As shown in the picture, this is the general structure of my project
The following is the entry file index.php
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) {
die('require PHP > 5.3.0 !'); </p> <p>}</p> <p>// To enable debugging mode, it is recommended to enable deployment phase comments during the development phase or set it to false<br>define('APP_DEBUG', true);<br>// Define the application directory<br>//define('BIND_MODULE','Admin');//here It is the definition of binding the admin template found in the tp manual<br>define('APP_PATH', './Application/');</p> <p>//Introduce ThinkPHP entry file<br>require './ThinkPHP/ThinkPHP.php';</p> <p><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="/img/bVEwib" class="lazy" data- alt="mvc - thinkphp builds website backend, the entry file cannot be found (cannot be loaded)" ></p> <p>As shown in the picture, this is define('BIND_MODULE','Admin'); after commenting it out, the page will display normally</p> <p><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="/img/bVEwiO" class="lazy" data- alt="mvc - thinkphp builds website backend, the entry file cannot be found (cannot be loaded)" ><br>This is define('BIND_MODULE','Admin'); if not commented, an error will be reported</p> <p><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="/img/bVEwjb" class="lazy" data- alt="mvc - thinkphp builds website backend, the entry file cannot be found (cannot be loaded)" ><br>Bind the admin template, but still cannot enter the background entry file</p> <p>There is a lot of content, but the question is actually just one: how to build the website backend with the thinkphp framework (How to configure the admin entry file like this?)</p> <h2>Reply content:</h2> <p><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="/img/bVEwhk" class="lazy" data- alt="mvc - thinkphp builds website backend, the entry file cannot be found (cannot be loaded)" ><br>As shown in the picture, this is the general structure of my project</p> <p>The following is the entry file index.php<br>if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) {</p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><code>die('require PHP > 5.3.0 !'); </p> <p>}</p> <p>// To enable debugging mode, it is recommended to enable deployment phase comments during the development phase or set it to false<br>define('APP_DEBUG', true);<br>// Define the application directory<br>//define('BIND_MODULE','Admin');//here It is the definition of binding the admin template found in the tp manual<br>define('APP_PATH', './Application/');</p> <p>//Introduce ThinkPHP entry file<br>require './ThinkPHP/ThinkPHP.php';</p> <p><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="/img/bVEwib" class="lazy" data- alt="mvc - thinkphp builds website backend, the entry file cannot be found (cannot be loaded)" ></p> <p>As shown in the picture, this is define('BIND_MODULE','Admin'); after commenting it out, the page will display normally</p> <p><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="/img/bVEwiO" class="lazy" data- alt="mvc - thinkphp builds website backend, the entry file cannot be found (cannot be loaded)" ><br>This is define('BIND_MODULE','Admin'); if not commented, an error will be reported</p> <p><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="/img/bVEwjb" class="lazy" data- alt="mvc - thinkphp builds website backend, the entry file cannot be found (cannot be loaded)" ><br>Bind the admin template, but still cannot enter the background entry file</p> <p>There is a lot of content, but the question is actually just one: how to build the website backend with the thinkphp framework (How to configure the admin entry file like this?)</p> <p class="answer fmt" data-id="1020000007235076"> </p> <p><code>No input file specified
. It seems to be a problem withfast-cgi settings
. What server is used,Apache
. Paste theconfiguration file