Standard document flow
Divides the form into rows from top to bottom, and arranges the elements in each row from left to right, which is the document flow. Each non-floating block-level element occupies its own row, and floating elements Then it floats at one end of the line as specified. If the current line cannot fit, start a new line and float again.
Microscopic phenomenon of standard flow
Blank folding phenomenon
The same goes for pictures, pictures and form elements can Seen as text
uneven height, aligned at the bottom
automatic line wrapping, cannot be written in one line, write line wrapping
block-level elements and inline elements
block-level elements
occupy one line , cannot be juxtaposed with any other elements
You can set the width and height. If the width is not set, the width will default to 100% of the parent.
Inline elements
are placed side by side with other inline elements
The width and height cannot be set. The default width is the width of the text.
Tag classification
In HTML, tags can be divided into: text level and container level.
Text level: p, span, a, b, i, u, em
Container level: p, h series, li, dt, dd
CSS classification is very similar to the above, but p is different:
All text-level tags are inline elements, except p, which is a text-level but a block-level element.
All container-level tags are block-level elements.
Conversion between block-level elements and inline elements
Block-level elements can be set as inline elements, and inline elements can be set as block-level elements
display: inline;/*块级元素转为行内元素*/
Once a p is set to display: inline; at this time, the width of this p cannot be set. height; then, this p will immediately become an inline element. At this time it is no different from a span, and this p can be placed side by side with other tags.
display: block;/*行内元素转为块级元素*/
Once you set display: block; to a span, the span becomes a block-level element. At this time, this label is no different from a p. At this time, the span can set the width and height; at this time, the span must occupy a line, and others cannot be side by side with it; if the width is not set, it will fill up the father.
display: inline-block;/*元素既能并排,又能设置宽高*/
.p1{ float: left; width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: red; } .p2{ width: 150px; height: 150px; background-color: green; }我是p1我是p2
body{font-size: 60px;} .p1{float: left;width: 100px;height: 100px;background-color: red;} .p2{float: left;width: 150px;height: 150px;background-color: green;} .p3{float: left;width: 200px;height: 200px;background-color: blue;}123
p{float: left;width: 320px;height: 320px;background-color: orange;} 此处省略一万字
Document ul {list-style: none; } li { float: left;margin-left: 5px;padding: 0;} .p1 li {background-color: red;} .p2 li {background-color: green; } 园子 新闻 博问 首页 精华 候选
上面的代码,为了让p1浮动的子元素不影响p2,给p1增加 .p1{height: 50px;} 或者给p1的任何一个父级加上高度就达到了想要的结果。
clear:both; 清除左右浮动,这种方法有一个非常大的问题,margin失效了。
Document ul{list-style: none;} li{float: left;margin-left: 5px;padding: 0;background-color: green;} .p1{margin-bottom: 100px;}/*margin失效*/ .p2{margin-top: 100px;clear:both;}/*margin失效*/ 园子 新闻 博问 首页 精华 候选
Document ul{list-style: none;} li{float: left;margin-left: 5px;padding: 0;background-color: green;} .p1{margin-bottom: 100px;}/*margin失效*/ .both { clear: both;margin-top:100px; }/*margin失效*/ .h10{height:10px;} 园子 新闻 博问 首页 精华 候选
Document ul{list-style: none;} li{float: left;margin-left: 5px;padding: 0;background-color: green;} .both { clear: both; } .h10{height:10px;} 园子 新闻 博问 首页 精华 候选
一个父元素不能被自己浮动的子元素撑出高度。但是只要给父级元素加上 overflow:hidden ; 父亲就能被子元素撑出高了。
IE6不支持用 overflow:hidden;来清除浮动的,解决办法是追加一条 _zoom:1;
Document ul{list-style: none;} li{float: left;margin-left: 5px;padding: 0;background-color: green;} .p1{overflow:hidden;} 园子 新闻 博问 首页 精华 候选