Recently I was doing a flash sale event, and for the sake of performance and response speed, I used redis. When I was writing, I paid special attention to preventing supernormal phenomena. I used cas (check and set) optimistic locking based on redis theory. I thought that this problem should be able to eliminate it, but it still occurred. I was very confused and asked for help. The specific code is roughly as follows:
<code><?php header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); $redis = new redis(); $result = $redis->connect('', 6379); $mywatchkey = $redis->get("mywatchkey"); $rob_total = 100; //抢购数量 if($mywatchkey<$rob_total){ $redis->watch("mywatchkey"); $redis->multi(); //设置延迟,方便测试效果。 sleep(5); //插入抢购数据 $redis->hSet("mywatchlist","user_id_".mt_rand(1, 9999),time()); $redis->set("mywatchkey",$mywatchkey+1); $rob_result = $redis->exec(); if($rob_result){ $mywatchlist = $redis->hGetAll("mywatchlist"); echo "抢购成功!<br/>"; echo "剩余数量:".($rob_total-$mywatchkey-1)."<br/>"; echo "用户列表:<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">"; var_dump($mywatchlist); }else{ echo "手气不好,再抢购!";exit; } } ?> </code>