Python’s operators are similar to other languages
(We only know the basic usage of these operators for the time being, so that we can expand the content later, and advanced applications will not be introduced for the time being)
Math operations
>>>print 1+9 # 加法 >>>print 1.3-4 # 减法 >>>print 3*5 # 乘法 >>>print 4.5/1.5 # 除法 >>>print 3**2 # 乘方 >>>print 10%3 # 求余数
Determine whether it is true or false, return True/False
>>>print 5==6 # =, 相等 >>>print 8.0!=8.0 # !=, 不等 >>>print 3<3, 3<=3 # <, 小于; <=, 小于等于 >>>print 4>5, 4>=0 # >, 大于; >=, 大于等于 >>>print 5 in [1,3,5] # 5是list [1,3,5]的一个元素
(there are also is, is not, etc., we will not go into depth yet)
Logical operations
Operations between True/False
>>>print True and True, True and False # and, “与”运算, 两者都为真才是真 >>>print True or False # or, "或"运算, 其中之一为真即为真 >>>print not True # not, “非”运算, 取反
You can do some exercises in conjunction with the previous part, such as:
>>>print 5==6 or 3>=3
Math+, -, *, /, **, %
Judgment==, !=, >, >=,
logical and, or, not