//[Warning]: Please do not modify without permission
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
// [File name]:
// [Function]: Oracle public function class
// [Last modification date]: 2001/05/11[cxx]
// [Variable definition rules]: ‘C_’ = character type, ‘I_’ = integer type, ‘N_’ = numeric type, ‘L_’ = Boolean type, ‘A_’ = array type
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
// ※db_logon() Open database connection
// ※db_query()
// ※ DB_CHANGE () Database changes universal functions (Insert, Delete, Update)
// ※db_insert ()
// ※db_delete() to delete, directly call db_change()
// ※ db_update () update, directly call db_change ()
// ※db_commit()
// ※db_rollback() ※Transaction rollback
// ※db_logoff() Disconnect the database connection
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
Class c_ora_db
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
// Variable definition
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
= ""
= ""
= ""
var $I_linkID = 0;
var $I_stmtID = 0; var $I_stmtID
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
// Function name: db_logon()
// Function: Open database connection
// Parameters: None
// Return value: connection handle (integer)
// Note: None
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
Function db_logon()
$this->I_linkID = @OCILogon($this->C_user,$this->C_passwd,$this->C_db);
If ($this->I_linkID == 0){AlertExit('Database link failed, please contact the DBA!');}
Return $ this-& gt; i_linkid;
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
// Function name: db_query($C_sql,$A_define="",$I_start=-1,$I_end=-1)
// Function: select
// Parameters: $C_sql sql statement
// $ a_define to be binded. Array type
// $ i_start Start a record -1 and take out all the records of the query
// $ i_end End Records
// Return value: two-dimensional array ($A_rs)
// Note: The value of the corresponding field can be accessed through the numbers 0,1,2....; or the value of the corresponding field can also be accessed by querying the field name
// being being able to access the NAME field of the first record via $A_rs[0][0] or $A_rs[0]['NAME'] or $A_rs[0]['name']
// $I_start, $I_end are parameters used with paging.
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
Function db_query($C_sql,$A_define="",$I_start=-1,$I_end=-1)
If (!$C_sql){AlertExit("Incomplete parameters!");}//Check parameters
//Connection detection
If ($this->I_linkID == 0){AlertExit('Database link failed, please contact the DBA!');}
//Format detection
$this -> I_stmtID = OCiparse($this -> I_linkID,$C_sql);
If (!$this -> I_stmtID){AlertExit('SQL format error! Please contact the programmer');}
//If the bound field is not specified, it will be fetched from the SQL statement
$A_Cur = explode("select",$C_sql);
$A_Cur = explode("from",$A_Cur[1]);
$A_define = explode(",",$A_Cur[0]);
//Bind database table fields
If(gettype($A_define) == "array") //The query column is an array
elseif(trim($A_define) <> "")
$A_define_up = trim(strtoupper($A_define));
OCIDefineByName($this -> I_stmtID,"$A_define_up",&$$A_define);
//Execute the bound SQL statement
If(!OCIExecute($this -> I_stmtID))
echo "Execution error:SQL Error:$C_sql
return false;
//Get records
while (OCIFetchInto($this -> I_stmtID,&$cur,OCI_ASSOC))
// Get all the records queried
if ($I_start == -1)
If (gettype($A_define) == "array") //The query column is an array
for ($i=0;$i
$ A_RS [$ LOWER] [$ i] = $ $ a_define [$ i]; // Use digital access
$A_rs[$lower][$A_define[$i]] = $$A_define[$i];
$A_rs[$lower][$A_define_up[$i]] = $$A_define[$i];
elseif (trim($A_define) <> "") elseif (trim($A_define) <>
If ($cur[$A_define_up] <> $$A_define)
$ A_RS [$ LOWER] [0] = $ $ a_define; // Use digital access
$A_rs[$lower][$A_define] = $$A_define;
$A_rs[$lower][$A_define_up] = $$A_define;
$lower++; $lower++;
//Retrieve specified records (used with paging)
if ($I_start <> -1)
If ($cnt >= $I_start)
If ($I_end - $I_start <> 0)
if (gettype($A_define) == "array")
if ($cur[$A_define_up[$i]] <> $$A_define[$i])
$$A_define[$i] = $cur[$A_define_up[$i]];
$A_rs[$lower][$i] = $$A_define[$i]; //用数字访问
$A_rs[$lower][$A_define[$i]] = $$A_define[$i]; //用小些访问
$A_rs[$lower][$A_define_up[$i]] = $$A_define[$i]; //用大写访问
}elseif(trim($A_define) <> "")
if ($cur[$A_define_up] <> $$A_define)
$$A_define = $cur[$A_define_up];
$A_rs[$lower][0] = $$A_define; //用数字访问
through $A_rs[$lower][$A_define] = $$A_define;
$A_rs[$lower][$A_define_up] = $$A_define;
//End of while
//Release the handle and return the query data (a two-dimensional array)
OCIFreestatement($this -> I_stmtID);
return $A_rs;
} //End of function
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
// Function name: db_change($C_sql,$A_bind)
// Function: db change
// Parameters: $C_sql sql statement
// $ a_Bind to bind the field. Array type
// Return value: Boolean value
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
Function db_change($C_sql,$A_bind="")
If (!$C_sql){AlertExit("Incomplete parameters!");}//Check parameters
//Connection detection
if($this -> I_linkID==""){ AlertExit("Our database is busy, please try again later!");}
//Format detection
$this -> I_stmtID = OCIParse($this -> I_linkID,$C_sql);
If (!$this -> I_stmtID){AlertExit('SQL format error! Please contact the programmer');}
If(gettype($A_bind) == "array")
$o a_bind [$ i] = stripslashes ($ $ a_bind [$ i]); //
$$A_bind[$i] = str_replace("","< ?",$$A_bind[$i]); //Filter out the php tag
elseif(trim($A_bind) <> "")
global $$A_bind;
$$A_bind = StripSlashes($$A_bind);
$ $ A_bind = strplace ("" & lt;? "," & Lt;? ", $ $ A_bind); //
OCIBindByName($this -> I_stmtID, ":$arrBind", &$$A_bind, -1);
//Execute and check whether it is successful
If(!OCIExecute($this -> I_stmtID,OCI_DEFAULT))
echo "Execution error:SQL Error:$C_sql
return false;
/*//Return the number of affected rows
global $I_changenum;
$I_changenum = OCINumrows($this -> I_stmtID);*/
//Release the handle and return the value
OCIFreeStatement($this -> I_stmtID);
return true;
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
// Function name: db_delete($C_sql)
// Function: delete
// Parameters: C_sql sql statement
// Return value: Boolean value
// Note: This function is just for intuitive use, essentially calling db_change()
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
Function db_delete($C_sql)
return $this -> db_change($C_sql);
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
// Function name: db_insert($C_sql,A_bind)
// Function: insert
// Parameters: C_sql sql statement
// A_bind Bind
// Return value: Boolean value
// Note: This function is just for intuitive use, essentially calling db_change()
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
Function db_insert($C_sql,$A_bind="")
return $this -> db_change($C_sql,$A_bind);
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
// Function name: db_update($C_sql,A_bind)
// Function: update
// Parameters: C_sql sql statement
// A_bind Bind
// Return value: Boolean value
// Note: This function is just for intuitive use, essentially calling db_change()
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
Function db_update($C_sql,$A_bind="")
return $this -> db_change($C_sql,$A_bind);
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
// Function name: db_commit()
// Function: Transaction submission
// Parameters: None
// Return value: Boolean value
// Note: None
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------
Function db_commit()
Return (Ocicommit ($ this-& gt; i_linkid));
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
// Function name: db_rollback()
// Function: transaction rollback
// Parameters: None
// Return value: Boolean value
// Note: None
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------
Function db_rollback()
Return (Ocirollback ($ this-& gt; I_linkid));
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
// Function name: db_logoff()
// Function: Disconnect the database connection
// Parameters: None
// Return value: Boolean value
// Note: None
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------
Function db_logoff()
return (OCILogoff($this->I_linkID));
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
The above introduces the PHP class examples for operating Oracle, including the content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.