In this tutorial, we will learn how to prevent users from uploading adult photos or nude photos through PHP.
I accidentally discovered a very useful one on, developed by Bakr Alsharif, which can help developers to create pixel-based images based on skin. Class file to detect nudity in pictures.
It will analyze the colors used in different parts of a picture and decide whether it matches the hue of human skin color.
As a result of the analysis, it will return a reflection that the picture contains nudity score of likelihood.
Additionally, it can output the analyzed image with pixels labeled with skin tones using a given color.
Currently it can analyze PNG, GIF and JPEG images.
Below shows how to use this PHP class.
Let’s start by including the nudity filter, nf.php file.
include ('nf.php');
Next, Create a new class called ImageFilter and put it in a variable called $filter.
$filter = new ImageFilter;
Get the score of the image and put it in a $score variable .
$score = $filter -> GetScore($_FILES['img']['tmp_name']);
If the image score is greater than or equal to 60%, then display an (alert) message.
if($score >= 60){/*Message*/}
The following is all the PHP code:
GetScore($_FILES['img'] ['tmp_name']);/*If the $score variable is set*/if (isset($score)) {/*If the image contains nudity, display image score and message. Score value if more
than 60%, it is considered an adult image.*/if ($score >= 60) { echo "Image scored " . $score . "%, It seems that you have uploaded a nude picture.";/*If the image doesn' t contain nudity*/ } else if ($score < 0) { echo "Congratulations, you have uploaded an non-nude image.";
markup language
We can use a Basic HTML form to upload images.