-1 monday output is this Monday, which is very strange
-1 monday output is this Monday, which is very strange
Because foreigners think "this monday" is next Monday and "last monday" is this Monday
Just use "-2 monday", or "monday last week"
date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . (6+date('w')) . ' days'));
-7 days
last week
Usually done in two steps, first get any day of the last week, and then find Monday, just like finding the end of the month is to find the 1st of the next month, and then -1 day.
Let’s write a general method for this
<code>function last_monday($timestamp=0,$is_return_timestamp=true){ static $cache ; $id = $timestamp.$is_return_timestamp; if(!isset($cache[$id])){ if(!$timestamp) $timestamp = time(); $thismonday = this_monday($timestamp) - /*7*86400*/604800; if($is_return_timestamp){ $cache[$id] = $thismonday; }else{ $cache[$id] = date('Y-m-d',$thismonday); } } return $cache[$id]; }</code>
date('w') gets the current day of the week, since Monday to Saturday are 1-6 respectively, and Sunday is 0. When the value is 0, last Monday was 13 days ago. The rest is date('w')+6 days ago.
<code>$days = date('w')==0?13:date('w')+6; echo date('Y-m-d',time()-$days*86400);</code>
See the document link description here
echo "Last Monday:".date("Y-m-d",strtotime("last Monday"))."
$time = strtotime("-7 day");
$timetest =date("Y-m-d h:i:sa", $time);