Typecho’s archive page article output is what I wrote:
<?php $this->widget('Widget_Contents_Post_Recent', 'pageSize=1000')->to($archives); $year=0; $i=0; $j=0; while($archives->next()): $year_tmp = date('Y',$archives->created); $y=$year; if ($year != $year_tmp && $year > 0) $output .= '<div></div>'; if ($year != $year_tmp) { $year = $year_tmp; $output = '<h2 class="archive-year">'. $year .'</h2>'; } $output .= '<a class="transition archive-iterm" href="'.$archives->permalink .'"><h3 class="archive-title">'. $archives->title .'</h3><p class="archive-date">'.date('F jS ',$archives->created).'</p></a>'; endwhile; echo $output; ?>
But paging cannot be done. How can I do paging?
Typecho’s archive page article output is what I wrote:
<?php $this->widget('Widget_Contents_Post_Recent', 'pageSize=1000')->to($archives); $year=0; $i=0; $j=0; while($archives->next()): $year_tmp = date('Y',$archives->created); $y=$year; if ($year != $year_tmp && $year > 0) $output .= '<div></div>'; if ($year != $year_tmp) { $year = $year_tmp; $output = '<h2 class="archive-year">'. $year .'</h2>'; } $output .= '<a class="transition archive-iterm" href="'.$archives->permalink .'"><h3 class="archive-title">'. $archives->title .'</h3><p class="archive-date">'.date('F jS ',$archives->created).'</p></a>'; endwhile; echo $output; ?>
But paging cannot be done. How can I do paging?
What kind of pagination?