Annotation symbols:
// Single-line annotation
Multi-line annotation
Use of quotation marks
' ' Single quotation marks, simple strings, taken directly without any processing;
" "Double quotation marks, PHP dynamic processing and then output, generally used Process $variables.
Boolean variables:
One is true, which is true;
The other is false, which is false.
Common variables:
string string (digits, Chinese characters, etc.)
integer integer (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, -1, -2, etc.)
double floating point number (decimal point)
array array
object object
The methods that can be used are gettype($mix) and settype($mix,$typename);
Commonly used symbol escapes:
" double quotes
\ backslash
n newline
r return to the beginning of the line
t horizontal tab
Arithmetic symbols:
+ addition operation - subtraction operation
* multiplication operation/division operation
% take the remainder ++ Increment by 1
-- Decrement by 1. Connect two strings
Assignment operation:
= Substitute the value on the right into the left
+= Add the value on the right to the left
-= Subtract the value on the right to the left
*= Multiply the value on the left by the value on the right
/= Divide the value on the left by the value on the right
.= Add the string on the right to the left
Bit operations:
& Bitwise AND
| Bitwise OR
^ Bitwise XOR (xor)
<< Shift 1 bit to the left
>> Shift 1 bit to the right
~ Complement
Logical operation:
< Less than> Greater than
<= Less than or equal to>= Greater than or equal to
!= is not equal to && and
|| or! Other operation symbols than
$ variable symbols
& aliases for variables
@ does not display error messages (added before functions)
-> methods or attributes of objects
=> ; Element value of array
?: Ternary operator
Commonly used basic methods:
1.PHP converts strings to uppercase and lowercase!
strtolower(); Convert characters to lowercase
strtoupper(); Convert characters to uppercase
2.PHP encrypted string
3. About quotation marks
1. Single quotation marks are as they are Output
2. Double quotation marks are for content interpretation and output
3. Anti-single quotation marks (small quotation marks) are used to execute a system command, such as `dir`.
4. "" is used for translation characters. , such as "n" is a newline.
4. Functions: htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities()
This function may be used to convert special characters into HTML string format (&....;). The message board for customer messages has been processed.
& (and) is converted to &
" (double quotation marks) is converted to "
< (less than) is converted to <
> (greater than) is converted to >
(space) is converted to
5. Batch output HTML content!
echo <<< EOT
HTML output content. . . //Comments here are still output!
print <<
(Note: Use "{variable}" for internally included variables)
6. Determine whether the file exists and output the content file_exists ()
b3a9b20755f8c1075031368df6e400427. Delete variables to release memory unset();
unset($var );
Detect whether the variable is a number;
Detect whether the variable is an integer;
Detect whether the variable is NULL ;
Detect whether the variable is a string
An alias of is_float()
Detect whether the variable is defined
Detect whether the variable is a Boolean type
15 .is_array
Detects whether the variable is an array
Detects whether the variable is an object
17.substr() function returns a part of the string.
substr (String, Start, SelectNum)
. The code is as follows:
echo substr('abcdef', 1); // bcdef
echo substr('abcdef', 1, 3); // bcd
echo substr ('abcdef', 0, 4); // abcd
echo substr('abcdef', 0, 8); // abcdef
echo substr('abcdef', -1, 1); // f
18 .nb2br() turns the escaped newline into html
. The code is as follows:
echo nl2br("foo isn'tn bar");