Window object in JavaScript
It is the largest object in JavaScript. It describes a browser window. Generally, when you want to reference its properties and methods, you do not need to use the form "", but use "xxx" directly. A frame page is also a window.
Window object has the following attributes:
name The name of the window, which is determined by the connection that opened it () or the frame page () or the open() method called by a certain window (see below). Generally we will not use this attribute.
status refers to the content displayed in the "status bar" at the bottom of the window. By assigning a value to status, the display of the status bar can be changed.
opener Usage: window.opener; returns the window object that opens this window. Note: What is returned is a window object. If the window is not opened by another window, this property returns null in Netscape and "undefined" in IE. undefined is equal to null to some extent. Note: undefined is not a JavaScript constant. If you try to use "undefined", it will really return "undefined".
self refers to the window itself, and the object it returns is exactly the same as the window object. The most commonly used is "self.close()", placed in the tag: "
parent returns the frame page object to which the window belongs .
top returns the topmost frame page object of the entire browser window.
History object, see below.
Document object, see below.
The first method is open() to open a window
< parameter. String>: Describes the appearance of the opened window. If you only need to open a normal window, leave the string blank (). If you want to specify the appearance, write one or more parameters in the string, separated by commas.
Example: Open a 400 x 100 clean window:
location=no,directories=no,status=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes)
open() parameters
top=# The number of pixels from the top of the window to the top of the screen
left=# The number of pixels from the left end of the window to the left end of the screen
width=# The width of the window
height=# The height of the window
menubar=... Whether the window has a menu, the value is yes or no
toolbar=... Whether the window has a toolbar, the value is yes or no
location=... Window Whether there is an address bar, the value is yes or no
directories=... Whether the window has a connection area, the value is yes or no
scrollbars=... Whether the window has scroll bars, the value is yes or no
status= ... Whether the window has a status bar, the value is yes or no
resizable=... Whether the window is resized, the value is yes or no
Note: The open() method has a return value, and that is what is returned The open window object. For example,
In this way, a new window is assigned to the "newWindow" variable. In the future, the window can be controlled through the "newWindow" variable.
close() Close an open window.
The main function is to close this window;
In addition, the Window object also has the following methods
blur() causes the focus to move away from the window and the window becomes an "inactive window".
focus() causes the window to gain focus and become the "active window". However, in Windows 98, this method can only make the window's title bar and the corresponding button on the taskbar flash, prompting the user that the window is trying to gain focus.
scrollTo() Usage: [
scrollBy() Usage: [
resizeTo() Usage: [
resizeBy() Usage: [
alert() Usage: alert(
confirm() Usage: confirm(
prompt() Usage: prompt(
Window object has the following events:
window. HTML file, and all included images, plug-ins, controls, applets, etc. have been downloaded. This event is a window event, but when specifying the event handler in HTML, we write it in the
window.onresize; occurs when the window is resized.
window.onblur; occurs when the window loses focus.
window.onfocus; occurs when the window gets focus.
window.onerror; occurs when an error occurs. Its event handler is usually called an "Error Handler" and is used to handle errors. As mentioned above, to ignore all errors, use:
function ignoreError() {
return true;
window.onerror = ignoreError;