nginx server supports configuring multiple sites. We can configure subdomain names to place multiple projects under one domain name.
So how to implement this process?
There are many solutions on the Internet, some are too complicated to write, and some are configured incorrectly. In other words, some configuration items need to be configured according to the actual environment of the host.
1. Assume that your project path is placed under the /home/wwwroot/ path, and the installation path of nginx is under the /usr/local/nginx/ directory
2. After nginx is installed, there will be a default configuration file. The file path is /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
3. Now you need to map your project to multiple domain names. First check the last line of the nginx.conf file, which indicates that all .conf files in the current vhost directory are included. At this point, if there is no vhost file we can create this folder.
<span> access_log /home/wwwlogs/<span>access.log access; } include vhost/*.conf;</span></span>
4. Then create a new domain name configuration file you need to add in the vhost directory and name it custom. Then we can add content to it. Several specific configuration items can be explained below (simply skipped).
1.index index.html index.php 表示默认的定位的文件,假如直接访问域名,会定位到index.html或者index.php文件<br>2.fastcgi_pass 这个命令是指定将http代理到哪个fastcgi服务端接口<br>3.fastcgi_index 该指令设置的文件会被附加到URI的后面并保存在变量$fastcgi_script_name中<br>4.fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME 脚本文件请求的路径 <br>5.include fastcgi_params; 包含fastcgi_params中的所有参数
<span>server{ listen 80<span>; server_name; root /home/wwwroot/news/<span>; location /<span>{ index index.html index.php; <span> } location ~<span> \.php$ { fastcgi_pass<span>;<br> #fastcgi_pass unix:/tmp/fastcgi.socket; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; include <span>fastcgi_params; } }</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span>
5. If we are testing on this machine, after setting up the virtual domain name, how can we access it on our own Linux host?
1. We can map the domain name to our own host by modifying /etc/hosts. For example, that I defined before
2. We open the hosts file and add
at the end3. If you modify the hosts file and still cannot access it. That means you still need to modify the network file. Open the /etc/sysconfig/network file, change it to NETWORKING=yes, then service network restart, restart the network