First find the config.php file in the Conf subdirectory of the Common directory in the project file directory
Add the following code:
'DB_TYPE' => 'pdo',
'DB_USER' => 'root',
'DB_PWD ' => 'Database password',
'DB_PREFIX' => 'think_', Table prefix
'DB_DSN' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=connected database name; charset=UTF8'
Note: charset=UTF8 instead of UTF-8, and an error will be reported when writing UTF-8 web pages.
There is another method: for model instantiation using Model(), you can use the third part of:
Model(['Model name'], ['Data table prefix'], ['Database connection information']); Define the database in each parameter database connection information
For example: $user = new Model('User','think_','mysql://root:123456@localhost/thinkphp');
The format of the database connection information is: database Type://username:password@database address:database port/database name#Character set
This example should be modified according to the actual situation