1.JS regular expression collection (upon)
Special characters in regular expressions
Character meaning
is used as a transposition, that is, the characters usually after "" are not interpreted according to their original meaning, such as /b/ matches the character "b", when a backslash is added in front of b After the stem /b/, the meaning is changed to match the boundary of a word.
Reduction of regular expression functional characters, such as "*" matching the metacharacter before it 0 or more times, /a*/ will match a, aa, aaa, after adding "", /a* / will only match "a*".
^ matches an input or the beginning of a line, /^a/ matches "an A", but does not match "An a"
$ matches an input or the end of a line, /a$/ matches "An a", but does not match "an A"
* matches the preceding metacharacter 0 or more times, /ba*/ will match b,ba,baa,baaa
+ matches the preceding metacharacter 1 or more times, /ba*/ will match ba,baa ,baaa
? Matches the preceding metacharacter 0 or 1 times, /ba*/ will match b,ba
(x) matches x and saves x in a variable named $1...$9
x|y matches x or y
{n} matches exactly n times
{n,} matches more than n times
{n,m} matches n-m times
[xyz] character set (character set), matches any character (or element) in this set characters)
[^xyz] does not match any character in this set
[b] matches a backspace character
b matches a word boundary
B matches a non-word boundary
cX Here, X is a control character, /cM/ matches Ctrl-M
d matches an alphanumeric character, /d/ = /[0-9]/
D matches a non-alphanumeric character, /D/ = /[^0-9]/
n matches a newline The symbol
r matches a carriage return character
s matches a blank character, including n, r, f, t, v, etc.
S matches a non-blank character, equal to /[^nfrtv]/
t matches a tab character
v Matches a double tab character
w matches a character that can form a word (alphanumeric, this is my free translation, including numbers), including underscores, such as [w] matching the 5 in "$5.98", which is equal to [a-zA- Z0-9]
W matches a character that cannot form a word. For example, [W] matches the $ in "$5.98", which is equal to [^a-zA-Z0-9].
2.JS Regular Expression Collection (Part 2)
A regular expression is an object that describes a character pattern.
JavaScript’s RegExp object and String object define ways to use regular expressions to perform powerful pattern matching and text retrieval and replacement functions.
In JavaScript, regular expressions are represented by a RegExp object. Of course, you can use A RegExp() constructor to create a RegExp object, or a special syntax added in JavaScript 1.2 to create a RegExp object. Just like a string literal is defined as a character enclosed in quotes, a regular expression literal Quantities are also defined as characters contained between a pair of slashes (/). So, JavaScript might contain the following code:
var pattern = /s$/;
This line of code creates a new RegExp object and Assign it to the variable pattern. This special RegExp object matches all strings ending with the letter "s". You can also define an equivalent regular expression using RegExp(), the code is as follows:
var pattern = new RegExp ("s$");
Whether you use a regular expression literal or the constructor RegExp(), it is relatively easy to create a RegExp object. The more difficult task is to use regular expression syntax to describe the pattern of characters.
JavaScript uses a fairly complete subset of the Perl language regular expression syntax.
The pattern specification of a regular expression is composed of a series of characters. Most characters (including all alphanumeric characters) are described literally Characters that mean to match. In this way, the regular expression /java/ matches all strings containing the substring "java". Although other characters in the regular expression are not matched literally, they are Has a special meaning. The regular expression /s$/ contains two characters.
The first special character "s" matches itself literally. The second character "$" is a special character that matches is the end of the string. So the regular expression /s$/ matches the string ending with the letter "s".
1. Direct character
We have discovered that all letters in the regular expression Characters and numbers match themselves literally. JavaScript's regular expressions also support certain non-alphabetic characters through escape sequences starting with a backslash (). For example, the sequence "n" matches in a string is a literal newline character. In regular expressions, many punctuation characters have special meanings. Here are these characters and their meanings:
Literal characters for regular expressions
Character matching
Alphanumeric characters themselves
f form feed character
n line feed character
r carriage return
t tab character
v vertical tab character
/ a / direct quantity
a direct quantity
. a. direct quantity
* a * direct quantity
+ a + direct quantity
? a ? direct quantity
| a | direct quantity
( a ( direct quantity
) a ) direct quantity
[ a [ direct quantity
] a ] literal
{ a { literal
} a } literal
XXX ASCII code character specified by the decimal number XXX
Equivalent to t, cJ is equivalent to n
If you want to use special punctuation marks in regular expressions, you must add a "" before them.
2. Character class Put separate direct characters Character classes can be combined into square brackets. A character class matches any character it contains, so the regular expression / [abc] / matches any of the letters "a", "b", "c" Matches all. In addition, you can also define negative character classes. These classes match all characters except those characters contained within square brackets. When defining the negative character tip, a ^ symbol should be used as the starting point from the left square bracket. The first character of . The set of regular expressions is /[a-zA-z0-9]/.
Because certain character classes are very commonly used, JavaScript’s regular expression syntax contains some special characters and escape sequences to represent These commonly used classes. For example, s matches spaces, tabs and other whitespace characters, s matches any character except whitespace characters.
Regular gray-type character class
Character matching
[ ...] Any character within brackets
[^...] Any character not within brackets
. Any character except line breaks, equivalent to [^n]
w Any single-word character, etc. Equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9]
W Any non-single character, equivalent to [^a-zA-Z0-9]
s Any whitespace character, equivalent to [t n r f v]
S Any non-whitespace character, Equivalent to [^ t n r f v]
d Any number, equivalent to [0-9]
D Any character other than numbers, equivalent to [^0-9]
[b] A backspace literal (special case )
3. Copy Using the above regular expression syntax, two-digit numbers can be described as / d d /, and four-digit numbers can be described as / d d d d /. But we don’t have a method to use it yet Describes a number or a string with any number of digits. The string consists of three characters followed by a digit. These complex patterns use regular expression syntax that specifies what each element of the expression should be. The number of repetitions.
The characters specified to be copied always appear after the pattern they are applied to. Since certain copy types are quite common, there are some special characters specially used to represent them. For example: + matches the pattern before copying. A pattern one or more times. The following table lists the copy syntax. Let’s look at an example first:
/d{2, 4}/ //Match numbers between 2 and 4.
/w{3} d? / //Match three single characters and an arbitrary number.
/s+javas+/ //Match the string "java", and there can be one or more spaces before and after the string.
/[^"] * / / / Matches zero or more non-quote characters.
Copy characters of regular expressions Character meaning
{n, m} matches the previous item at least n times, but not more than m times
{n, } matches The previous item n times, or multiple times
{n} matches the previous item exactly n times
? Matches the previous item 0 or 1 times, which means the previous item is optional. Equivalent to {0, 1 }
* matches the previous item 0 or more times. Equivalent to {0,}
4. Selection, grouping and reference The syntax of regular expressions also includes specifying selection items, grouping subexpressions and Special characters referencing the previous subexpression. The character | is used to separate characters for selection. For example: /ab|cd|ef/ matches the string "ab", or the string "cd", or "ef ". /d{3}|[a-z]{4}/ matches either a three-digit number or four lowercase letters. Parentheses have several functions in regular expressions. Its main function is to separate separate The items are grouped into subexpressions so that those items can be processed as an independent unit using *, + or ?. For example: /java(script) ?/ matches the string "java", followed by both There may or may not be "script". / (ab|cd) + |ef) / Matches either the string "ef" or one or more repetitions of the string "ab" or "cd" .
The second use of parentheses in regular expressions is to define subpatterns within a complete pattern. When a regular expression successfully matches a target string, the portion of the target string that matches the subpattern in parentheses can be extracted. For example, assume that the pattern we are retrieving is one or more letters followed by a single digit. or multiple digits, then we can use the pattern /[a-z]+d+/. But since it is assumed that we really care about the digits at the end of each match, then if we put the numeric part of the pattern in parentheses (/[a-z] + (d+)/) , we can extract a number from any match retrieved, which we will parse later.
Another use of parenthesized subexpressions is to allow us to use them in the same regular expression The back of the expression refers to the previous subexpression. This is achieved by adding one or more digits after the string. The number refers to the position of the subexpression in the regular expression. For example: 1 reference is the subexpression of the first bracket. 3 refers to the subexpression of the third bracket. Note that since subexpressions can be nested in other subexpressions, their positions are counted. The position of the left bracket.
For example: In the following regular expression is specified as 2:
/([Jj]ava([Ss]cript)) sis s (funw*) /
for the previous subexpression in the regular expression The reference of a regular expression does not specify the pattern of the subexpression, but the text that matches that pattern. In this way, the reference is not only a shortcut to help you enter the repeated part of the regular expression, it also implements a Convention, that is, each separate part of a string contains exactly the same characters. For example: the following regular expression matches all characters located within single or double quotes. However, it requires opening and closing quotes Match (for example, both are double quotes or both are single quotes):
/[' "] [^ ' "]*[' "]/
If the opening and closing quotes are required to match, we can use the following quotes:
/( [' "] ) [^ ' "] * 1/
1 matches the pattern matched by the first parenthesized subexpression. In this example, it implements a convention, which is start The quote must match the closing quote. Note that if the backslash is followed by more digits than the number of subexpressions in the bracket, it will be parsed as a decimal escape sequence rather than a quote. You You can stick to using the full three characters to represent escape sequences, which will avoid confusion. For example, useb matches the boundary of a word. In short, it is the position between the characters w and w (note: [b] matches the backspace character)
B matches the characters that are not the boundary of the word
6. Attributes
There is one last element about the regular expression syntax, which is the attributes of the regular expression, which describes the rules of advanced pattern matching. Unlike other regular expression syntax, the attributes are outside the / symbol. Illustrated. That is, they do not appear between two slashes, but after the second slash. JavaScript 1.2 supports two attributes. Attribute i indicates that pattern matching should be case-insensitive. Attribute g indicates that pattern matching Should be global. In other words, all matches in the retrieved string should be found. These two properties can be combined to perform a global, case-insensitive match.
For example: To perform a match of different sizes For a sensitive search to find the first specific value of the word "java" (or "java", "JAVA", etc.), we can use the size-insensitive regular expression /b javab/i. If we want to find the first specific value in a string To find all the specific values of "java", we can also add the attribute g, that is, /b java b/gi.
JS regular expression collection [3]
The following are the attributes of regular expressions:
Character meaning
i Perform case-insensitive matching
g Perform a global match, in short, find all matches instead of stopping after finding the first one
Except for attributes g and i, regular expressions The formula has no other properties like attributes. If the static attribute multiline of the constructor RegExp is set to true, then the pattern matching will be performed in multiline mode. In this mode, the anchor characters ^ and $ do not match It only searches the beginning and end of the string, but also matches the beginning and end of a line inside the search string. For example: the pattern /Java$/ matches "Java", but does not match "Javanis fun". If we set multiline attribute, then the latter will also be matched:
RegExp.multiline = true;
Determine whether a string is in the format of an email in JAVASCRIPT:
if(formname.email.value!=formname.email.value.match(/^\w +[@]\w +[.][\w.] +$/)) { alert("您的电子邮件格式错误!"); formname.email.focus(); return false; } [RED]function dateVerify(date){ var reg = /^(\d{4})(-)(\d{2})\2(\d{2})$/; var r = date.match(reg); if(r==null) return false; var d= new Date(r[1], r[3]-1,r[4]); var newStr=d.getFullYear()+r[2]+(d.getMonth()+1)+r[2]+d.getDate(); date=r[1]+r[2]+((r[3]-1)+1)+r[2]+((r[4]-1)+1); return newStr==date; }
"^\\d+$" //非负整数(正整数 + 0)
"^[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*$" //正整数
"^((-\\d+)|(0+))$" //非正整数(负整数 + 0)
"^-[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*$" //负整数
"^-?\\d+$" //整数
"^\\d+(\\.\\d+)?$" //非负浮点数(正浮点数 + 0)
"^(([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)|([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*\\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*))$" //正浮点数
"^((-\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)|(0+(\\.0+)?))$" //非正浮点数(负浮点数 + 0)
"^(-(([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)|([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*\\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)))$" //负浮点数
"^(-?\\d+)(\\.\\d+)?$" //浮点数
"^[A-Za-z]+$" //由26个英文字母组成的字符串
"^[A-Z]+$" //由26个英文字母的大写组成的字符串
"^[a-z]+$" //由26个英文字母的小写组成的字符串
"^[A-Za-z0-9]+$" //由数字和26个英文字母组成的字符串
"^\\w+$" //由数字、26个英文字母或者下划线组成的字符串
"^[\\w-]+(\\.[\\w-]+)*@[\\w-]+(\\.[\\w-]+)+$" //email地址
"^[a-zA-z]+://(\\w+(-\\w+)*)(\\.(\\w+(-\\w+)*))*(\\?\\S*)?$" //url
预定义的正则表达式拥有有以下静态属性:input, multiline, lastMatch, lastParen, leftContext, rightContext和$1到$9。其中input和multiline可以预设置。其他属性的值在执行过exec或test方法后被根据不同条件赋 以不同的值。许多属性同时拥有长和短(perl风格)的两个名字,并且,这两个名字指向同一个值。(JavaScript模拟perl的正则表达式)
属性 含义
$1...$9 如果它(们)存在,是匹配到的子串
$_ 参见input
$* 参见multiline
$& 参见lastMatch
$+ 参见lastParen
$` 参见leftContext
$'' 参见rightContext
constructor 创建一个对象的一个特殊的函数原型
global 是否在整个串中匹配(bool型)
ignoreCase 匹配时是否忽略大小写(bool型)
input 被匹配的串
lastIndex 最后一次匹配的索引
lastParen 最后一个括号括起来的子串
leftContext 最近一次匹配以左的子串
multiline 是否进行多行匹配(bool型)
prototype 允许附加属性给对象
rightContext 最近一次匹配以右的子串
source 正则表达式模式
lastIndex 最后一次匹配的索引
方法 含义
compile 正则表达式比较
exec 执行查找
test 进行匹配
toSource 返回特定对象的定义(literal representing),其值可用来创建一个新的对象。重载Object.toSource方法得到的。
toString 返回特定对象的串。重载Object.toString方法得到的。
valueOf 返回特定对象的原始值。重载Object.valueOf方法得到
将输出"Smith, John"
/********************************************************************************* * EO_JSLib.js * javascript正则表达式检验 **********************************************************************************/ //校验是否全由数字组成 function isDigit(s) { var patrn=/^[0-9]{1,20}$/; if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false return true } //校验登录名:只能输入5-20个以字母开头、可带数字、“_”、“.”的字串 function isRegisterUserName(s) { var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z]{1}([a-zA-Z0-9]|[._]){4,19}$/; if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false return true } //校验用户姓名:只能输入1-30个以字母开头的字串 function isTrueName(s) { var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z]{1,30}$/; if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false return true } //校验密码:只能输入6-20个字母、数字、下划线 function isPasswd(s) { var patrn=/^(\w){6,20}$/; if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false return true } //校验普通电话、传真号码:可以“+”开头,除数字外,可含有“-” function isTel(s) { //var patrn=/^[+]{0,1}(\d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?(\d){1,12})+$/; var patrn=/^[+]{0,1}(\d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?((\d)|[ ]){1,12})+$/; if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false return true } //校验手机号码:必须以数字开头,除数字外,可含有“-” function isMobil(s) { var patrn=/^[+]{0,1}(\d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?((\d)|[ ]){1,12})+$/; if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false return true } //校验邮政编码 function isPostalCode(s) { //var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,12}$/; var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{3,12}$/; if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false return true } //校验搜索关键字 function isSearch(s) { var patrn=/^[^`~!@#$%^&*()+=|\\\][\]\{\}:;'\,.<>/?]{1}[^`~!@$%^&()+=|\\\][\]\{\}:;'\,.<>?]{0,19}$/; if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false return true } function isIP(s) //by zergling { var patrn=/^[0-9.]{1,20}$/; if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false return true }
正则表达式regular expression详述
正则表达式是regular expression,看来英文比中文要好理解多了,就是检查表达式符
不符合规定!!正则表达式有一个功能十分强大而又十分复杂的对象RegExp,在JavaScript1.2 版本以上提供。
在JavaScript 1.2, NES 3.0以上版本提供。
在JavaScript 1.3以后版本增加了toSource方法。
new RegExp("pattern"[, "flags"])即new RegExp("模式"[,"标记"])
pattern(模式) ——表示正则表达式的文本
flags(标记) ——如果指定此项,flags可以是下面值之一:
g: global match(全定匹配)
i: ignore case(忽略大小写)
gi: both global match and ignore case(匹配所有可能的值,也忽略大小写)
new RegExp("ab+c", "i")
描述:当使用构造函数的时候,必须使用正常的字符串避开规则(在字符串中加入前导字符\ )是必须的。 例如,下面的两条语句是等价的:
re = new RegExp("\\w+")
re = /\w+/
字符\ ——意义:对于字符,通常表示按字面意义,指出接着的字符为特殊字符,\不作解释。
例如:/b/匹配字符'b',通过在b 前面加一个反斜杠\,也就是/\b/,则该字符变成特殊字符,表示
或者: ——对于几个字符,通常说明是特殊的,指出紧接着的字符不是特殊的,而应该按字面解释。
字符^ ——意义:表示匹配的字符必须在最前边。
例如:/^A/不匹配"an A,"中的'A',但匹配"An A."中最前面的'A'。
字符$ ——意义:与^类似,匹配最末的字符。
字符* ——意义:匹配*前面的字符0次或n次。
例如:/bo*/匹配"A ghost booooed"中的'boooo'或"A bird warbled"中的'b',但不匹配"A goat g
字符+ ——意义:匹配+号前面的字符1次或n次。等价于{1,}。
字符? ——意义:匹配?前面的字符0次或1次。
字符. ——意义:(小数点)匹配除换行符外的所有单个的字符。
例如:/.n/匹配"nay, an apple is on the tree"中的'an'和'on',但不匹配'nay'。
字符(x) ——意义:匹配'x'并记录匹配的值。
例如:/(foo)/匹配和记录"foo bar."中的'foo'。匹配子串能被结果数组中的素[1], ..., [n] 返
回,或被RegExp对象的属性$1, ..., $9返回。
字符x|y ——意义:匹配'x'或者'y'。
例如:/green|red/匹配"green apple"中的'green'和"red apple."中的'red'。
字符{n} ——意义:这里的n是一个正整数。匹配前面的n个字符。
For example: /a{2}/ does not match the 'a' in "candy," but matches all the 'a's in "caandy," and the first two
'a's in "caaandy.".
Character {n,} - Meaning: n here is a positive integer. Matches at least n previous characters.
For example: /a{2,} does not match the 'a' in "candy", but matches all the 'a's in "caandy" and all the 'a's in "caaaaaaandy."
Characters {n,m} — - Meaning: n and m here are both positive integers. Matches at least n and at most m previous characters.
For example: /a{1,3}/ does not match any character in "cndy", but matches the 'a' in "candy," and the first two
'a' and "caaaaaaandy" in "caandy," The first three 'a's in "caaaaaaandy", note: even if there are many 'a's in "caaaaaaandy", it only matches the first three 'a's, that is, "aaa".
Character [xyz] - Meaning: A list of characters, matching any character in the list. You can specify a range of characters using the hyphen -.
For example: [abcd] is the same as [a-c]. They match the 'b' in "brisket" and the 'c' in "ache".
Character[^xyz] - Meaning: One-character complement, that is, it matches everything except the listed characters. You can use hyphens to indicate a character range.
For example: [^abc] and [^a-c] are equivalent, they first match the 'r' in "brisket" and the 'h' in "chop.".
Character [b] - Meaning: Match a space (not to be confused with b)
Character b - Meaning: Match a dividing line of a word, such as a space (not to be confused with [b])
For example: /bnw/ matches The 'no' in "noonday", /wyb/ matches the 'ly' in "possibly yesterday.".
Character B - Meaning: Match the non-breaking line of a word
For example: /wBn/ matches the 'on' in "noonday", /yBw/ matches the 'ye' in "possibly yesterday.".
Character cX - Meaning: X here is a control character. Matches a string of control characters.
For example: /cM/ matches control-M in a string.
Character d - meaning: matches a number, equivalent to [0-9].
For example: /d/ or /[0-9]/ matches the '2' in "B2 is the suite number.".
Character D - Meaning: Matches any non-number, equivalent to [^0-9].
For example: /D/ or /[^0-9]/ matches the 'B' in "B2 is the suite number.".
Character f ——Meaning: Match a form character
Character n ——Meaning: Match a newline character
Character r ——Meaning: Match a carriage return character
Character s ——Meaning: Match a single white space character, including spaces , tab, form feed, newline character, equivalent to [fnrtv].
For example: /sw*/ matches 'bar' in "foo bar.".
Character S - Meaning: Matches a single character except white space, equivalent to [^ fnrtv].
For example: /S/w* matches 'foo' in "foo bar.".
Character t - Meaning: Match a tab character
Character v - Meaning: Match a leading tab character
Character w - Meaning: Match all numbers, letters and underscores, equivalent to [A-Za-z0 -9_].
For example: /w/ matches the 'a' in "apple,", the '5' in "$5.28," and the '3' in "3D.".
Character W - Meaning: Matches other characters except numbers, letters and underscores, equivalent to [^A-Za-z0-9_].
For example: /W/ or /[^$A-Za-z0-9_]/ matches the '%' in "50%.".
Character n - meaning: n here is a positive integer. The value of n that matches the last substring of a regular expression (counting left parentheses).
For example: /apple(,)sorange1/ matches 'apple, orange' in "apple, orange, cherry, peach.", there is a more complete example below
Note: If the number in the left parenthesis is smaller than the number specified by n, n takes the octal escape of the next line as the description.
Characters ooctal and xhex - meaning: ooctal here is an octal escape value, and xhex is a hexadecimal escape value, allowing ASCII codes to be embedded in a regular expression.
Literal notation provides a way to edit regular expressions when the expression is checked. Regular expressions can be kept constant using literal notation. For example, if you use literal notation in a loop to construct a regular expression, the regular expression does not need to be compiled repeatedly.
正则表达式对象构造器,例如,new RegExp("ab+c"),提供正则表达式的运行时编译。当你知道正 则表达式的模式会变化的时候,应该使用构造函数,或者你不知道正则表达式的模式,而它们是从另外 的源获得的时候,比如由用户输入时。一旦你定义好了正则表达式,该正则表达式可在任何地方使用, 并且可以改变,你可以使用编译方法来编译一个新的正则表达式以便重新使用。
一个分离预先定义的RegExp对象可以在每个窗口中使用;也就是说,每个分离的JavaScript线程运 行以获得自己的RegExp对象。因为每个脚本在一个线程中是不可中断的,这就确保了不同的脚本不会覆 盖RegExp对象的值。
预定义的RegExp对象包含的静态属性:input, multiline, lastMatch,lastParen, leftContext, rightContext, 以及从$1到$9。input和multiline属性能被预设。其它静态属性的值是在执行个别正则 表达式对象的exec和test方法后,且在执行字符串的match和replace方法后设置的。
注意RegExp对象的几个属性既有长名字又有短名字(象Perl)。这些名字都是指向相同的值。Perl是 一种编程语言,而JavaScript模仿了它的正则表达式。
属性$1, ..., $9
例1、下述示例脚本使用replace方法来转换串中的单词。在替换的文本中,脚本使用全局 RegExp
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2"> re = /(\w+)\s(\w+)/; str = "John Smith"; newstr=str.replace(re,"$2, $1"); document.write(newstr) </SCRIPT>
显示结果:"Smith, John".
例2、下述示例脚本中,RegExp.input由Change事件处理句柄设置。在getInfo函数中,exec 方法
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2"> function getInfo(abc) { re = /(\w+)\s(\d+)/; re.exec(abc.value); window.alert(RegExp.$1 + ", your age is " + RegExp.$2); } </SCRIPT> 请输入你的姓和年龄,输入完后按回车键。 <FORM><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="NameAge" onChange="getInfo(this);"></FORM> </HTML>
$1, ..., $9属性
在JavaScript 1.2, NES 3.0以上版本提供
描述:因为input是静态属性,不是个别正则表达式对象的属性。你可以使用RegExp.input 访问该
能加上圆括号的子串的数量不受限制,但正则表达式对象只能保留最后9 条。如果你要访问所有的
下例脚本使用replace 方法来交换串中单词的位置。在替换后的文本字串中,脚本使用正则表达式
RegExp对象的$1和$2属性的值。注意:当它们向replace方法传递参数的时候,这里没有考虑 $ 属性的
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2"> re = /(\w+)\s(\w+)/; str = "John Smith"; newstr=str.replace(re,"$2, $1"); document.write(newstr) </SCRIPT>
显示的输出结果为:Smith, John。
正则表达式regular expression详述
以下这些不是正则表达式的新增对象请参阅对应的JavaScript对象的属性 $_属性 参考input $*属性
参考multiline $&属性 参考lastMatch $+属性 参考lastParen $`属性
参考leftContext $'属性 参考rightContext compile方法 在脚本运行期间编译正则表达式对象
属于RegExp的方法 在JavaScript 1.2, NES 3.0以上版本提供 语法:
regexp.compile(pattern[, flags]) 以数: regexp 正则表达式的名称,可以是变量名或文字串。
pattern 正则表达式的定义文本。 flags 如果指定的话,可以是下面其中的一个: "g": 匹配所有可能的字串
"i": 忽略大小写 "gi": 匹配所有可能的字串及忽略大小写 描述:
使用compile方法来编译一个正则表达式 created with the RegExp constructor function。这样
保持不变的时候可使用compile 方法来编译它(在获得它的匹配模式后),这样就可以在脚本中重复多次使用它。
你亦可以使用compile 方法来改变在运行期间改变正则表达式。例如,假如正则表达式发生变化,
使用该方法将改变正则表达式的source, global和ignoreCasesource属性的值。 constructor
在JavaScript 1.1, NES 2.0以上版本提供 ECMA版本ECMA-262 描述:参考Object.constructor.
exec方法 在指定的字符串运行匹配搜索。返回一个结果数组。 是RegExp的方法
在JavaScript 1.2, NES 3.0以上版本提供 语法: regexp.exec([str])regexp([str])
参数: regexp,正则表达式的名称,可以是一个变量名或文字定义串。
请看下例: 下面是该脚本的返回值:对象 属性/Index 描述 例子
myArray的内容 ["dbBd", "bB", "d"]
基于0的匹配index 1
原始字符串 cdbBdbsbz
最后匹配的字符 dbBd
[1], ...[n]
用圆括号括住的匹配字符串,如果有的话。不限制括号的个数。 [1] = bB
[2] = d
开始下次匹配操作的index值 5
指出"i"是否使用以忽略大小写 true
指出是否使用"g"标记来进行匹配所有可能的字串 true
定义模式的文本字符串 d(b+)(d)
最后匹配的字符 dbBd
最新匹配前面的子串 c
最新匹配后面的子串 bsbz
$1, ...$9
圆括号内的匹配子串,如果有的话。圆括号的个数不受限制,但RegExp只能保留最后9个 $1 = bB
$2 = d
lastParen $+
最后一个加上圆括号的匹配子串,如果有的话 d
假如你的正则表达式使用了"g"标记,你可以多次使用exec 方法来连续匹配相同的串。当你这样做
的时候,新的匹配将从由正则表达式的lastIndex 属性值确定的子串中开始。例如,假定你使用下面的脚本:
This script displays the following results: Found abb. Next match starts at 3
Found ab. Next match starts at 9 Example:
In the following example, the user enters a name and the script performs a matching operation based on the input. Then the array is checked to see if it matches any other user's name.
This script assumes that the registered user's last name has been stored in array A, perhaps obtained from a database.
<script type="text/javascript"> function getStringLength(str){ var endvalue=0; var sourcestr=new String(str); var tempstr; for (var strposition = 0; strposition < sourcestr.length; strposition ++) { tempstr=sourcestr.charAt(strposition); if (tempstr.charCodeAt(0)>255 || tempstr.charCodeAt(0)<0) { endvalue=endvalue+2; } else { endvalue=endvalue+1; } } return(endvalue); } function trim(str){ if(str==null) return ""; if(str.length==0) return ""; var i=0,j=str.length-1,c; for(;i<str.length;i++){ c=str.charAt(i); if(c!=' ') break; } for(;j>-1;j--){ c=str.charAt(j); if(c!=' ') break; } if(i>j) return ""; return str.substring(i,j+1); } function validateDate(date,format,alt){ var time=trim(date.value); if(time=="") return; var reg=format; var reg=reg.replace(/yyyy/,"[0-9]{4}"); var reg=reg.replace(/yy/,"[0-9]{2}"); var reg=reg.replace(/MM/,"((0[1-9])|1[0-2])"); var reg=reg.replace(/M/,"(([1-9])|1[0-2])"); var reg=reg.replace(/dd/,"((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|30|31)"); var reg=reg.replace(/d/,"([1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30|31))"); var reg=reg.replace(/HH/,"(([0-1][0-9])|20|21|22|23)"); var reg=reg.replace(/H/,"([0-9]|1[0-9]|20|21|22|23)"); var reg=reg.replace(/mm/,"([0-5][0-9])"); var reg=reg.replace(/m/,"([0-9]|([1-5][0-9]))"); var reg=reg.replace(/ss/,"([0-5][0-9])"); var reg=reg.replace(/s/,"([0-9]|([1-5][0-9]))"); reg=new RegExp("^"+reg+"$"); if(reg.test(time)==false){//验证格式是否合法 alert(alt); date.focus(); return false; } return true; } function validateDateGroup(year,month,day,alt){ var array=new Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); var y=parseInt(year.value); var m=parseInt(month.value); var d=parseInt(day.value); var maxday=array[m-1]; if(m==2){ if((y%4==0&&y%100!=0)||y%400==0){ maxday=29; } } if(d>maxday){ alert(alt); return false; } return true; } function validateCheckbox(obj,alt){ var rs=false; if(obj!=null){ if(obj.length==null){ return obj.checked; } for(i=0;i<obj.length;i++){ if(obj[i].checked==true){ return true; } } } alert(alt); return rs; } function validateRadio(obj,alt){ var rs=false; if(obj!=null){ if(obj.length==null){ return obj.checked; } for(i=0;i<obj.length;i++){ if(obj[i].checked==true){ return true; } } } alert(alt); return rs; } function validateSelect(obj,alt){ var rs=false; if(obj!=null){ for(i=0;i<obj.options.length;i++){ if(obj.options[i].selected==true){ return true; } } } alert(alt); return rs; } function validateEmail(email,alt,separator){ var mail=trim(email.value); if(mail=="") return; var em; var myReg = /^[_a-z0-9]+@([_a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z0-9]{2,3}$/; if(separator==null){ if(myReg.test(email.value)==false){ alert(alt); email.focus(); return false; } } else{ em=email.value.split(separator); for(i=0;i<em.length;i++){ em[i]=em[i].trim(); if(em[i].length>0&&myReg.test(em[i])==false){ alert(alt); email.focus(); return false; } } } return true; } function validateForm(theForm){// 若验证通过则返回true var disableList=new Array(); var field = theForm.elements; // 将表单中的所有元素放入数组 for(var i = 0; i < field.length; i++){ var vali=theForm.validate; if(vali!=null){ if(vali.value=="0"){ var fun=vali.functionName; if(fun!=null){ return eval(fun+"()"); } else{ return true; } } } var empty=false; var value=trim(field[i].value); if(value.length==0){//是否空值 empty=true; } var emptyInfo=field[i].emptyInfo;//空值验证 if(emptyInfo!=null&&empty==true){ alert(emptyInfo); field[i].focus(); return false; } var lengthInfo=field[i].lengthInfo;//最大长度验证 if(lengthInfo!=null&&getStringLength(value)>field[i].maxLength){ alert(lengthInfo); field[i].focus(); return false; } var validatorType=field[i].validatorType; if(validatorType!=null){//其它javascript var rs=true; if(validatorType=="javascript"){ eval("rs="+field[i].functionName+"()"); if(rs==false){ return false; } else{ continue; } } else if(validatorType=="disable"){//提交表单前disable的按钮 disableList.length++; disableList[disableList.length-1]=field[i]; continue; } else if(validatorType=="Date"){ rs=validateDate(theForm.elements(field[i].fieldName),field[i].format,field[i].errorInfo); } else if(validatorType=="DateGroup"){ rs=validateDateGroup(theForm.elements(field[i].year),theForm.elements(field[i].month),theForm.elements(field[i].day),field[i].errorInfo); } else if(validatorType=="Checkbox"){ rs=validateCheckbox(theForm.elements(field[i].fieldName),field[i].errorInfo); } else if(validatorType=="Radio"){ rs=validateRadio(theForm.elements(field[i].fieldName),field[i].errorInfo); } else if(validatorType=="Select"){ rs=validateSelect(theForm.elements(field[i].fieldName),field[i].errorInfo); } else if(validatorType=="Email"){ rs=validateEmail(theForm.elements(field[i].fieldName),field[i].errorInfo); } else{ alert("验证类型不被支持, fieldName: "+field[i].name); return false; } if(rs==false){ return false; } } else{//一般验证 if(empty==false){ var v = field[i].validator; // 获取其validator属性 if(!v) continue; // 如果该属性不存在,忽略当前元素 var reg=new RegExp(v); if(reg.test(field[i].value)==false){ alert(field[i].errorInfo); field[i].focus(); return false; } } } } for(i=0;i<disableList.length;i++){ disableList[i].disabled=true; } return true; } </script>