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Nginx's epoll event-driven module

Release: 2016-08-08 09:30:56
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In the previous article "Nginx Event Module" introduced the event-driven framework of Nginx and the management of different types of event-driven modules. Based on the previous knowledge, this section briefly introduces the epoll event-driven module under the Linux system. For information on the use and principles of epoll, please refer to the article "epoll Analysis". Here we directly introduce Nginx server implemented based on event-driven framework epoll Event-driven module. ONgx_epoll_module

event driving module




structure is the configuration item structure of the driving module of the drive module. The structure is defined in the file


/* 存储epoll模块配置项结构体 */
typedef struct {
    ngx_uint_t  events;         /* 表示epoll_wait函数返回的最大事件数 */
    ngx_uint_t  aio_requests;   /* 并发处理异步IO事件个数 */
} ngx_epoll_conf_t;
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ngx_epoll_module Definition of event-driven module The definition of all modules is based on the module common interface

ngx_module_t structure, ngx_epoll _module

The module is defined in the file

src/event/modules/ngx_epoll_module.c as follows:

/* epoll模块定义 */
ngx_module_t  ngx_epoll_module = {
    &ngx_epoll_module_ctx,               /* module context */
    ngx_epoll_commands,                  /* module directives */
    NGX_EVENT_MODULE,                    /* module type */
    NULL,                                /* init master */
    NULL,                                /* init module */
    NULL,                                /* init process */
    NULL,                                /* init thread */
    NULL,                                /* exit thread */
    NULL,                                /* exit process */
    NULL,                                /* exit master */
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In the definition of the ngx_epoll_module module, the ngx_epoll_commands array of configuration items that the module is interested in is defined, and the configuration item array is in document Defined in


/* 定义epoll模块感兴趣的配置项结构数组 */
static ngx_command_t  ngx_epoll_commands[] = {

     * epoll_events配置项表示epoll_wait函数每次返回的最多事件数(即第3个参数),
     * 在ngx_epoll_init函数中会预分配epoll_events配置项指定的epoll_event结构体;
    { ngx_string("epoll_events"),
      offsetof(ngx_epoll_conf_t, events),
      NULL },

     * 该配置项表示创建的异步IO上下文能并发处理异步IO事件的个数,
     * 即io_setup函数的第一个参数;
    { ngx_string("worker_aio_requests"),
      offsetof(ngx_epoll_conf_t, aio_requests),
      NULL },

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In the definition of the ngx_epoll_module module, the context structure ngx_epoll_module_ctx is defined, which is based on the general interface of the event module

ngx_event_ module_t defined by the structure. The context structure is defined in the file src/event/modules/ngx_epoll_module.c:

/* 由事件模块通用接口ngx_event_module_t定义的epoll模块上下文结构 */
ngx_event_module_t  ngx_epoll_module_ctx = {
    ngx_epoll_create_conf,               /* create configuration */
    ngx_epoll_init_conf,                 /* init configuration */

        ngx_epoll_add_event,             /* add an event */
        ngx_epoll_del_event,             /* delete an event */
        ngx_epoll_add_event,             /* enable an event */
        ngx_epoll_del_event,             /* disable an event */
        ngx_epoll_add_connection,        /* add an connection */
        ngx_epoll_del_connection,        /* delete an connection */
        NULL,                            /* process the changes */
        ngx_epoll_process_events,        /* process the events */
        ngx_epoll_init,                  /* init the events */
        ngx_epoll_done,                  /* done the events */
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In the context event interface structure of the ngx_epoll_module module, the interface callback method in the ngx_event_actions_t structure is focused. The operations of the

ngx_epoll_module event-driven module

            The operations of the ngx_epoll_module module are implemented by the members actions

in the context event interface structure of the

ngx_epoll_module module. The method implemented by this member is as follows:

        ngx_epoll_add_event,             /* add an event */
        ngx_epoll_del_event,             /* delete an event */
        ngx_epoll_add_event,             /* enable an event */
        ngx_epoll_del_event,             /* disable an event */
        ngx_epoll_add_connection,        /* add an connection */
        ngx_epoll_del_connection,        /* delete an connection */
        NULL,                            /* process the changes */
        ngx_epoll_process_events,        /* process the events */
        ngx_epoll_init,                  /* init the events */
        ngx_epoll_done,                  /* done the events */
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ngx_epoll_module Initialization of the module

      ngx_epoll_module The initialization of the module is implemented by the function ngx_epoll_init

. This function mainly does two things: create

epoll object and create event_list array (used to store ready events copied from the kernel when calling epoll_wait function); this function is defined in the file src/event/modules/ngx_epoll_module.c:

static int                  ep = -1;    /* epoll对象描述符 */
static struct epoll_event  *event_list; /* 作为epoll_wait函数的第二个参数,保存从内存复制的事件 */
static ngx_uint_t           nevents;    /* epoll_wait函数返回的最多事件数 */

/* epoll模块初始化函数 */
static ngx_int_t
ngx_epoll_init(ngx_cycle_t *cycle, ngx_msec_t timer)
    ngx_epoll_conf_t  *epcf;

    /* 获取ngx_epoll_module模块的配置项结构 */
    epcf = ngx_event_get_conf(cycle->conf_ctx, ngx_epoll_module);

    if (ep == -1) {
        /* 调用epoll_create函数创建epoll对象描述符 */
        ep = epoll_create(cycle->connection_n / 2);

        /* 若创建失败,则出错返回 */
        if (ep == -1) {
            ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cycle->log, ngx_errno,
                          "epoll_create() failed");
            return NGX_ERROR;


        /* 若系统支持异步IO,则初始化异步IO */
        ngx_epoll_aio_init(cycle, epcf);


     * 预分配events个epoll_event结构event_list,event_list是存储产生事件的数组;
     * events由epoll_events配置项指定;
    if (nevents < epcf->events) {
         * 若现有event_list个数小于配置项所指定的值epcf->events,
         * 则先释放,再从新分配;
        if (event_list) {

        /* 预分配epcf->events个epoll_event结构,并使event_list指向该地址 */
        event_list = ngx_alloc(sizeof(struct epoll_event) * epcf->events,
        if (event_list == NULL) {
            return NGX_ERROR;

    /* 设置正确的epoll_event结构个数 */
    nevents = epcf->events;

    /* 指定IO的读写方法 */
     * 初始化全局变量ngx_io, ngx_os_io定义为:
        ngx_os_io_t ngx_os_io = {
    ngx_io = ngx_os_io;

    /* 设置ngx_event_actions 接口 */
    ngx_event_actions = ngx_epoll_module_ctx.actions;

    /* ET模式 */
    ngx_event_flags = NGX_USE_CLEAR_EVENT
    /* LT模式 */
    ngx_event_flags = NGX_USE_LEVEL_EVENT

    return NGX_OK;
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The event processing of oNGX_EPOLL_MODULE module Ngx_epoll_module module event processing is implemented by function

ngx_ePoll_process_events. The ngx_epoll_process_events

function is an interface that implements event collection and event sending. This function is defined in the file


/* 处理已准备就绪的事件 */
static ngx_int_t
ngx_epoll_process_events(ngx_cycle_t *cycle, ngx_msec_t timer, ngx_uint_t flags)
    int                events;
    uint32_t           revents;
    ngx_int_t          instance, i;
    ngx_uint_t         level;
    ngx_err_t          err;
    ngx_event_t       *rev, *wev, **queue;
    ngx_connection_t  *c;


    ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, cycle->log, 0,
                   "epoll timer: %M", timer);

    /* 调用epoll_wait在规定的timer时间内等待监控的事件准备就绪 */
    events = epoll_wait(ep, event_list, (int) nevents, timer);

    /* 若出错,设置错误编码 */
    err = (events == -1) ? ngx_errno : 0;

     * 若没有设置timer_resolution配置项时,
     * NGX_UPDATE_TIME 标志表示每次调用epoll_wait函数返回后需要更新时间;
     * 若设置timer_resolution配置项,
     * 则每隔timer_resolution配置项参数会设置ngx_event_timer_alarm为1,表示需要更新时间;
    if (flags & NGX_UPDATE_TIME || ngx_event_timer_alarm) {
        /* 更新时间,将时间缓存到一组全局变量中,方便程序高效获取事件 */

    /* 处理epoll_wait的错误 */
    if (err) {
        if (err == NGX_EINTR) {

            if (ngx_event_timer_alarm) {
                ngx_event_timer_alarm = 0;
                return NGX_OK;

            level = NGX_LOG_INFO;

        } else {
            level = NGX_LOG_ALERT;

        ngx_log_error(level, cycle->log, err, "epoll_wait() failed");
        return NGX_ERROR;

     * 若epoll_wait返回的事件数events为0,则有两种可能:
     * 1、超时返回,即时间超过timer;
     * 2、在限定的timer时间内返回,此时表示出错error返回;
    if (events == 0) {
        if (timer != NGX_TIMER_INFINITE) {
            return NGX_OK;

        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, cycle->log, 0,
                      "epoll_wait() returned no events without timeout");
        return NGX_ERROR;

    /* 仅在多线程环境下有效 */

    /* 遍历由epoll_wait返回的所有已准备就绪的事件,并处理这些事件 */
    for (i = 0; i < events; i++) {
         * 获取与事件关联的连接对象;
         * 连接对象地址的最低位保存的是添加事件时设置的事件过期标志位;
        c = event_list[i].data.ptr;

        /* 获取事件过期标志位,即连接对象地址的最低位 */
        instance = (uintptr_t) c & 1;
        /* 屏蔽连接对象的最低位,即获取连接对象的真正地址 */
        c = (ngx_connection_t *) ((uintptr_t) c & (uintptr_t) ~1);

        /* 获取读事件 */
        rev = c->read;

         * 同一连接的读写事件的instance标志位是相同的;
         * 若fd描述符为-1,或连接对象读事件的instance标志位不相同,则判为过期事件;
        if (c->fd == -1 || rev->instance != instance) {

             * the stale event from a file descriptor
             * that was just closed in this iteration

            ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, cycle->log, 0,
                           "epoll: stale event %p", c);

        /* 获取连接对象中已准备就绪的事件类型 */
        revents = event_list[i].events;

        ngx_log_debug3(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, cycle->log, 0,
                       "epoll: fd:%d ev:%04XD d:%p",
                       c->fd, revents, event_list[i].data.ptr);
        /* 记录epoll_wait的错误返回状态 */
         * EPOLLERR表示连接出错;EPOLLHUP表示收到RST报文;
         * 检测到上面这两种错误时,TCP连接中可能存在未读取的数据;
        if (revents & (EPOLLERR|EPOLLHUP)) {
            ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, cycle->log, 0,
                           "epoll_wait() error on fd:%d ev:%04XD",
                           c->fd, revents);

#if 0
        if (revents & ~(EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT|EPOLLERR|EPOLLHUP)) {
            ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, cycle->log, 0,
                          "strange epoll_wait() events fd:%d ev:%04XD",
                          c->fd, revents);

         * 若连接发生错误且未设置EPOLLIN、EPOLLOUT,
         * 则将EPOLLIN、EPOLLOUT添加到revents中;
         * 即在调用读写事件时能够处理连接的错误;
        if ((revents & (EPOLLERR|EPOLLHUP))
             && (revents & (EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT)) == 0)
             * if the error events were returned without EPOLLIN or EPOLLOUT,
             * then add these flags to handle the events at least in one
             * active handler

            revents |= EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT;

        /* 连接有可读事件,且该读事件是active活跃的 */
        if ((revents & EPOLLIN) && rev->active) {

            /* EPOLLRDHUP表示连接对端关闭了读取端 */
            if (revents & EPOLLRDHUP) {
                rev->pending_eof = 1;

            if ((flags & NGX_POST_THREAD_EVENTS) && !rev->accept) {
                rev->posted_ready = 1;

            } else {
                /* 读事件已准备就绪 */
                 * 这里要区分active与ready:
                 * active是指事件被添加到epoll对象的监控中,
                 * 而ready表示被监控的事件已经准备就绪,即可以对其进程IO处理;
                rev->ready = 1;

             * NGX_POST_EVENTS表示已准备就绪的事件需要延迟处理,
             * 根据accept标志位将事件加入到相应的队列中;
            if (flags & NGX_POST_EVENTS) {
                queue = (ngx_event_t **) (rev->accept ?
                               &ngx_posted_accept_events : &ngx_posted_events);

                ngx_locked_post_event(rev, queue);

            } else {
                /* 若不延迟处理,则直接调用事件的处理函数 */

        /* 获取连接的写事件,写事件的处理逻辑过程与读事件类似 */
        wev = c->write;

        /* 连接有可写事件,且该写事件是active活跃的 */
        if ((revents & EPOLLOUT) && wev->active) {

            /* 检查写事件是否过期 */
            if (c->fd == -1 || wev->instance != instance) {

                 * the stale event from a file descriptor
                 * that was just closed in this iteration

                ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, cycle->log, 0,
                               "epoll: stale event %p", c);

            if (flags & NGX_POST_THREAD_EVENTS) {
                wev->posted_ready = 1;

            } else {

                /* 写事件已准备就绪 */
                wev->ready = 1;

             * NGX_POST_EVENTS表示已准备就绪的事件需要延迟处理,
             * 根据accept标志位将事件加入到相应的队列中;
            if (flags & NGX_POST_EVENTS) {
                ngx_locked_post_event(wev, &ngx_posted_events);

            } else {
                /* 若不延迟处理,则直接调用事件的处理函数 */


    return NGX_OK;
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ngx_epoll_module Event addition and deletion of the module                                                         Event addition and deletion of the module ngx_epoll_module are respectively controlled by the function

ngx_epo ll_add_event with ngx_epoll_del_event

implemented. Both functions are implemented by calling

epoll_ctl function. The specific implementation is in the file src/event/modules/ngx_epoll_module.c Defined in:

/* 将某个描述符的某个事件添加到epoll对象的监控机制中 */
static ngx_int_t
ngx_epoll_add_event(ngx_event_t *ev, ngx_int_t event, ngx_uint_t flags)
    int                  op;
    uint32_t             events, prev;
    ngx_event_t         *e;
    ngx_connection_t    *c;
    struct epoll_event   ee;

    /* 每个事件的data成员都存放着其对应的ngx_connection_t连接 */
    /* 获取事件关联的连接 */
    c = ev->data;

    /* events参数是方便下面确定当前事件是可读还是可写 */
    events = (uint32_t) event;

     * 这里在判断事件类型是可读还是可写,必须根据事件的active标志位来判断事件是否活跃;
     * 因为epoll_ctl函数有添加add和修改mod模式,
     * 若一个事件所关联的连接已经在epoll对象的监控中,则只需修改事件的类型即可;
     * 若一个事件所关联的连接没有在epoll对象的监控中,则需要将其相应的事件类型注册到epoll对象中;
     * 这样做的情况是避免与事件相关联的连接两次注册到epoll对象中;

    if (event == NGX_READ_EVENT) {
         * 若待添加的事件类型event是可读;
         * 则首先判断该事件所关联的连接是否将写事件添加到epoll对象中,
         * 即先判断关联的连接的写事件是否为活跃事件;
        e = c->write;
        prev = EPOLLOUT;
        events = EPOLLIN|EPOLLRDHUP;

    } else {
        e = c->read;
        prev = EPOLLIN|EPOLLRDHUP;
        events = EPOLLOUT;

    /* 根据active标志位确定事件是否为活跃事件,以决定到达是修改还是添加事件 */
    if (e->active) {
        /* 若当前事件是活跃事件,则只需修改其事件类型即可 */
        op = EPOLL_CTL_MOD;
        events |= prev;

    } else {
        /* 若当前事件不是活跃事件,则将该事件添加到epoll对象中 */
        op = EPOLL_CTL_ADD;

    /* 将flags参数加入到events标志位中 */
    ee.events = events | (uint32_t) flags;
    /* prt存储事件关联的连接对象ngx_connection_t以及过期事件instance标志位 */
    ee.data.ptr = (void *) ((uintptr_t) c | ev->instance);

    ngx_log_debug3(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, ev->log, 0,
                   "epoll add event: fd:%d op:%d ev:%08XD",
                   c->fd, op, ee.events);

    /* 调用epoll_ctl方法向epoll对象添加事件或在epoll对象中修改事件 */
    if (epoll_ctl(ep, op, c->fd, &ee) == -1) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, ev->log, ngx_errno,
                      "epoll_ctl(%d, %d) failed", op, c->fd);
        return NGX_ERROR;

    /* 将该事件的active标志位设置为1,表示当前事件是活跃事件 */
    ev->active = 1;
#if 0
    ev->oneshot = (flags & NGX_ONESHOT_EVENT) ? 1 : 0;

    return NGX_OK;

/* 将某个连接的某个事件从epoll对象监控中删除 */
static ngx_int_t
ngx_epoll_del_event(ngx_event_t *ev, ngx_int_t event, ngx_uint_t flags)
    int                  op;
    uint32_t             prev;
    ngx_event_t         *e;
    ngx_connection_t    *c;
    struct epoll_event   ee;

     * when the file descriptor is closed, the epoll automatically deletes
     * it from its queue, so we do not need to delete explicitly the event
     * before the closing the file descriptor

    /* 当事件关联的文件描述符关闭后,epoll对象自动将其事件删除 */
    if (flags & NGX_CLOSE_EVENT) {
        ev->active = 0;
        return NGX_OK;

    /* 获取事件关联的连接对象 */
    c = ev->data;

    /* 根据event参数判断当前删除的是读事件还是写事件 */
    if (event == NGX_READ_EVENT) {
        /* 若要删除读事件,则首先判断写事件的active标志位 */
        e = c->write;
        prev = EPOLLOUT;

    } else {
        /* 若要删除写事件,则判断读事件的active标志位 */
        e = c->read;
        prev = EPOLLIN|EPOLLRDHUP;

     * 若要删除读事件,且写事件是活跃事件,则修改事件类型即可;
     * 若要删除写事件,且读事件是活跃事件,则修改事件类型即可;
    if (e->active) {
        op = EPOLL_CTL_MOD;
        ee.events = prev | (uint32_t) flags;
        ee.data.ptr = (void *) ((uintptr_t) c | ev->instance);

    } else {
        /* 若读写事件都不是活跃事件,此时表示事件未准备就绪,则将其删除 */
        op = EPOLL_CTL_DEL;
        ee.events = 0;
        ee.data.ptr = NULL;

    ngx_log_debug3(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, ev->log, 0,
                   "epoll del event: fd:%d op:%d ev:%08XD",
                   c->fd, op, ee.events);

    /* 删除或修改事件 */
    if (epoll_ctl(ep, op, c->fd, &ee) == -1) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, ev->log, ngx_errno,
                      "epoll_ctl(%d, %d) failed", op, c->fd);
        return NGX_ERROR;

    /* 设置当前事件的active标志位 */
    ev->active = 0;

    return NGX_OK;
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ngx_epoll_module The connection addition and deletion of the module           ngx_epoll_module The connection addition and deletion of the module are respectively controlled by the function

ngx_epoll_add _connection with ngx_epoll_del_connection

implemented. Both functions are implemented by calling

epoll_ctl function. The specific implementation is in the file Defined in src/event/modules/ngx_epoll_module.c:

/* 将指定连接所关联的描述符添加到epoll对象中 */
static ngx_int_t
ngx_epoll_add_connection(ngx_connection_t *c)
    struct epoll_event  ee;

    /* 设置事件的类型:可读、可写、ET模式 */
    ee.data.ptr = (void *) ((uintptr_t) c | c->read->instance);

    ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, c->log, 0,
                   "epoll add connection: fd:%d ev:%08XD", c->fd, ee.events);

    /* 调用epoll_ctl方法将连接所关联的描述符添加到epoll对象中 */
    if (epoll_ctl(ep, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, c->fd, &ee) == -1) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, c->log, ngx_errno,
                      "epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_ADD, %d) failed", c->fd);
        return NGX_ERROR;

    /* 设置读写事件的active标志位 */
    c->read->active = 1;
    c->write->active = 1;

    return NGX_OK;

/* 将连接所关联的描述符从epoll对象中删除 */
static ngx_int_t
ngx_epoll_del_connection(ngx_connection_t *c, ngx_uint_t flags)
    int                 op;
    struct epoll_event  ee;

     * when the file descriptor is closed the epoll automatically deletes
     * it from its queue so we do not need to delete explicitly the event
     * before the closing the file descriptor

    if (flags & NGX_CLOSE_EVENT) {
        c->read->active = 0;
        c->write->active = 0;
        return NGX_OK;

    ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENTNginx, c->log, 0,
                   "epoll del connection: fd:%d", c->fd);

    op = EPOLL_CTL_DEL;
    ee.events = 0;
    ee.data.ptr = NULL;

    /* 调用epoll_ctl方法将描述符从epoll对象中删除 */
    if (epoll_ctl(ep, op, c->fd, &ee) == -1) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, c->log, ngx_errno,
                      "epoll_ctl(%d, %d) failed", op, c->fd);
        return NGX_ERROR;

    /* 设置描述符读写事件的active标志位 */
    c->read->active = 0;
    c->write->active = 0;

    return NGX_OK;
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ngx_epoll_module module’s asynchronous I/O In

Nginx, file asynchronous I/O event The completion notification is integrated into the epoll

object. The file asynchronous

I/O of this module is implemented as follows:


int                         ngx_eventfd = -1;   /* 用于通知异步IO的事件描述符 */
aio_context_t               ngx_aio_ctx = 0;    /* 异步IO的上下文结构,由io_setup 函数初始化 */

static ngx_event_t          ngx_eventfd_event;  /* 异步IO事件 */
static ngx_connection_t     ngx_eventfd_conn;   /* 异步IO事件所对应的连接ngx_connection_t */



 * We call io_setup(), io_destroy() io_submit(), and io_getevents() directly
 * as syscalls instead of libaio usage, because the library header file
 * supports eventfd() since 0.3.107 version only.
 * Also we do not use eventfd() in glibc, because glibc supports it
 * since 2.8 version and glibc maps two syscalls eventfd() and eventfd2()
 * into single eventfd() function with different number of parameters.

/* 初始化文件异步IO的上下文结构 */
static int
io_setup(u_int nr_reqs, aio_context_t *ctx)
    return syscall(SYS_io_setup, nr_reqs, ctx);

/* 销毁文件异步IO的上下文结构 */
static int
io_destroy(aio_context_t ctx)
    return syscall(SYS_io_destroy, ctx);

/* 从文件异步IO操作队列中读取操作 */
static int
io_getevents(aio_context_t ctx, long min_nr, long nr, struct io_event *events,
    struct timespec *tmo)
    return syscall(SYS_io_getevents, ctx, min_nr, nr, events, tmo);

/* 异步IO的初始化 */
static void
ngx_epoll_aio_init(ngx_cycle_t *cycle, ngx_epoll_conf_t *epcf)
    int                 n;
    struct epoll_event  ee;

    /* 使用Linux系统调用获取一个描述符句柄 */
    ngx_eventfd = syscall(SYS_eventfd, 0);

    if (ngx_eventfd == -1) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cycle->log, ngx_errno,
                      "eventfd() failed");
        ngx_file_aio = 0;

    ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, cycle->log, 0,
                   "eventfd: %d", ngx_eventfd);

    n = 1;

    /* 设置ngx_eventfd描述符句柄为非阻塞IO模式 */
    if (ioctl(ngx_eventfd, FIONBIO, &n) == -1) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cycle->log, ngx_errno,
                      "ioctl(eventfd, FIONBIO) failed");
        goto failed;

    /* 初始化文件异步IO的上下文结构 */
    if (io_setup(epcf->aio_requests, &ngx_aio_ctx) == -1) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cycle->log, ngx_errno,
                      "io_setup() failed");
        goto failed;

    /* 设置异步IO事件ngx_eventfd_event,该事件是ngx_eventfd对应的ngx_event事件 */

    /* 用于异步IO完成通知的ngx_eventfd_event事件,它与ngx_eventfd_conn连接对应 */
    ngx_eventfd_event.data = &ngx_eventfd_conn;
    /* 在异步IO事件完成后,调用ngx_epoll_eventfd_handler处理方法 */
    ngx_eventfd_event.handler = ngx_epoll_eventfd_handler;
    /* 设置事件相应的日志 */
    ngx_eventfd_event.log = cycle->log;
    /* 设置active标志位 */
    ngx_eventfd_event.active = 1;
    /* 初始化ngx_eventfd_conn 连接 */
    ngx_eventfd_conn.fd = ngx_eventfd;
    /* ngx_eventfd_conn连接的读事件就是ngx_eventfd_event事件 */
    ngx_eventfd_conn.read = &ngx_eventfd_event;
    /* 设置连接的相应日志 */
    ngx_eventfd_conn.log = cycle->log;

    ee.events = EPOLLIN|EPOLLET;
    ee.data.ptr = &ngx_eventfd_conn;

    /* 向epoll对象添加异步IO通知描述符ngx_eventfd */
    if (epoll_ctl(ep, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, ngx_eventfd, &ee) != -1) {

    /* 若添加出错,则销毁文件异步IO上下文结构,并返回 */
    ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cycle->log, ngx_errno,
                  "epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_ADD, eventfd) failed");

    if (io_destroy(ngx_aio_ctx) == -1) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, cycle->log, ngx_errno,
                      "io_destroy() failed");


    if (close(ngx_eventfd) == -1) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, cycle->log, ngx_errno,
                      "eventfd close() failed");

    ngx_eventfd = -1;
    ngx_aio_ctx = 0;
    ngx_file_aio = 0;



/* 处理已完成的异步IO事件 */
static void
ngx_epoll_eventfd_handler(ngx_event_t *ev)
    int               n, events;
    long              i;
    uint64_t          ready;
    ngx_err_t         err;
    ngx_event_t      *e;
    ngx_event_aio_t  *aio;
    struct io_event   event[64];    /* 一次最多处理64个事件 */
    struct timespec   ts;

    ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, ev->log, 0, "eventfd handler");

    /* 获取已完成的事件数,并将其设置到ready */
    n = read(ngx_eventfd, &ready, 8);

    err = ngx_errno;

    ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, ev->log, 0, "eventfd: %d", n);

    if (n != 8) {
        if (n == -1) {
            if (err == NGX_EAGAIN) {

            ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, ev->log, err, "read(eventfd) failed");

        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, ev->log, 0,
                      "read(eventfd) returned only %d bytes", n);

    ts.tv_sec = 0;
    ts.tv_nsec = 0;

    /* 遍历ready,处理异步IO事件 */
    while (ready) {

        /* 获取已完成的异步IO事件 */
        events = io_getevents(ngx_aio_ctx, 1, 64, event, &ts);

        ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, ev->log, 0,
                       "io_getevents: %l", events);

        if (events > 0) {
            ready -= events;/* ready减去已经取出的事件数 */

            /* 处理已被取出的事件 */
            for (i = 0; i < events; i++) {

                ngx_log_debug4(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, ev->log, 0,
                               "io_event: %uXL %uXL %L %L",
                                event[i].data, event[i].obj,
                                event[i].res, event[i].res2);

                /* 获取异步IO事件对应的实际事件 */
                e = (ngx_event_t *) (uintptr_t) event[i].data;

                e->complete = 1;
                e->active = 0;
                e->ready = 1;

                aio = e->data;
                aio->res = event[i].res;

                /* 将实际事件加入到ngx_posted_event队列中等待处理 */
                ngx_post_event(e, &ngx_posted_events);


        if (events == 0) {

        /* events == -1 */
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, ev->log, ngx_errno,
                      "io_getevents() failed");

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Reference materials: "In-depth understanding of Nginx""Detailed explanation of module ngx_epoll_module"" Detailed explanation of nginx epoll》

《Nginx source code analysis-Epoll module》

《Some explanations about ngx_epoll_add_event》

The above introduces the epoll event-driven module of Nginx, including the relevant content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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