<script> <br><br>function TimeTo(){ <br><br> var t = new Date(1301500800*1000),//Get the specified time Total number of milliseconds <br> n = new Date().getTime(),//Get the current number of milliseconds <br> using Expired or just expired, the program will be launched <br> <br> } <br> var ds = 60*60*24*1000,//How many milliseconds in a day <br> d = parseInt(c/ds),//Divide the total milliseconds by the milliseconds in a day to get the difference The number of days h = parseInt((c-d*ds)/(3600*1000)),//Then take the remaining milliseconds after the number of days and divide it by the number of milliseconds per hour to get the hour <br> m = parseInt((c - d*ds - h*3600*1000)/(60*1000)),//Subtract the remaining milliseconds from the number of days and hours, and then divide the remaining milliseconds by the number of milliseconds per minute to get minutes <br> s = parseInt( (c-d*ds-h*3600*1000-m*60*1000)/1000);//Get the last remaining number of milliseconds divided by 1000, which is the number of seconds, and the remaining milliseconds can be automatically ignored <br> document.getElementById ('haha').innerHTML = '<p style="margin-top:5px;"> <b>'+d+'</b> day<b>'+h+'</b> ; Hours<b>'+m+'</b> Minutes</p><p class="ss"><b>'+s+'</b> Seconds</p> '; <br>//The last sentence talks about updating the defined display to the div with the ID of timer <br>setTimeout("TimeTo()", 1000); <br>} <br><br><br></script>