There are multiple short pictures that can be spliced into one long picture. How to do this easily?
There are multiple short pictures that can be spliced into one long picture. How to do this easily?
<code><?php $imgs = array(); $imgs[0] = 'imgs/1.jpg'; $imgs[1] = 'imgs/2.jpg'; $imgs[2] = 'imgs/3.jpg'; $imgs[3] = 'imgs/4.jpg'; $target = 'emp.jpg'; //背景图片 $target_img = Imagecreatefromjpeg($target); $source = array(); foreach ($imgs as $k => $v) { $source[$k]['source'] = Imagecreatefromjpeg($v); $source[$k]['size'] = getimagesize($v); } //imagecopy ($target_img,$source[0]['source'],2,2,0,0,$source[0]['size'][0],$source[0]['size'][1]); //imagecopy ($target_img,$source[1]['source'],250,2,0,0,$source[1]['size'][0],$source[1]['size'][1]); $num1 = 0; $num = 1; $tmp = 2; $tmpy = 2; //图片之间的间距 for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { imagecopy($target_img, $source[$i]['source'], $tmp, $tmpy, 0, 0, $source[$i]['size'][0], $source[$i]['size'][1]); $tmp = $tmp + $source[$i]['size'][0]; $tmp = $tmp + 5; if ($i == $num) { $tmpy = $tmpy + $source[$i]['size'][1]; $tmpy = $tmpy + 5; $tmp = 2; $num = $num + 3; } } Imagejpeg($target_img, 'pin.jpg'); ?> <img src="pin.jpg"></code>