WeMall WeChat mall source code plug-in big carousel code is a more effective way for commercial promotion. Some of the more important codes are shared for technicians to learn and refer to.
WeMall WeChat mall source code plug-in big carousel code is a more effective way for commercial promotion. , shared some of the more important codes for technicians to learn and refer to
Code details address: http://addon.wemallshop.com/Product/addonList/menu_id/1 or www.wemallshop.com
AdminController.class<?php <?php <br />
// +-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- <br>
// | OneThink [ WE CAN DO IT JUST THINK IT ] <br>
// +-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- <br>
// | Copyright (c) 2013 http://www.onethink.cn All rights reserved. <br>
// +-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- <br>
// | Author: Maidang Miaoer <zuojiazi> <http:> <br>
// +-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- <br>
namespace AddonsWheelController; <br>
class AdminController extends InitController <br>
{ <br>
// public function __construct() <br>
// { <br>
// parent::__construct(); <br>
// } <br>
Public function index() <br>
{ <br>
$config = M("AddonWheelConfig")->find(); <br>
$this->assign("config", $config); <br>
$record = D('Addons://Wheel/AddonWheelRecord'); // Instantiate User object <br>
$count = $record->count();//Query the total number of records that meet the requirements <br>
$Page = new ThinkPage($count, 12); // Instantiate the paging class and pass in the total number of records and the number of records displayed on each page (25) <br>
$Page->setConfig('theme', "<div><ul>
<li><a> %HEADER% %NOW_PAGE%/% TOTAL_PAGE % page</a></li>
</ul></div>"); <br>
$show = $Page->show();//Page display output <br>
// Perform paging data query. Note that the parameters of the limit method must use the attributes of the Page class. <br>
$record = $record->limit($Page->firstRow . ',' . $Page->listRows)->order("id desc")->relation(true)->select(); <br>
$this->assign("record", $record);//Assignment data set <br>
$this->assign('page', $show);// Assignment paging output <br>
} <br>
Public function addConfig() <br>
{ <br>
M("AddonWheelConfig")->where(array("id" => "1"))->save($_POST); <br>
$this->success('Set successfully', 'Admin/Admin/index/addon/Wheel'); <br>
} <br>
} <br> </http:></zuojiazi>
/** <?php <br />
* Created by PhpStorm. <br>
* User: heqing <br>
* Date: 15/7/30 <br>
* Time: 09:40 <br>
*/ <br>
namespace AddonsWheelController; <br>
// class IndexController extends InitController <br>
// { <br>
// public function index() <br>
// $this->show('SystemInfo Index index'); <br>
// } <br>
// } <br>
class IndexController extends InitController <br>
{ <br>
Public $appUrl = ""; <br>
Public function __construct() <br>
{ <br>
$this->appUrl = "http://" . I("server.HTTP_HOST"); <br>
} <br>
Public function init() <br>
{ <br>
return R("App/Common/init"); <br>
} <br>
Public function oauthRegister($wxuser) <br>
{ <br>
return R("App/Common/oauthRegister", array($wxuser)); <br>
} <br>
Public function index() <br>
{ <br>
// if (!session("userUid")) {
$url = $weObj->getOauthRedirect($this->appUrl . u_addons('Wheel://App/Index/index')); <br>
header("location: $url"); // return; <br>
// } else { <br>
// $wxuser = $weObj->getOauthUserinfo($token["access_token"], $token["openid"]); <br>
// session("userUid", $wxuser["openid"]); <br>
// $this->oauthRegister($wxuser); <br>
// } <br>
// } <br>
$user = M("User")->where(array("uid" => session("userUid")))->find(); <br>
$config = M("AddonWheelConfig")->find(); <br>
$this->assign("config", $config); <br>
$this->assign("user", $user); <br>
$record = M("AddonWheelRecord")->where(array("user_id" => session("userId")))->order("id desc")->find(); <br>
$this->assign("record", $record); <br>
$this->display(); <br>
} <br>
* Calculation of winning probability <br>
*/ <br>
function lotteryJson() <br>
{ <br>
$today = date("Y-m-d"); <br>
$where["time"] = array("like", $today . "%"); <br>
$where["user_id"] = session("userId"); <br>
$record = D("Addons://Wheel/AddonWheelRecord")->where($where)->find(); <br>
if ($record) { <br>
$this->ajaxReturn("-1"); <br>
return; <br>
} <br>
$config = M("AddonWheelConfig")->find(); <br>
//奖品概率 <br>
$proArr = array( <br>
'1' => $config["level1_prob"], <br>
'2' => $config["level2_prob"], <br>
'3' => $config["level3_prob"], <br>
'4' => $config["level4_prob"], <br>
'5' => $config["level5_prob"], <br>
'6' => $config["level6_prob"], <br>
'7' => $config["level7_prob"] <br>
); <br>
//奖品库存 <br>
$proCount = array( <br>
'1' => $config["level1_store"], <br>
'2' => $config["level2_store"], <br> '3' => $config["level3_store"], <br>
'4' => $config["level4_store"], <br>
'5' => $config["level5_store"], <br>
'6' => $config["level6_store"], <br>
'7' => $config["level7_store"] <br>
); <br>
$file = './Data/wheel.txt'; <br>
$data = array( <br>
'1' => 0, '2' => 0, '3' => 0, '4' => 0, '5' => 0, '6' => 0 <br>
); <br>
if (!file_exists($file)) { <br>
file_put_contents($file, serialize($data)); <br>
} else { <br>
$str = file_get_contents($file); <br>
$data = unserialize($str); <br>
} <br>
$rid = $this->getRand($proArr, $proCount); <br>
if ($rid > 6) { <br>
$rid = 0; <br>
} else { <br>
$rid = $this->returnRid($rid, $file, $data, $proCount, $proArr); <br>
} <br>
M("AddonWheelRecord")->add(array("user_id" => session("userId"), "level" => $rid)); <br>
echo $rid; <br>
} <br>
function returnRid($rid, $file, $data, $proCount, $proArr) <br>
{ <br>
$data[$rid] = $data[$rid] + 1; <br>
$count = $proCount[$rid]; // 总库存 <br>
if ($count
// 如果抽取的数据大于总库存时库存清0 <br>
$proCount[$rid] = 0; <br>
// 然后继续计算一直计算出某个值的库存不为0 <br>
$rid = returnRid($rid, $file, $data, $proCount, $proArr); <br>
} else { <br>
// 写入缓存 <br>
file_put_contents($file, serialize($data)); <br>
} <br>
return $rid; <br>
} <br>
/** <br>
* 中奖概率计算, 能用 <br>
* $proArr = array('1'=>'概率', '2'=>'概率'); <br> * $proCount = array('1'=>'库存', '2'=>'库存'); <br>
*/ <br>
function getRand($proArr, $proCount) <br>
{ <br>
$result = ''; <br>
$proSum = 0; <br>
foreach ($proCount as $key => $val) { <br>
if ($val
continue; <br>
} else { <br>
$proSum = $proSum + $proArr[$key]; <br>
} <br>
} <br>
foreach ($proArr as $key => $proCur) { <br>
if ($proCount[$key]
continue; <br>
} else { <br>
$randNum = mt_rand(1, $proSum); <br>
if ($randNum
$result = $key; <br>
break; <br>
} else { <br>
$proSum -= $proCur; <br>
} <br>
} <br>
} <br>
unset($proArr); <br>
return $result; <br>
} <br>
} <br>
<b>InitController.class</b><code class="prettyprint linenums lang-php"><?php <?php <br />
/** <br>
* Created by PhpStorm. <br>
* User: heqing <br>
* Date: 15/7/30 <br>
* Time: 12:11 <br>
*/ <br>
namespace AddonsWheelController; <br>
use CommonControllerAddon; <br>
class InitController extends Addon <br>
{ <br>
public function install() <br>
{ <br>
$install_sql = './Addons/Wheel/Data/install.sql'; <br>
if (file_exists($install_sql)) { <br>
execute_sql_file($install_sql); <br>
} <br>
$this->success("安装成功", "Admin/Addon/addon"); <br>
} <br>
public function uninstall() <br>
{ <br>
$uninstall_sql = './Addons/Wheel/Data/uninstall.sql'; <br>If (file_exists($uninstall_sql)) { <br>
execute_sql_file($uninstall_sql); <br>
} <br>
$this->success("Uninstalled successfully", "Admin/Addon/addon"); <br>
} <br>
Front desk
<h1> <br>
Big carousel management <br>
</h1> <br>
</section> <br>
<section> <br>
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