php thinkphp realizes second-level linkage, third-level linkage, fourth-level linkage, multi-level linkage, attachment with database and selection.
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Sharing is a virtue.
Page: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script><br>
<!-- If you do not want to keep the selected state, you can remove the contents of the <if></if> tag --><br>
<!-- Each choice is a level one. You can have only two choices, which is a level two linkage, three is a level three linkage, four is a level four linkage, and so on. I made a level four linkage and a level two linkage. Normal --><br>
<!-- Region --><br>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-2">Laboratory region</label><br>
<div class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom: 20px;">
<select name="region1_id" id="region_0_0" onchange="setregion(0,0)" class="form-control" style="display:inline; width:auto;"><br>
<option name="selected" selected value="-1">City</option>
<volist name="list" id="vo"><br>
<option value="{$vo['id']}" condition="$row['region1_id'] eq $vo['id']">selected='selected' >{$vo['title']}</option>
<select name="region2_id" id="region_1_0" onchange="setregion(1,0)" class="form-control" style="display:inline; width:auto;"><br>
<option name="selected" selected value="-1">School</option>
<if condition="$row['region2_id'] neq NULL"><br>
$region2 = D('LabTypeRegion')->where(array('id'=>$row['region2_id']))->getField('title');<br>
<option value="{$row['region2_id']}" selected style="display:none;">{$region2}</option>
<select name="region3_id" id="region_2_0" onchange="setregion(2,0)" class="form-control" style="display:inline; width:auto;"><br>
<option name="selected" selected value="-1">College</option>
<if condition="$row['region3_id'] neq NULL"><br>
$region3 = D('LabTypeRegion')->where(array('id'=>$row['region3_id']))->getField('title');<br>
<!-- 保持上回选中 --><br>
<!-- 保持上回选中 --><br>
$region4 = D('LabTypeRegion')->where(array('id'=>$row['region4_id']))->getField('title');<br>
<!-- 保持上回选中 --><br>
<script type="text/javascript">//Set the default and restore the default option when the page is loaded. <br />
Function region_default() {<br />
$("option[value='-1']").attr('selected', 'selected');<br />
}<br />
Function setregion(num, address_id) {<br />
var next = num + 1;<br />
$.ajax({<br />
type: 'POST',<br />
//Set the json format and receive the returned array. <br />
DataType: 'json',<br />
url: '',<br />
//ajax passes the value of the current option, which is the current region_id. <br />
data: 'region_id=' + $('#region_' + num + '_' + address_id).val(),<br />
Success: function(msg) {<br />
// Execute if the return value is not empty. <br />
If (msg != null) {<br />
// Loop to write the content to be added to the next select. and add name tag. <br />
for (var i = 0; i < msg.length; i++) {<br />
option_str+='<option name="region_'+next+'"value="'+msg[i].id+'">'+msg[i].title+'';<br />
}<br />
//Delete the content marked with name next in the next select. <br />
$("option[name='region_" + next + "']").remove();<br />
// Add the written content to the next select. <br />
$('#region_' + next + '_' + address_id).append(option_str);<br />
//If the return value is empty, remove all marked options and restore the default options. <br />
for (var i = next; i <= 4; i++) {<br />
$("option[name='region_" + i + "']").remove();<br />
}<br />
}<br />
}<br />
<br />
})<br />
}<br />
</script><br><!-- 地域 -->
控制器: /**<br>
* [labindex multi-level linkage]<br>
* @return [type] [description]<br>
public function labindex(){<br>
$region_id = $_POST['region_id'];<br>
$condition['pid'] = $region_id;<br>
$list = $d->where($condition)->select();<br>
// echo json_encode($list);<br>
$condition['pid'] = array('neq',0);<br>
$condition['level'] = 1;<br>
$list = $d->where($condition)->select();<br>
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