KoaHub platform developed based on Node.js Koa link Alipay plug-in code information details
KoaHub platform developed based on Node.js Koa link Alipay plug-in code information details
alipay payment & notification APIs
Nodejs based Alipay payment & notification APIs
Create an Ali direct payment, return an Ali url so client can go to Ali pages to process payments.
Examplevar alipay = require('easy-alipay').Payment;<br>
var paymentUrl = alipay.createDirectPay(partnerId, partnerKey, sellerEmail, requestData.subject,<br>
requestData.outTradeNumber, requestData.totalFee, requestData.body, requestData.showUrl,<br>
NotifyUrl, returnUrl);
Returns an promise. WAP version of Payment.createDirectPay(), which submit a XML format request to ALIPAY and returns an redirect url with valid request token.
Notification.directPayNotify(notification, partnerId, partnerKey)
Returns an promise which resolve with a JSON version of ALIPAY payment notification, and reject when the notification is not from ALIPAY or signature verification failed.
Examplevar alipayNotification = require('easy-alipay').Notification;<br>
try {<br>
alipayNotification.directPayNotify(notifyData, partnerId, partnerKey);<br>
} catch (err) {<br>
Notification.directPayNotifyWap(notification, partnerId, partnerKey)
WAP version of Notification.directPayNotify(), which accepts a XML format payment notification.
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Code source: http://js.koahub.com/home/feature/easy-alipay