Using the PHP version of the SDK, it was not handled properly. I found a test file test/TestImage.php. I started to change it and found that the status code $request -> getCode() was always 0. After debugging all the way, I found that it was getContents. curl error in function! Output curl_errno($ch), SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate Use solution is certificate problem.
Error code invalid-method Error reason: The non-existent method namehas not been resolved. It may be that $requestshould be the AlipayCommerceCityfacilitatorVoucherGenerateRequestclass instance in the document or the $alipayClient in the test file -> getContents() returns Value (AlipayMobilePublicMultiMediaExecuteinstance)There is also Warning: openssl_sign(): supplied key param cannot be coerced into a private key in... There are many questions. I looked back at the API and found that there is sample code under the API page. Yo ho ho ho .
There is an error after configuring{"code":"40006","msg":"Insufficient Permissions","sub_code":"isv.insufficient-isv-permissions","sub_msg":"Insufficient ISV permissions"}
Changed the sandbox account and was reminded of another error{"code":"40004","msg":"Business Failed","sub_code":"unknown-sub-code","sub_msg":" Unknown error code"}, but it is an error in the signature verification function checkResponseSign().
object(SignData)[5] public 'signSourceData' => string '{"code":"40004","msg":"Business Failed","sub_code":"unknown-sub-code","sub_msg":"未知的错误码"}' (length=101) public 'sign' => string 'EfXcLt1HDYQFHnfJRy31/S9+AeCd7J4jw/Zrphi2ImHgCIBGIbyZ8+Ch2yoiGeKN/tqdTPSEOosEI9QF1Nx53fHKHZG1SkrodwVzSSdkVPM9pxCszCn4u0ktTi925BazTFfNoq****JTHflEJ91GOhX19sbFYSnvD6RWus4YeFo=' (length=172)
Trace curl function, url=×tamp=2016-10- 27+08%3A31%3A05&auth_token=&alipay_sdk=alipay-sdk-php-20160411&terminal_type=&terminal_info= &prod_code=¬ify_url=&charset=UTF-8&app_auth_token=&sign=T2xEACiz6ET%2FHs5DWdBZqrQQlB8nB8iw4% 2F4VlEtqG6qVePjEop9IgLpgLt%2BOtDCJgbWYA%2FIlzyHXBRs9D1JYfT1wUHzYoXXATcXNm0rssfFLB******** xdLHMn4DCF%2B4QQLLeZrBVV2nj7Kxo1Zz1zv5ElS%2FLialsFA%3D
The emphasis on [×tamp=] above is very confusing. How can × be in it? The previous query should have ended and then it should be the time parameter ×tamp. If you change it to ×tamp=, at least it will return instead of this error: Error code invalid-method Error reason: The method name does not exist. See where there is an error in constructing the url.
array (size=15) 'app_id' => string '2016091000478468' (length=16) 'version' => string '1.0' (length=3) 'format' => string 'json' (length=4) 'sign_type' => string 'RSA' (length=3) 'method' => string 'alipay.commerce.cityfacilitator.station.query' (length=45) 'timestamp' => string '2016-10-27 08:48:32' (length=19) 'auth_token' => null 'alipay_sdk' => string 'alipay-sdk-php-20160411' (length=23) 'terminal_type' => null 'terminal_info' => null 'prod_code' => null 'notify_url' => null 'charset' => string 'UTF-8' (length=5) 'app_auth_token' => null 'sign' => string 'f6ufUiSHCb7LNaXJvTdPEdDzfxKgepILJiKaM3wqueGojpOTZrVFRhVFqAQAxCEze9bVX77fpS/bvT8IVoD+/DMikZrje8SqkrSQvIHG8r1VhucgWplpgJU7HzViE*****************/MoG5OqfPf+H+rU+Eui7+bfYXtTDY=' (length=172)
It can be seen that it should indeed be timestamp. The html escape character of × is ×, so echo "×tamp="; will output something like ×tamp.
<span style="font-size: 15px">foreach ($sysParams as $sysParamKey => $sysParamValue) { $requestUrl .= "$sysParamKey=" . urlencode($this->characet($sysParamValue, $this->postCharset)) . "&<span style="color: #ff00ff">amp;</span>"; }</span>
& was changed to & so excited.
However, the page has nothing, no errors, blank, empty. Keep adjusting I have no clue. I asked the question and I have no clue to answer it.
Regarding the parameter problem I encountered yesterday, I brought timestamp to the front and found that the time parameter was still 6 hours behind, so I just used time()+6*3600 without mentioning it. Then [the signature is invalid]. Help~