Seeing that Yii1.1 has so many dissatisfaction, and seeing Yii2 maturing day by day, I put together a prototype stage of a small project and tried to use Yii2.
I wrote down some experience, briefly speaking from the perspective of a Yii1 skilled worker looking at Yii2. (Additions may be added at the end of this article at any time in the future)
- The default template uses bootstrap, which is very beautiful.
- The config files of the basic version and the advanced version are different. In the basic version, there is web.php, but the latter does not.
- Set to display in Chinese: In config/web.php, add a line 'language'=>'zh-CN'. Then Home became Homepage, and Powered by Yii Framework became Technical Support Yii Framework.
- Use gii to generate the model. I checked Use Table Prefix. The tableName() function of the generated model returns {{%menu}}. If not checked, the full name of the table name will be returned, such as ssn_menu
- Many functions have been added to models/user.php, which is much more convenient.
- In models and controllers, use [ ... ] instead of array(...) everywhere, which is much more beautiful and refreshing.
- The corresponding URL of LibCrudController is ?r=lib-crud
- Start trying to customize the user login part. .
- Start doing CRUD (from 20:20)
- User::find()->all() instead of User::model()->findAll()
- To reference User in _form.php, you need to declare use appmodelsUser;
- To reference ArrayHelper in the view file, you must first declare use yiihelpersArrayHelper;
- In Yii v1.1, the data entry element requires three lines, but here it only needs one line:
= $form->field($model, 'name1')->textInput(['maxlength' => true]) ?>
- The CRUD interface generated by gii is much more elegant and beautiful, and the prompt information is automatically in Chinese (this should be the credit of GridView)
- User::findOne($user_id); is different from the one below. This returns a record, I don’t know what the following is.
$user=User::find()->where(['id' => $id]);
- Add my.css: First add my.css in web/css, and then in assets/AppAsset.php
public $css = [
- Insert js file: $this->registerJsFile("js/start.js"); --When relying on jquery, this obviously does not work, and it will prompt that $ cannot be found.
- It’s very clear here. Several options. The plan to modify assets/AppAsset.php has been adjusted. One of the key points is (see boldface): AppAsset::addScript($this,'@web/js/start.js');
- There is a cool debug-toolbar button on the lower right side of the page. Clicking it will pop up a horizontal status bar.
- index.php?r=site/index in the address bar will become index.php?r=site%2Findex