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Detailed explanation of discuz forum directory function

Release: 2016-08-08 09:32:00
1739 people have browsed it

The discuz directory information collected somewhere is quite useful for secondary development. record. (Based on the standard program of 7.0, some files unrelated to plug-ins are not explained)

File color description:

Red:Program core files, please pay attention to safety when modifying such files!
Orange :do For files that are rarely used by plug-ins, just roughly understand the functions,In fact, I don’t recommend to modify these files.
Green :Functionclass file,Many powerful custom functions can call this type of file Use
Blue:The most standard commonly used file for plug-in productionPurple:This file is Zendencryption, please don’t Modify this type of file
There is an empty index.htm in each directory, This is to prevent directory listing, don’t ignore it .
Root directory ./ (These are the most basic programs)
admincp.php——Backend The system sets the main program file, Generally, it only handles the access rights for menu display and does not handle managementcontrol.
ajax.php——forum template’s ajaxjudgment and datareturn are all done here
attachment.php——attachment file, only processing attachmentsDownload function.
announcement.php——The display of forum announcements is rarely changed
config.inc.php——Configure the forumdatabase, password and other information, this is the most familiar to everyone.
discuz_version.php——Forum version information, used for updating. Never modify it without official instructions
eccredit.php——Forum product function and credit check processing file
faq.php——The forum’s built-in help
favicon.ico——The icon displayed in the title bar of IE forumdisplay. php——
It’s very simple, the display of the forum topic list
Control the display of homepage elements
Forum invitation registration program file
leftmenu. php——
Home page sidebar file
Log in to the system and determine the
username and password. magic.php——
Forum props program file, handle prop purchase, gift and other operations
Forum medal center program file, handle medal sending and other functions
Control the display of member list, points strategy and other information
Member personal center display
Control the rating Functions, forum interface display functions, etc.
This is a mini background program operated by the moderator of the forum front desk
View everything and yourself in this Forum behavior, such as
"My Posts " , "Group Permissions " etc. plugin.php -
Forum plugin, this Mainly controls the display of the menu of the forum plug-in, which is generally rarely modified
pm.php -
Forum short message program, controls the posting and browsing of short messages
post.php - and viewthread.php
is similar, but it is more about managing post publishing, editing and other information, and there will also be permission control prompts redirect.php——Control access to the last published topic of the forum, and also control the redirection function of the topic
register.php——Registration file, and also control the legality of registered information
relatekw.php——Forum related tag generation
relatethread.php——Forum related topics
robots.txt——The address inside can be blocked Search the robot to access the corresponding page
rss.php - RSS Quick subscription, needless to say?
search.php——Handle information filtering in the forum search function
seccode.php——Forum registration, program to generate verification code
sitemap.php—— ForumSiteMAPFunctional program
space.php - Personal profile viewing program
stats.php - processing"statistics The statistical information in also allows you to view the statistics corresponding to the forum
tag.php——Forum tag organization page
task.php——Forum task program, the task main program triggers , all judgments are made here
topic.php—— Generally cannot be accessed directly, control page display, display the number of topics
topicadmin.php—— controls the front desk of the administrator Management operations, such as highlights, pins, highlights, etc.
trade.php - handles the forum's trading theme
video.php - handles the forum's video theme, including display and transfer.
viewthread.php - handles the display of post information when browsing posts, such as information, titles, etc., and also handles access permissions to posts, such as whether reading permissions are sufficient, etc.

./admin (The program files of the management background are all here and can only be accessed through admincp.php. The following explanation explains that this file corresponds to the corresponding settings of the background Project)
admingroups.inc.php——Administrative Group
adv.inc.php——Forum Advertising
announce. inc.php——Forum announcement
attach.inc.php——Forum attachment
checktools.inc.php——File check, email settings, FTP Permission check, attachment watermark setting
counter.inc.php——Update forum statistics
cpanel.share.php——Check the files of the background access process, and there are also some management file deletions Function
creditwizard.inc.php——Points setting wizard
db.inc.php——Database backup, import, export, optimization, verification
discuzdb.md5 ——Database check file
discuzfiles.md5——Program file check file
ec.inc.php——Alipay and other e-commerce
faq. inc .php——Forum help
forums.inc.php——All settings under the forum area
global.func.php——backend function library, like showsettings and other background settings and display functions can be found here
home.inc.php——Backend homepage content
insenz.func.php——INSENZMarketing function library
jswizard.inc.php——JSCall Wizard
login.inc.php——Backend login prompt page
logs.inc.php——All operation records of the forum
magics.inc.php——Forum props
main.inc.php——Forum background Style control program
medals.inc.php——Medal center
members.inc.php——All settings under user category
menu.inc.php— —Menu bar of system settings
misc.inc.php——Online list customization, friendly connections, Discuz!code settings, word filtering, theme icons, attachment types , scheduled tasks, tags, sidebar
moderate.inc.php——theme, reply, user review
plugins.inc.php——forum plugin
profilefields. inc.php——User information editing
prune.inc.php——Batch deletion of posts
qihoo.inc.php — qihoo Search
SQL command files, you can add commonly used
here statements to quickly execute
credit rating
recycle bin
Run the setup wizard
The settings search function that comes with the background
Most of the setting items under the global
Forum styles
tasks.inc.php——🎜🎜Forum tasks🎜🎜🎜
templates.inc.php——Forum template settings
threads.inc.php——Theme settings
threadtypes.inc.php——Theme classification
tradelog.inc.php——Transaction record view
usergroups.inc.php——User settings, number of posts Level
video.inc.php - Video Settings
zip.func.php - Data Compression and Decompression Program
./Api ( Mainly related to passes and data calls)
advcache.php——Forum advertising display management
dbbak.php——database operation function
insenz.php——Forum Marketing
uc .php——Ucentre Communication
video.php——Video call function

alipay.api. php——Alipay interface
credit.notify.php——Points recharge information
trade.notify.php——Transaction information

. /archiver== (Special note, because the files in the directory in archiver do not call commom.inc.php, so all variables and functions are It cannot be used directly, you must search the database for judgment)
index.php archiverHomepage

thread.inc.php archiver Topic display
index.inc.phpThis is used to filter forum permissions and interface display
forum.inc.php archiverForum display
./attachments is the storage directory for forum attachments
./forumdata is the storage directory for forum records and cache files. Generally, these files are automatically generated, so do not modify them. Let me tell you what it is used for.

/cache (very useful function, calling the file variable here is very fast)
admingroup_X.php Manage group permissions
cache_archiver.php archiver Archive
cache_bbcodes.php BBCODE and SMILES cache_blog.php
Permissions variables for all user groups and smilies , bbcode, There is also information about the number of posts
cache_censor.phpBlock information
cache_crons.phpScheduled tasks
cache_faqs.php FAQ cache_forumdisplay .php
Forum information and announcements
cache_forums.phpSame as above
cache_icons.phpForum icons
cache_index.phpOnline list, alliance forum, announcement
cache_ipbanned.php Block IPsegment record
cache_magics.phpForum prop properties
cache_medals.phpMedal information
cache_post .php smilesbbcode , icons cache_profilefields.php
User column customization
cache_ranks.phpCredit rating
cache_request.phpForum task information
cache_secqaa.phpVerification question cache_smilies.phpForum emoticons
cache_settings.php settingParameter variables for table settings
cache_topicadmin.phpTheme management
cache_usergroups.phpUser group basic Information
cache_viewpro.phpUser Profile
cache_viewthread.phpForums, user groups, smilies, bbcode, icons
plugin Table
style_XX.phpstyle cache
usergroup_XX.phpuser group cache
requestxxxxxx.phpThis is the cache file that records forum tasks
/templates (templates generated based on HTMLPHP, rarely used in plug-ins, ignore)
/threadcaches (theme cache storage directory)
Some files at the root are data record files.
./images is the picture directory, skip it directly. What needs to be explained is ./images/admincp/admincp.css can be used to define the interface of system settings
./include is the core program directory of the forum, it is very necessary to understand it.
serverbusy.htmSystem error message (this page is displayed when the server is busy)
Mainly tag processing
Video theme behavior processing
Product theme behavior processing
Bounty theme behavior processing
Poll topic behavior handling
Debate topic behavior handling
Activity topic behavior handling
Trading behavior Function h h threadPay.inc.php
Selling posts
control template cache files Library
Batch upload management
Program to send
security.inc.php seems to be Agent type, no matter seccode.class.php
Verification code processing library
search_qihoo.inc.php qihoo
Search and sort
Search for special topics
is related to the files in
request, this is a function file
relatethreads.inc .php should be said to be a program that generates related themes promotion.inc.php
records the current user’s
IP and other information
printable.inc.phpfor printing themes The program post.func.php
A good function file, mainly functions for recording information and updating posts
Short message content processing
newthread .inc.php
Information processing for posting new topics
Information processing for posting replies
Moderator management
misc .func.php
is another function file, control and management
PM, rating PM
, rating record, attachment highlighting, IPconverted to geographical location membermerge. func.phpFunction processing files when merging users magic.func.php
Prop processing function library
insenz.func.phpForum marketing management function library
image.class.phpImage display processing
global.func.phpRich function library, all for front-end use , such as removing HTML, sending PM, sending EMAIL, etc., I suggest you study it.
gifmerge.class.phpImage display processing
ftp.func.phpRemoteFTPAttachment processing function file
forumselect.inc.phpForum List display
forum.func.phpFunctions used to process forum information, such as forum menu drop-down, etc.
editpost.inc.phpInformation processing for editing posts
editor .func.phpEditor managed function library
ec_credit.func.phpPoints transaction file
discuzcode.func.php Discuz!Code conversion handler
diff.class.phpDatabase processing
db_mysql_error.inc.phpDatabase error reporting
db_mysql.class.phpDatabase center operating program
cron .func.phpA program that controls the execution of scheduled tasks
counter.inc.phpRecord operating system and browser statistics
common.inc.phpThe most important core program, Read COOKIES information and define global system function variables
chinese.class.php to handle garbled characters and charactersset
category.inc.php to control the number of posts , Statistics of the number of posts today
cache.func.phpThe program that controls the generation of cache files
attachment.func.phpThe program that identifies attachment extensions and controls the display of category images in front of attachments,
There is also record judgment of attachment size
advertisements.inc.php Used to process advertisement display
/cronsHere is the scheduled task file, you can be increased own scheduled tasks, and can call system variables
/tables several language files, rarely changed, skip
/ magicpropsscriptfile directory, skip
/requestdon’t need to understand, just ignore
/tasks Forum task script file directory
/jsallJScall files and AJAX The effect display control files are all here
bbcode.js Discuz!codeJSeffect file
calendar.jscalendar display
common.js Almost all AJAX display The controls are all here
iframe.jsFRAMEWORK Show
insenz_reg. jsMarketing
md5.js MD5processing
post.jsPosting pageAJAXEffect processing
qihoo.js QIHOOSearch
slide.jsImage attachment display effect processing
tree.jsTree table display
video.jsVideo display
viewthread.jsTheme Browsing The AJAX effect

./ipdata(IPlibrary file directory, the one belowwry.dat is IP library, this I won’t change)
./plugins (plug-in storage directory)
./templates (template directory, generally do HACK Also need to change the template, so explain below)
/default (Default template, starting from this, other styles are the same)
activity_applylist.htm Activity theme application list
adv.htmForum advertisement display
attachpay.htmCharge attachment
attachpay_view.htm View the list of users who have paid for add-ons
campaign.htmForum list
credits.htmPoints strategy
css_append.htm CSS Expand
css_calendar.htm CSSCalendar
css_common.htmMost style modifications are here
css_editor.htmEditor style
css_float.htmfloating box Style
css_script.htmCommonly usedJSScript
css_seditor.htmEditor style
css_topicadmin.htmTheme management interface style
css_viewthread.htmTheme browsing page style
customtopics.htmHomepage that user topic
debate_umpire.htmDebate topic display
discuz.htmHome page of the forum
discuzcode.htmThe attachment display information is here
ec_credit.htmPoints transaction
ec_explain.htm Same as above, this is the explanation
ec_list.htm Transaction List
ec_rate.htmTransaction Review
emailfriend.htm EMAILRecommended Topics
faq.htm FAQ Help manual, all below, just display The parts are different, so omit them.
faq_navbar.htm FAQ sidebar showing
footer.htmForum bottom information
footer_ajax.htm The AJAXdisplay
at the bottom of the forum
footer_nofloat.htmNo floating frame page at the bottom of the forum
forumdisplay.htmForum topic list
forumdisplay_passwd.htmPassword forum input password prompt page
forumdisplay_simple.htm Forum topic list
forumdisplay_subforum.htmSecondary forum list
frame.htmTree frame
getpasswd.htm Retrieve password
groupexpiry .html header_ajax.htm
Header connection
AJAXDisplay index.htmHomepage invite_index.htmInvite registration
invite_send.htmInvite registration and send Page
Forum drop-down box
Forum tree list bar
Login page
magic_index. htm
Forum props homepage
Forum props behavior record
Forum props trading market
magic_ operation.htm
Forum prop options magic_use.htmProp use
medal.htmMedal Center
memberlist.htmmember list, the one above
memcp_credits.htmControl Panel (also Call "Personal Center")——Points Transaction
memcp_credits_action.htmControl Panel——Points Transaction Operation
memcp_credits_log. htmControl Panel——Points Transaction Record
memcp_profile.htmControl Panel——Edit Profile
memcp_user groups.htmControl Panel— —Public User Groups
memcp_usergroups_misc.htmControl Panel——Public User Group Handling
memcp_validating.htmControl Panel——Audit Tips
modcp.htmModerator Backstage Homepage
modcp_announcements.htmModerator Backstage——Announcement
modcp_for umaccess.htmModerator backend—— Forum management rights
modcp_forums.htmModerator backend——Forum management
modcp_home.htmModerator backend—— Homepage
modcp_login.htmModerator background login prompt page
modcp_logs.htmModerator background——Record view
modcp_members.htm Moderator Backstage—— User editor
modcp_moderate.htmModerator backend——Review
modcp_moderate_float.htmModerator backend—— Audit floating box
modcp_posts.htmModerator Backstage——Post Management
modcp_recyclebins.htmModerator Backstage——Recycle Bin
modcp_report.htmModerator backend ——Report Management
modcp_threads.htmModerator Backstage——Topic Management
my.htmMember Forum Behavior
my_activities.htm Member Forum Behavior——My Activity
my_buddylist.htmMember Forum Behavior——My Buddy
my_debate.ht mMember Forum Behavior ——My Debate
my_favorites.htmMember Forum Behavior——My Favorites
my_grouppermission.htmMember Forum Behavior ——me User group permissions
my_polls.htmMember Forum Behavior——My Poll
my_posts.htmMember Forum Behavior—— My reply
my_rewards.htmMember Forum Behavior——My Reward
my_subscriptions.htmMember Forum Behavior List
my_th reads.htmMember Forum Behavior— —My Topics
my_trades.htmMember Forum Behavior——My Products
my_tradestats.htmMember Forum Behavior ——My products Status
my_tradethreads.htmMember Forum Behavior——My Product Topics
my_video.htmMember Forum Behavior—— My video
nopermission.htmClose the prompt page displayed in the forum pay.htmBuy posts
pay_view.htmSee who bought the post
pm.htmShort message left menu bar
pm_archive_html.htm Export SMS HTML
pm_checknew.htm Check new SMS
pm_node.htmSMS quick tips
pm_search.h tmSearch for short messages
pm_search_result.htmSearch short message results
pm_send.htmSend short message
pm_viewnew.htmBrowse short messages with more detailed content
post.htmpost Post
post_activity.htmActivity topic post
post_attachments.htmattachment module for posting posts
post_debate.htm Debate Topic Post
post_forumselect.htm Forum selection list when posting a topic
post_poll.htmPost a polling topic
post_reward.htmPost a reward
post_sort option.htmsorted list
post_swfattachlist.htmBatch upload attachments
post_trade.htmPost products
post_video.htmPost videos
rate_view .html Related Tags
reportpost.htm Theme report
request_assistant.htmare all data return operation pages, the same as below
search.htm Search Home
search_qihoo.htm QIHOO

search_sortoption.htmCategory sorting operation
search_trade.htmProduct search
search_threads.htmPost list after search
The system returned the error message stats_main.htm
Statistics homepage stats_misc.htm
Manage statistics, time, points, etc. stats_navbar.htm
Statistics menu bar above stats_onlinetime. htm
Time statistics stats_team.htmManagementTeam
stats_trade.htmCommodity transaction statistics
tag.htmForum tag
tag_threads .htm and tag related topic list
task.htmForum task
task_parter.htmMembers who completed the task
top ic.htmagain Random ads for QIHOO
Topic Management topicadmin_action.htm
Topic Management Action Selection topicadmin_ getip.htm
View within the themeIP topicadmin_modlayer .htmModerator recommendation
trade.htmProduct theme display
trade_displayorder.htmProduct list
trade_info.ht m
Product information
trade_view .htm
Product display
View member details
Browse posts
viewthread_activity.htmView of event topics
viewthread_activity_info.htmInformation form for event topics
viewthread_debate.htmView of debate topics
viewthread_debate_umpire.htm Arguments from both sides of the debate
viewthread_fastpost.htmQuickly post when browsing topics
viewthread_iframe.htmFrame display when browsing topics
viewthread_mod. htmPost management record
viewthread_node.htmUser information on the left side of the theme
viewthread_pay.htmPost payment page
viewthread_poll.htmPoll topic
viewthread_printable.htmPrint theme
viewthread_relatedthread.htmView related topics
viewthread_reward.htm Reward topic view
viewthread_reward_price.htmReward information
viewthread_trade.htmProduct theme view
viewthread_video.htmVideo theme view
warn_view.htmMember warning information view
whosonline.htmDetails Online actions
actions.lang.phpAction language pack
admincp.lang.phpBackend language pack
admincp.menu.lang.php Backend menu language Package
admincp.msg.lang.phpBackground prompt information language pack
archiver.lang.php archiverLanguage pack
emails.lang.php A bunch EMAILMessage
feed.lang.phpForum Dynamic Language Pack
magics.lang.phpProp Center Language Pack
messages.lang. phperror Information language pack
misc.lang.phpLike last edit, who managed it, etc.
modactions.lang.phpadmin code
pms.lang.php PM , all for management reasons
request.lang.phpForum instruction language pack
runtime.lang.phphumanity time prompt language pack
seccode.lang.php Verification information language pack
swfupload.lang.phpBatch upload attachment information language pack
tasks.lang.phpForum task language pack
templates .lang.php Language pack for front-end template
wap.lang.php waplanguage pack
./ uc_server (UCenter Communication and processing files also save member avatars and other information, don’t worry about it)
./wap (WAPmodeControl is all here )
index.phpForum homepage

forum.inc.phpForum list display and permission control
global.func. phpGlobal function
goto.inc.phpTopic jump
home.inc.phpHome page view
login.inc.php Forum login
my.inc.phpView the information of all personal activities in the forum
myphone.inc.phpView my mobile phone information
post.inc.php Posting function operation
stats.inc.phpForum statistics
thread. inc.phpTheme browsing

The above introduces the detailed explanation of the discuz forum directory function, including the relevant content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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