This is the original call:
$_G['db' ]->where('city_id', array(0,$_CITY['aid']));
$_G['db']->where_concat_like('name,subname', "%{$q}% ");
$_G['db']->where('status', 1);
Now I want to build on this basis and change the two fields c_product_price and c_product_content in the data table called dbpre_subject_product_new. Thank you in advance.
//The following is the source code:
!defined('IN_MUDDER') && exit('Access Denied');
$city_id = _get('city_id', null, MF_INT_KEY);
if($city_id>0) {
$citys = $_G['loader']->variable('area');
<code>if(!$city = $citys[$city_id]) redirect('global_area_city_id_invalid'); if(!$city['enabled']) redirect('global_area_city_disabled'); init_city($city_id);</code>
$q = _input('keyword', '', MF_TEXT);
if(($_GET['Pathinfo'] || $_GET['Rewrite']) && $q && $_G['charset'] != 'utf-8' && $_G'cfg') {
$q = charset_convert($q,'utf-8',$_G['charset']);
$q = str_replace(array("rn" ,"r","n") ,'', _T($q));
$_G['db']->where(' city_id', array(0,$_CITY['aid']));
$_G['db']->where_concat_like('name,subname', "%{$q}%");
$_G[ 'db']->where('status', 1);
$multipage = '';
if($total = $_G['db']->count()) {
$orderby = array($post['ordersort']=>$post['ordertype']);
$offset = 10;
$start = get_start($_GET['page'], $offset);
$_G['db']->limit($start, $offset);
$list = $_G['db']-> get();
if($total) {
$multipage = mobile_page($total, $offset, $_GET['page'], url("item/mobile/do/search/keyword/$q/page/_PAGE_ "));
//Display template
if($_G['in_ajax']) {
include mobile_template('item_list_li');
$title = 'Search for products:'.$q;
include mobile_template('item_list');
This is the original call:
$_G['db' ]->where('city_id', array(0,$_CITY['aid']));
$_G['db']->where_concat_like('name,subname', "%{$q}% ");
$_G['db']->where('status', 1);
Now I want to build on this basis and change the two fields c_product_price and c_product_content in the data table called dbpre_subject_product_new. Thank you in advance.
//The following is the source code:
!defined('IN_MUDDER') && exit('Access Denied');
$city_id = _get('city_id', null, MF_INT_KEY);
if($city_id>0) {
$citys = $_G['loader']->variable('area');
<code>if(!$city = $citys[$city_id]) redirect('global_area_city_id_invalid'); if(!$city['enabled']) redirect('global_area_city_disabled'); init_city($city_id);</code>
$q = _input('keyword', '', MF_TEXT);
if(($_GET['Pathinfo'] || $_GET['Rewrite']) && $q && $_G['charset'] != 'utf-8' && $_G'cfg') {
$q = charset_convert($q,'utf-8',$_G['charset']);
$q = str_replace(array("rn" ,"r","n") ,'', _T($q));
$_G['db']->where(' city_id', array(0,$_CITY['aid']));
$_G['db']->where_concat_like('name,subname', "%{$q}%");
$_G[ 'db']->where('status', 1);
$multipage = '';
if($total = $_G['db']->count()) {
$orderby = array($post['ordersort']=>$post['ordertype']);
$offset = 10;
$start = get_start($_GET['page'], $offset);
$_G['db']->limit($start, $offset);
$list = $_G['db']-> get();
if($total) {
$multipage = mobile_page($total, $offset, $_GET['page'], url("item/mobile/do/search/keyword/$q/page/_PAGE_ "));
//Display template
if($_G['in_ajax']) {
include mobile_template('item_list_li');
$title = 'Search for products:'.$q;
include mobile_template('item_list');
I don’t know, you don’t even know what PHP framework you are using, and you don’t know what mysql driver you are using. No one can answer you, so please rename the question and ask again