Linux file folder recursive monitoring
Developed a standard php composer package, you can just require it when using it.
The implementation of the PHP version follows the idea of the shell version, passing the results of the shell command through pipe commands, and then doing various processing on the results to achieve our purpose of monitoring files.
In order to complete this function, we must first implement a PHP version of the pipeline command. Here I have encapsulated the resource popen (string $command, string $mode), so that the return value of the command can be processed in a very friendly way.
After completing the above module, the next step is the specific implementation. There are multiple friendly ways to implement it, including adding multi-path recursive monitoring, including regular matching, and excluding regular matching.
pipe development
<?php/** * php对对popen的封装,通过回调的方式模拟管道命令 * */namespace Aizuyan\Pipe;class Pipe{ /** * 要通过管道执行的命令 */ protected $command = ""; /** * 回调函数,将管道数据传递给该函数 */ protected $callback = null; /** * 数据之间的分隔符 */ protected $delimiter = "\n"; /** * 设置命令 * * @param cmd string 要运行的命令 */ public function setCmd($cmd) { $this->command = $cmd; return $this; } /** * 设置回调函数,处理管道输出的命令 */ public function setCallback(callable $cb) { $this->callback = $cb; return $this; } /** * 设置数据片段之间的分隔符 */ public function setDelimiter($delimiter) { $this->delimiter = $delimiter; return $this; } /** * 开始运行 */ public function run() { $fp = popen($this->command, "r"); if (false === $fp) { throw new \RuntimeException("popen execute command failed!"); } $item = ""; while (!feof($fp)) { $char = fgetc($fp); if ($this->delimiter == $char) { call_user_func($this->callback, $item); $item = ""; } else { $item .= $char; } } pclose($fp); } }
The following is the test program
pair tail -f / The return result of the root/t.txt shell command is processed in real time. setCallback(callable func) sets the callback function. The parameter of func is the standard output of the shell command. setDelimiter($delimiter) sets the delimiter of the parameters passed in to the callback function. , so that the output can be passed to the callback function easily and arbitrarily.
inotify development
I won’t mention this part of the code. It mainly relies on the above Pipe and then processes the output of the inotifywait -mrq --format '%w,%e,%f' command, forward and reverse filtering, The following is the call to Inotify
<?php require "vendor/autoload.php"; $obj = new Aizuyan\Inotify\Inotify(); $obj->addExclude([ "/swp$/", "/swpx$/", "/~$/", "/\d$/", "/swx$/" ])->setCallback(function ($item){ echo $item["event"] . " 文件 " . $item["file"] . "\n"; })->addPaths("/datas/git/")->start();
After running like this, the following content will be output when we modify the files in the /datas/git directory, which can easily customize the modified files
CREATE 文件 /datas/git/inotify/ MODIFY 文件 /datas/git/inotify/ MOVED_TO 文件 /datas/git/aizuyan/pinyin-1/ DELETE 文件 /datas/git/aizuyan/pinyin-1/LICENSE ......
inotify-tools Installation
The entire function depends on a linux software - inotify-tools
centos installation yum install inotify-tools, or install it directly through the source code (documentation). I tried to install it in the OS and found that it failed~
How to use
I have It has been published to the composer repository and can be easily installed:
composer require aizuyan/inotify, and then you can use it like the example above
In addition, this is the github address of the two components developed: AizuyanPipePipe, AizuyanInotifyInotify