I used Redtourism to create a travel website, the URL is: http://www.redtourism.cn/ The customer asked for payment via Tenpay, so I looked online and found that I either wanted to buy it or ask for money, so I had to write it myself.
if(!defined('DEDEINC')) exit('Request Error!');
*Yibao interface class
class tenpay
var $dsql;
var $mid;
var $reqURL_onLine = "http://www.tenpay.com";
var $return_url='/plus/carbuyaction.php?dopost=return'; //Return processing address
* Constructor
* @access public
* @param
* /
function tenpay()
global $dsql;
$this->dsql = $dsql;
function __construct()
* * The address will be sent when setting the interface
* For example: $this->SetReturnUrl($cfg_basehost."/tuangou/control/index.php?ac=pay&orderid=".$p2_Order)
* @param string $returnurl will send the address
* @return void
function SetReturnUrl($returnurl='')
/** '/ '.$cfg_cmspath; $body = $order['out_trade_no'];
$attach = '';
$bank_type = 'DEFAULT';
$trade_mode= empty($payment['tenpay_pay_method']) ? '1' : $payment['tenpay_pay_method'];
=> $out_trade_no, /Order number
'total_fee' . $this->return_url."&code=".$payment['code'], //return Address
'return_url' => $cfg_basehost.$this->return_url."&code=".$payment['code'], //Reminder address
"body" => $body, //Transaction description
" //Transaction IP
//Currency 1 RMB
=> 'MD5', 'service_version' => ' 1.0 ', // The interface version number default 1.0
' input_charset '= & gt;' utf-8 ', // system encoding' gbk'
'sign_index' = & gt; '1', // key serial number
business Optional parameter
'Attach' = & GT; $ Attach, // The original data is originally returned to the default
'Product_fee' = & GT; ', // Commodity costs
' transport_fee '= & gt;' 0 ', // logistics Cost
using Order expiration time
'buyer_id' => '', //买方财付通帐号
'goods_tag' => '', //商品标记
'trade_mode' => $trade_mode, //交易模式(1.即时到帐模式,2.中介担保模式,3.后台选择(卖家进入支付中心列表选择))
'transport_desc' => '', //物流说明
'trans_type' => $trans_type, //交易类型
'agentid' => '', //平台ID
'agent_type' => '', //代理模式(0.无代理,1.表示卡易售模式,2.表示网店模式)
'seller_id' => '' //卖家商户号
$param = '';
$sign = '';
foreach ($parameter AS $key => $val)
$param .= "$key=" .urlencode($val). "&";
if("" != $val && "sign" != $key) {
$sign .= "$key=$val&";
$param = substr($param, 0, -1);
$sign .= "key=".$payment['tenpay_key'];
$sign = strtolower(md5($sign));
$button = '
. ;a href='/'>Return to homepage Member Center";
//return $msg = "Payment failed!
Return to homepage Member Center ";
/*Process item transactions*/
function success_db($order_sn)
//Get order information, check Order Validity
$row = $this->dsql->GetOne("SELECT state,priceCount FROM #@__shops_orders WHERE oid='$order_sn' ");
. s_orders` SET `state`='1' WHERE `oid`='$order_sn' AND `userid`='".$this->mid."'"; success , Order number: "$ order_sn); // Stock the verification results into the files
Return true;}} else {
$ This- & GT; log_result (" Verify_faird, Order number: ". $ Order_sn)) Results Save the files t Return False;
Function log_result ($ word) {
$ fp = FOPEN (__file __). t/log .txt", "a");
flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
; ;
The above introduces the dedecms Tenpay interface, including the relevant content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.