Management Resource ManagementTools for managing, compressing and minimizing web site resources
  • Assetic - a pipeline library for resource management
  • Pipe - another pipeline library for resource management
  • Munee - a resource optimization library
  • JShrink - A JavaScript minimization library
  • Puli - A library for detecting absolute paths to resources
Geolocation Geolocation A library for geocoding addresses and using latitude and longitude.
  • GeoCoder - a geocoding library
  • GeoTools - a library related to geographic tools
  • PHPGeo - a simple geography library
  • GeoJSON - an implementation of geographic JSON
Date and Time Date and time Library for handling dates and times
  • Carbon - A simple date and time API extension
  • ExpressiveDate - Another date and time API extension
  • CalendR - A calendar management library
Event events Time-driven or non-blocking Library for event loop implementation
  • React - an event-driven non-blocking I/O library
  • Rx.PHP - a reactive extension library
  • Ratchet - a web socket library
  • Hoa WebSocket - another web socket Interface library
  • Hoa EventSource - an event source library
  • Evenement - an event distribution library
  • FuelPHP Event - another event distribution library
Logging logLibrary for generating and processing log files
  • Monolog - a comprehensive logging tool
  • KLogger - an easy-to-use PSR-3 compliant logging class
E-commerce E-commerce handles payments and builds Libraries and applications for online e-commerce stores
  • OmniPay - a framework mixed with libraries for multi-gateway payment processing
  • Payum - a payment abstraction library
  • Sylius - an open source e-commerce solution
  • Thelia - another open source E-commerce solution for
  • Money - A PHP implementation of the Fowler money model
  • Sebastian Money - Another library for handling monetary values ​​
  • Swap - An exchange rate library
PDFLibraries and software for handling PDF files
  • Snappy - a PDF and image generator library
  • WKHTMLToPDF - a tool to convert HTML to PDF
Database Database A database interaction library using Object Relational Mapping (ORM) or data mapping technology
  • Doctrine - a comprehensive DBAL and ORM
  • Doctrine Extensions - a collection of Doctrine behavioral extensions
  • Propel - a fast ORM, migration library and query builder
  • Eloquent - Laravel 4 ORM
  • Baum - an Eloquent embed Set implementation
  • Spot2 - a MySQL ORM mapper
  • RedBean - a lightweight, low-configuration ORM
  • Pomm - a PostgreSQL object model manager
  • ProxyManager - a toolset for generating proxy objects for data mapping
Migrations MigrationA library that helps manage database schemas and migrations
  • PHPMig - another migration management library
  • Phinx - another database migration management library
  • Migrations - a migration management library
  • Doctrine Migrations - A Doctrine migration library
NoSQLLibrary for handling NoSQL backends
  • MongoQB -A MongoDB query building library
  • Monga -A MongoDB abstraction library
  • Predis -A fully functional Redis library
Queue queue Library for handling event and task queues
  • Pheanstalk - a Beanstalkd client library
  • PHP AMQP - a pure PHP AMQP library
  • Thumper - a RabbitMQ pattern library
  • Bernard - a multi-backend abstraction Library
Search Search Libraries and software for indexing and executing queries on data
  • ElasticSearch PHP - the official client library for ElasticSearch
  • Elastica - the client library for ElasticSearch
  • Solarium - the client for Solr Library
  • SphinxQL query builder - Query library for Sphinx search engine
Command Line command lineLibrary for building command line tools
  • Boris - A micro PHP REPL
  • PsySH - Another micro PHP REPL
  • Pecan - an event-driven and non-blocking kernel
  • GetOpt - a command line selection parser
  • OptParse - another command line selection parser
  • Commando - another simple command line selection parser
  • GetOptionKit - another Command line selection parser
  • Cron Expression - A library to calculate cron run dates
  • ShellWrap - A simple command line wrapper library
  • Hoa Console - Another command line library
  • Shunt - One to run in parallel on multiple remote machines Command line library
  • Cilex - A micro-framework for building command line tools
Authentication Authentication library
  • Sentry - A hybrid authentication and authorization framework library
  • Sentry Social - A social network authentication library
  • Opauth - A multi-channel authentication framework
  • OAuth2 - An OAuth2 authentication service, resource server and client End library
  • OAuth2 Server - another OAuth2 server implementation
  • PHP oAuthLib - another OAuth library
  • TwitterOAuth - a Twitter OAuth library
  • TwitterSDK - a fully tested Twitter SDK
  • Hawk - a Hawk HTTP authentication library
  • HybridAuth - an open source social login library
Markup tag library for processing tags
  • Decoda - a lightweight tag parsing library
  • PHP Markdown - a Markdown parser
  • CommonMark PHP - a pair CommonMark spec fully supported Markdown parser
  • Dflydev Markdown - another Markdown parser
  • Parsedown - another Markdown parser
  • Ciconia - another Markdown parser that supports Github Markdown style
  • Cebe Markdown - a fast and extensible Markdown parser
  • HTML5 PHP - An HTML5 parsing and serialization library
Strings -8 - A portable library for processing UTF-8 strings Hoa String - Another UTF-8 string library Stringy - A string processing library with multi-byte support
    Color Jizz - Processing and converting colors Library
  • UUID - A library for generating UUIDs
  • Slugify - A library for converting strings to slugs
  • Urlify - A URLify.jsPHP channel for Django
  • Text - A text processing library
  • SQL Formatter - A format for SQL statements Library
  • UA Parser - A library for parsing user agent strings
  • Numbers Numbers
  • A library for processing numbers
  • Numbers PHP - A library for processing numbers
Math - A library for processing large numbers ByteUnits - Library for parsing, formatting and converting byte units in binary and measurement systems PHP Units of Measure - A library for unit of measure conversion
    PHP Conversion - Another library for unit of measure conversion
  • LibPhoneNumber for PHP - Google Phone PHP implementation library for number processing
  • Filtering and ValidationFiltering and validation
  • Library for filtering and validating data
  • Filterus - A simple PHP filtering library
Respect Validate -A simple validation libraryValitron - Another validation library Upload - a library that handles file upload and validation
    DMS Filter - a comment filtering library
  • MetaYaml - a schema validation library that supports YAML, JSON and XML
  • ISO-codes - validates various ISOs and ZIP encoding libraries (IBAN, SWIFT/BIC, BBAN, VAT, SSN, UKNIN)
  • REST and API
  • Libraries and web tools for developing REST-ful API
  • Apigility - one using Zend Framework 2 built API builders
Hateoas - a HOATEOAS REST web service library HAL - a Hypertext Application Language (HAL) building library Negotiation - a content negotiation library
    Drest - a library that exposes Doctrine entities as REST resources Node's library
  • Restler - A lightweight framework that exposes PHP methods as a RESTful web API
  • Caching
  • A library for caching data
  • Alternative PHP Cache (APC) - Turns on PHP pseudocode caching
Cache - a caching library (Doctrine part) Stash - another caching library Data structure and storage
  • A library that implements data structure and storage technology
    • Ardent - a data structure library
    • PHP Collections - a simple collection library
    • Serializer - a library for serializing and deserializing data
    • PHP Object Storage - an object storage library
    • Fractal - a library for converting complex data Struct to JSON output library
    • Totem - A library for managing and structuring data exchange sets
    • PINQ - A PHP real-time Linq library
    • JsonMapper - A library for mapping embedded JSON structures to PHP classes
    Notifications Library for processing notification software
    • Nod - a notification library (Growl, etc.)
    • Notificato - a library for processing push notifications
    • Notification Pusher - an independent library for device push notifications
    • Notificator - a lightweight Level notification library
    Deployment deployment Project deployment library
    • Pomander - a PHP application deployment tool
    • Rocketeer - a fast and simple deployer in the PHP world
    • Envoy - a SSH task running with PHP Tools
    • Plum - A deployment library
    Internationalization and localization Internationalization (I18n) and localization (L10n)
    • Aura.Intl
    Third-party APIAccess third-party API library
    • Amazon Web Service SDK - PHP AWS SDK official library
    • S3 Stream Wrapper -Amazon S3 stream packaging library
    • Stripe -Stripe official PHP library
    • Campaign Monitor -Campaign Monitor official PHP library
    • Digital Ocean -Digital Ocean API interface library
    • Github - Github API interaction library
    • PHP Github API -Another Github API interaction library
    • Twitter OAuth -Twitter OAuth workflow interaction library
    • Twitter REST - Twitter REST API interaction library
    • Dropbox SDK - The official PHP Dropbox SDK library.
    • Dropbox SDK - Dropbox SDK official PHP library
    • Twilio - The official Twilio PHP REST API.
    • Twilio - Twilio official PHP REST API
    • Mailgun The official Mailgun PHP API.
    • Mailgun Mailgun official PHP REST API
    Extensions Help the group build a library for PHP extensions
    • Zephir - a compiled language between PHP and C++ for developing PHP extensions
    • PHP CPP - a C++ library for developing PHP extensions
    Miscellaneous Useful libraries and tools not in the above categories
    • Spork - a library for handling forking
    • JSON Lint - a JSON lint tool
    • JSONPCallbackValidator - a library for validating JSONP callbacks
    • Pagerfanta - a paging library
    • Ruler - a simple stateless production environment rule engine.
    • LiteCQRS - A CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Separation) library
    • Sslurp - A library that reduces SSL processing
    • PHP Option An optional type library
    • Metrics - A simple metrics API library
    • Sabre VObject - A A library for parsing VCard and iCalendar objects
    • Annotations - an annotation library (Doctrine part)
    • Whoops - a good error handling library
    • Finite - a simple PHP finite state machine
    • LadyBug - a dumper library
    • Procrastinator - A library for running time-consuming tasks
    • Compose - a function composition library
    • SuperClosure - a library that allows closure serialization
    • Jumper - a remote service execution library
    • Underscore - a PHP implementation of the Underscore JS library
    • PHP PassBook - An iOS PassBook PHP library
    • PHP Expression - A PHP expression language
    • RMT - A library for writing versions and publishing software
    • Wise - A configuration manager
    • Opengraph - An open gallery
    • Essence - An extraction web Media library
    • Embera - an Oembed consumption library
    • Graphviz - a graphics library
    • Monad PHP a simple Monad library
    • Flux - a regular expression construction library
    • Patchwork - a function library that redefines users
    • Galapagos - Language conversion evolution
    • Design Patterns PHP - A design pattern repository implemented in PHP
    • PHPCR - A PHP implementation of the Java Content Repository (JCR)
    • Functional PHP - A functional programming library
    • ClassPreloader - An optimization Auto-loading library
    • Lib Country - a library of country and region data
    • Lib Accessor - a library that simplifies access
    • PHPStack - a TCP/IP stack concept written in PHP
    • Nmap - an Nmap PHP wrapper
    • Code Mover - A library for moving code
    • Iter - A library that provides iteration primitives using generators
    • Lambda PHP - A Lambda calculation parser in PHP
    • Country List - All with names and ISO 3166-1 encoding List of countries
    • PHP-GPIO - Library for GPIO pins of Raspberry PI
    • print_o - An object graph visualizer
    • Alias ​​- A class name library
    Software Software Software to create a development environment PHP InstallationA tool to help install and manage PHP on your computer
    • HomeBrew - an OSX package manager
    • HomeBrew PHP - a HomeBrew PHP channel
    • PHP OSX - an OSX PHP Installer
    • PHP Brew - A PHP version manager and installer
    • PHP Env - Another PHP version manager
    • PHP Switch - Another PHP version manager
    • PHP Build - Another PHP version installer
    • VirtPHP - A tool to create and manage independent PHP environments
    Development Environment Development EnvironmentSoftware and tools for creating sandbox development environments
    • Vagrant - A portable development environment tool
    • Ansible - A very simple Compilation framework
    • Puppet - a server automation framework and application
    • PuPHPet - a web tool for building PHP development virtual machines
    • Protobox - another web tool for building PHP development virtual machines
    • Phansible - a web tool for building PHP development virtual machines with Ansible Web tools for the machine
    Virtual Machines Virtual Machines Related PHP virtual machines
    • HipHop PHP - PHP virtual machine, runtime and JIT by Facebook
    • HippyVM - Another PHP virtual machine
    • Hack - A HHVM programming language for seamless operation of PHP
    IDE integrated development environmentIntegrated development environment that supports PHP
    • Netbeans - an IDE that supports PHP and HTML5
    • Eclipse for PHP Developers - an based on PHP for Eclipse platform IDE
    • PhpStorm - A commercial PHP IDE
    Web Applications Web ApplicationsWeb-based applications and tools
    • 3V4L An online PHP shell
    • DBV - a database version control application
    • PHP Queue - an application for managing back-end queues
    • Composer as a Service - a tool for downloading the Composer package as a zip file
    • MailCatcher - a Web tools for crawling and viewing emails
    Resources ResourcesVarious resources to improve your PHP development skills and knowledge, such as books, websites, articlesPHP websitesPHP related useful websites
    • PHP The Right Way - A quick guide to PHP best practices
    • PHP Best Practices - A PHP best practice guide
    • PHP Weekly - A PHP news weekly
    • PHP Security - A PHP security guide
    • PHP FIG - PHP Framework Interactive Group
    • PHP UG - A website that helps users locate the nearest PHP User Group (UG)
    • Seven PHP - A website where PHP community members are interviewed
    • Nomad PHP - An online PHP learning resource
    • PHP Mentoring - Peer-to-peer PHP Tutor Organization
    Other Websites Other WebsitesUseful websites related to web development
    • The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) - an open software security community
    • WebSec IO - a web security community resource
    • Web Advent - a web developer calendar
    • Semantic Versioning - a website that parses semantic versions
    • Atlassian Git Tutorials - a Git tutorial series
    • Hg Init - A Mercurial tutorial series
    • Servers for Hackers - A newsletter about server administration
    PHP Books Very good PHP related books
    • Scaling PHP Applications - A book about Steve Corona E-book for extending PHP applications
    • The Grumpy Programmer's Guide to Building Testable PHP Applications - A book by Chris Hartjes on building PHP application tests
    • Grumpy PHPUnit - A book by Chris Hartjes on unit testing with PHPUnit
    • Mastering Object-Orientated PHP - A book on object-oriented PHP by Brandon Savage
    • Signaling PHP - A book by Cal Evans about capturing PCNTL signals in CLI scripts
    • Securing PHP: Core Concepts - A book by Chris Cornutt's book on common security terms and practices in PHP
    • Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP - A Paul M. Jones book on modernizing legacy PHP applications
    Other books Books related to general computing and web development
    • The Linux Command Line -A book about the Linux command line by William Shotts
    • Understanding Computation -A book about computing theory by Tom Stuart
    • The Tangled Web — Securing Web Applications - A book about web application security by Michal Zalewski
    • Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide -Clinton A guide to working with Elasticsearch by Cormley and Zachary Tong
    • Eloquent JavaScript - A book about JavaScript programming by Marijin Haverbeke
    • Vagrant Cookbook - A book about creating a Vagrant environment by Erika Heidi
    • Pro Git -Scott Chacon and A book about Git by Ben Straub
    PHP VideoVery good PHP related video
    • Taking PHP Seriously - from Facebook Keith Adams on PHP Advantages
    • PHP Town Hall - A casual PHP podcast with Ben Edmunds and Phil Sturgeon
    • Programming with Anthony Anthony Ferrara’s video series
    PHP readingPHP related reading materials
    • Create Your Own PHP Framework - A series of articles by Fabien Potencier on how to create your own PHP framework
    • Seven Ways to Screw Up BCrypt - An article about correcting BCrypt implementation
    • Preventing CSRF Attacks -An article about preventing CSRF attacks
    • Don’t Worry About BREACH - An article about BREACH attacks and CSRF tokens
    • On PHP 5.3, Lamda Functions and Closures - an article about lambda functions and closures
    • Use Env - an article about using unix environment help
    • Composer Primer - Composer Elementary
    • Composer Versioning - an article about Composer versions Article
    • Composer Stability Flags - An article about Composer stability flags
    • Innocent Villagefolk or a Pillagin’ Pirate? - An article about PHP getting ideas from other languages
    • Predicting Random Numbers in PHP - an article about generating random numbers
    • A 20 Point List for Preventing XSS in PHP - An article about preventing XSS
    • PHP Sucks! But I Like It! - An article about the pros and cons of PHP
    • PHP Is Much Better Than You Think - An article about the PHP language and ecosystem
    PHP Internals Reading PHP kernel readingReading PHP kernel or performance-related information
    • PHP RFCs - PHP RFCs homepage (request comments)
    • PHP Internals Book - An online book about the PHP kernel written by three core developers
    • Print vs Echo, Which One is Faster? - An article about printing and echo performance
    • The PHP Ternary Operator. Fast or Not? -An article about the performance of ternary operations
    • Disproving the Single Quotes Myth - An article about the performance of single and double quoted strings
    • You’re Being Lied To - An article about kernel ZVALs
    • How Long is a Piece of String - an article about the principles of strings
    • Understanding OpCodes - an article about pseudocode
    • How Foreach Works -StackOverflow Details about foreach answer
    • When Does Foreach Copy? -An article about the principle of foreach
    • How Big Are PHP Arrays (And Values) Really? - An article about the principle of arrays
    • Why Objects (Usually) Use Less Memory Than Arrays - An article about the principles of objects and arrays
    • PHP Evaluation Order - An article about PHP evaluation order
    • PHP source code for developers: 1 2 3 4 - A series about PHP source code
    • Garbage collection: 1 2 3 Series about PHP garbage collection principles

    The above introduces the collection of PHP resources collected by foreign programmers, including relevant content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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