This system needs to realize web page authorized login (obtaining openid), payment (need to use openid) and public account message sending and receiving. Can I realize the above three functions while coexisting with Weimob? I see something like web page authorized login This interface has been opened, and the Weimeng open platform also has relevant documents. However, no relevant information has been found for public account message sending and receiving. Please provide an answer from an experienced person, thank you!
This system needs to realize web page authorized login (obtaining openid), payment (need to use openid) and public account message sending and receiving. Can I realize the above three functions while coexisting with Weimob? I see something like web page authorized login This interface has been opened, and the Weimeng open platform also has relevant documents. However, no relevant information has been found for public account message sending and receiving. Please provide an answer from an experienced person, thank you!
The official account can only be bound to one development platform.
You have bound an official account in Weimeng and used WeChat-related functions. If you bind the official account to your custom development platform, Weimeng will be invalid.
(If you are using Weimob, you can consult Weimob’s customer service)